>Daily Show Senior Correspondent Hasan Minhaj declares journalists the new “minority” at the White House Correspondents Dinner
Daily Show Senior Correspondent Hasan Minhaj declares journalists the new “minority” at the White House...
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Is this accurate?
It must be hard to sit in a tux at the whitehouse making civilized conversation over foie gras. Gays being beaten to death will never understand that feel.
whaaa we're the new persecuted!
>over foie gras
they actually eat that shit at the white house?
Except the actual criticisms of journalists who work for the mainstream media are incredibly valid and if they don't change their ways, they're going to be decapitated and have their heads stuck on a pike.
He's right, there are barely any legitimate journalists left in the America
>we're journalists!
>but what about your massive biases, your unethical editing of interviews and you getting the news wrong
>we're just a comedy program, you're supposed to get news from other reliable sources!
Everytime. Maher does that shit too.
The dinner was such a circlejerk. Why can't the MSM just admit they have favoured points of view and admit they're biased?
Man I get it, free speech and all that.
But why give a platform to that bullshit? Why put a "comedian" who thinks your administration is full of racist nazis on the fucking podium?
>Why put a "comedian" who thinks your administration is full of racist nazis on the fucking podium?
Because Trump didn't humor them by showing up to their childish dinner and they're upset. If this administration is proving anything so far it's that all the things the media supposedly holds sacred don't really matter at all.
If you're talking about Trump, he didn't. He was the first president in ages to skip it because he knew all the bullshit they would spout at him knowing he couldn't say shit back without looking bad.
Don't forget part of why he ran was revenge against Obama for humiliating him at one of those dinners.
Based Trump exposing media bullshit and making them look like kids throwing their toys out of the cot
To be completely fair, Trump was pushing the birther thing pretty hard at the time. But Obama had never met Trump and spent like fifteen minutes digging into his personal life while he was sitting right there.
>mfw Milo said he was so awful he was just another muslim who "bombed horribly"
>Maher does that shit too.
Why bring up Maher in this context? He runs a talk show and as far as I know he never claimed to be a journalist.
I found this guy to be completely unfunny. how incompetent are these people? at least find a real comedian. you know you screwed up if can't even make trump jokes funny.
I have yet to hear a Trump joke that's actually funny. Can you tell me one?
He's orange lol
>basically spend all your free time insulting the president, both on camera and publicly on the internet, while giving credence to a baseless conspiracy theory that calls him a liar while undermining his patriotism and authenticity
>get mad because the president makes fun of you one night at what is essentially a comedy routine
Is Donald Trump the biggest pussy in American history?
donald DRUMPF lol!
Yeah, but at least he will actually BE President.
He probably just had an early tee time the next day. Also hes a think skinned pussy who can't handle bants.
When is he gonna start?
>Trump has maps printed out of the final electoral college count so he can hand them out to visitors and chide them to compliment him
It'd be funny if it wasn't kind of sad. Like the former high school athlete that uses every opportunity to remind someone he made for touchdowns in a game once.
He had a Comedy Central roast and got roasted at the Al Smith dinner during the election. The correspondents dinner is a retarded circlejerk and everybody knows it.
did Gorsuch just appear magically?
They know theyre a dying breed, and its all their own fault. The sad thing is a enjoy QUALITY journalism, which barely exists anymore.
Also the alternative to quality journalism is literally paid shilling. We live in a world thats more than large enough to produce top-quiality journalists, yet somehow all we get is retards pushing a product with no actual skill or art on display, who rise to the top because they are well connected or simply because they suck the most cock (both literally and metaphorically).
>had to literally stall over the last year of a presidency to get it
Can you imagine if someone steps down three months before the next election and the Democrats keep Trumps nominee from even getting a hearing? The asspain would be nuclear bomb levels.
More like the current nfl athlete reminding people he just won the Superbowl for his team
yeah but instead of being a former high school athlete he got elected into the most powerful position in the planet, so I can't really see the comparison that you have made.
>Can you imagine if someone steps down three months before the next election and the Democrats keep Trumps nominee from even getting a hearing?
That would imply Democrats gaining seats in the next election. That would imply the Senate Majority would not use the nuclear option again.
The Democrats got outplayed by based Mitch McConnell. I can't wait for Ginsburg and other fossil liberal judges to go so Trump can get a couple more justices on the SC.
>two years from now
So, about that wall you promised that never got built...
>Did I ever show you my electoral college win?
>pushes button, a 10 foot tall gold plated map of the 2016 election map rises from the ground, two scantily clad miss America contestants use their breasts to wax it
"Why doesn't it include the popular vote?"
Lol you sure showed them!
The wall is a stupid idea and Trump knows it. He is going to moonwalk out of that one and still win 2020.
We'll see. Not that I don't doubt the Republicans will just ignore what they did and bitch at the Democrats regardless. Kind of like bitching about deficits under Obama but when Trump suggested adding a couple extra trillion dollars to it they just go along with it because "tax cuts for the rich, it'll solve everything!"
Also what nuclear option? Republicans went through with it to get their guy on the Supreme Court. There is no nuclear option for the courts anymore.
They could do it again with another nominee.
>making fun of daddy problems
are those people self aware ?
absolutely pathetic
just call everyone hitler, nazi, white supremacist, confederate, etc. How butthurt can you be? And they all have to clap because he's brown
>trump gives us tremendous access but he says mean things wahhhhhhhh he's literally hitler now
Sad but possibly true. A large segment of the population will clearly swallow whatever bullshit is fed to them.
