Ok but why is it always some guy with a gun?

ok but why is it always some guy with a gun?

women don't get mad?
women don't have political opinions?
women don't have firearms?

these regular occurrences that make the news aren't women trying for the high score

and so evidently
men seem to be the problem

>fragile masculinty keeps snapping and breaking left and right

Other urls found in this thread:


women probably want to go on a shooting spree every time they have to do the dishes or not get fucked by Chad but they are weak as shit

what's your point?

men and women are different and have different tendencies you faget

men have more testosterone too but I guess you wouldn't know about that

Post tits bitch.

Have you ever seen a woman use a gun?

Wow are you fucking saying women can't be guys?

I literally can't even... omfg... wtf is wrong with you? It's 2016.

women would probably poison the city's water supply

>man is successful

>man is unsuccessful

Women aggression is executed in other ways than males.

They lie, they manipulate, they destroy lives indirectly and they steal influence and people affections.

They do their harm differently. As politics, the mass of whores don't care enough to manifest in an extreme way.

They just chase golden dick and beta wallets for living. That's their purpose in life.

>woman tries to go on shooting spree
>oh wait thats a lot of effort, ill just get preggers, sue the father, and live on government welfare instead
basically women are lazy whores

Women prefer poison and entrapment to weapons

Woman only care about themselves which is why the only major political movement they actively participate in is the cancer known as feminism.

Came here to post this

You can't have a shooting spree in the kitchen

Men are overt, which results in shootings. Women are subversive, which results in false rape accusations.

Our society is set up to cater to the needs of women. Why would they ever sperg out?

Women are cowards. They are first and foremost concerned with their own comfort and survival. They would much prefer to stay at home in safety while men do the hard work.

If masculinity is so fragile, then tell me when the last time you spent 16 hours unloading a industrial equipment from a truck, installing it, and calibrating it.

>being able to handle a gun

They'd shoot themselves in the foot trying to get the safety off

Women kill people with poison and drowning.

Women cant hide their stupidity or have some mental problems, so the madones usually get no gun-license, or they are afraid of guns.
No dealer will sell them illegally either, for the same reasons + they would rat out the seller.
They also dont have real views of anything, just support what their husband, or some other guy supports, or what is popular in Facebook.

What's going on In here?

In case you haven't realized women and mediocre cowards who can't even commit suicide right.

Women were responsible for "male violence" all along. Women secrete chemical signals that infiltrate the male brain and cause it to go into a suicidal rampage.

Billions of them are flooding the air, water, and soil with their pheromones. The male nervous system is affected. These pheromones heighten male aggression, increase impulsiveness, and incite violence.

They must be stopped.


Women lash out on everyone around them constantly.
Men let all of their anger boil up until the point where they explode.

Also women are terrible shots.

Testosterone is the poison. A gift and a curse.

Women typically kill in more indirect ways. Poison, sabotage, etc.

Gee I dunno, maybe because modern society idolizes and supports women while treating men the exact opposite way.

>women don't have political opinions?

Because we live in a rape culture and women know that they will be raped and beat up if they do anything that the patriarchy doesn't approve of.

Women don't devote themselves to causes their willing to die for.

You should know.

that actually happened in germany.
she killed her husband and child and then proceeded to go 1/18 at a hospital.

Women are too weak-willed to go on a rampage and their aim would be too bad to kill anyone anyway

>Women have ten times less testosterone as your average male
>Expecting the confidence, know-how and balls to put their own life at risk for their ideologies as a man.


Pretty much that.

has to reach back 6 years

meanwhile men throwing weaponized tantrums
and flipping their shit in all directions
on a daily basis.

Only if it were true. Rape culture only rapes society with lies.

It's political ideologic mind rape.

>men explode
>women lash out constantly
Yeah thats breaking bad 4 ya. Skylar just does petty bullshit and walter white/Heisenberg fucking murders people.

A shooting requires selfless sacrifice, of which women are incapable.

Women aren't willing to put their life on the line for an ideal or their views, probably because they mimic all of that shit from their dad and boyfriend just to fit in.

There was once a post, on Tumblr of all places, where someone lists all these violent murders, some shootings, too, in the U.S., in one year -- all with women attackers. The list was overwhelming, and it didn't even include incidents from previous years, or other countries.
I wish I have saved it. anyone got it?




Look it's either tits or GTFO.


This is what you're looking for

Ok but where is the lie?

How come it's never women building maintaining or improving society?
never smart
new creative
never funny

Never depandable


>women are cowards

More news at 6.

Asian women have the