>no wall
>no travel ban
>no Obamacare repeal
>China is actually awesome now
>BTW I'm a globalist, let's bomb Syria
Meanwhile his base:
>Well, at least he's trying!...When he isn't golfing.
if trump can drastically reduce illegal immigration then the next democrat can do the opposite, so we need a wall to keep them honest
sec. kelly says people at the border want it so I think it will happen
Do what again? The filibuster is dead for Supreme Court nominees. All you need is a simple majority. There is no nuclear option anymore. About the only thing left you can filibuster is legislation.
Mara Lago is a golf resort and costs significantly less to travel to than Hawaii.
>All you need is a simple majority.
Implying the Democrats will win seats.
>le DRUMPF pouty face XD
>So far, Trump’s travel to his private Florida club has cost taxpayers an estimated $20 million in his first 80 days in the White House, putting the new president on a trajectory in his first year in office to surpass former President Barack Obama’s total travel expenses over eight years
Donald Trump: I'm really good at spending other people's money!
Thanks for proving the point
Thank fuck Trump did away with going to this bizzaro tradition
Nothing exemplified the "cozy washington club" more than this shit
>American president can't handle the bantz, skips out on Correspondence Dinner
Holy fuck, who voted for this thin-skinned faggot?
>implying he doesn't work while at Maro Lago
He brings two of his top advisors with him every time. He brings officials from other countries there.
muslims are known to bomb in crowded areas
>Why can't the MSM just admit they have favoured points of view and admit they're biased?
I think most people are biased against rapists and rape. It's a nearly universal stance.
At best that just means he's wasting our money for no reason.
Besides who says he's working? He's at a fucking golf club in Virginia as I type this.
Do democrats even find this funny? Are there any democrats in this thread who watched him tell "jokes" and thought it was funny?
>guy makes fun of you at dinner
>become President of the United States just to get back at him
Call it what you want but it's not a pussy move
What should he be doing? His budget was approved at the 11th hour.
Literally anything else.
His job would be a good start though.
His budget was approved at the 11th hour. What should he be doing?
Why are conservatards so humorless they put "jokes" in quotation marks?
>Literally anything else.
Holding court in a continental golf resort where he presumably is playing with representatives of local communities and international officials is not "nothing", sport.
>Holding court
lol you royalists need to fuck off back to buckingham
A shitload of money too. He's going to spend more on travel in just a few months than Obama did in his entire time in office
>Trump was pushing the birther thing pretty hard
>implying Shillary didn't come up with it (she did)
>implying it isn't true (it is)
I don't necessarily think he was born in Kenya but the birth certificate he took forever to trot out was faked. As to why? Who knows. Shady as fuck though, same as Trump's refusal to give over his tax returns. But just because he isn't giving them over doesn't mean he's a Russian puppet.
>>implying Shillary didn't come up with it (she did)
You got me there
it was boring, i wouldn't want to go either
A lot of nothing to basically say, "playing golf on taxpayers expense isn't nothing". I disagree. We have the White House for a reason. He could've let someone else be president if all he wanted to do was waste time on the links.
>just copy paste the same jokes at Trump's "roasting"
I'd be fine with jokes if they could come up with something other than "muh Russia" and "le tiny hands xd"
Also I don't remember anyone "roasting" Obama
Mar A Lago = Summerhall
Trump Tower NY = Tower of Joy
Prove me wrong.
>still pushing the birther meme
>still pushing the Hillary was a birther meme
Why does this country revel in ignorance?
I don't think the President traveling across the country and meeting with community leaders, international officials, etc, is as bad as you are saying.
>implying Obama was patriotic and authentic and not a liar
>implying Trump hasn't been called a liar and had his authenticity perpetually undermined since day zero
>implying this would have happened whether he talked shit about Obama or not
Spare me this holier than thou bullshit, it's politics. Obama wasn't crying into his pillow every night or anything, faggot.
This still makes me smile. Smug faggot and his "legacy" will forever be BTFO.
>since day zero
He's been called a racist since the 70's when he was denying homes to black people, so it's more like "Day -14000."
black people have bad credit?! wtf I hate black people now!
>user asks ignorantly
user, she was his primary opponent at the time, would you really put it past her to put it out there (true or not) to gain an edge?
There's a YT vid thoroughly debunking the birth certificate as well. It could easily be that the original was lost and not that he's a Kenyan, but it's definitely faked.
>implying that he was the only one or that he even did it when he was named in a class action suit along with many other real estate holders
user pls.
>Everyone was criminally racist!
Trumpkin logic. Did everyone else pay out like he did?
It was a class action settlement.
>Obama: Driving with one hand and not looking at road
>Trump: Driving with both and hand looking at road
Rly made me think
woah blacks are so le cool
Your source is "a YouTube video?"
>cartoon makes you feel sympathy for Trump
Really built my tower
>implying Trump hasn't been called a liar and had his authenticity perpetually undermined since day zero
He's been undermining himself you fucking goofball.
Literally the only thing he's done that made him look bad since he took up office was attack Syria, which ironically is the one thing the MSM and liberals praised him for.
Day of the guillotine when?
He attacked an abandoned airport while meeting the premier if China to show off his big American penis.
Technically the video is sourced from FOX News (yeah I know) but that's how I saw it.
Pretty convincing stuff.
Is she locked up yet?
>Literally the only thing he's done that made him look bad since he took up office
Oh wait, you're serious.
Those approval ratings though.
No, did you want him to lock her up? Back when he made that comment, liberals kept saying this sounded like what a dictator would say. So why aren't you thankful that Trump turned out to be a much bigger man than what you gave him credit for?
Now thats actually funny
This is what really bothers me about how the media has been reporting Trump's compromises. The way they are phrasing it, they almost seem upset that Trump isn't LITERALLY HITLER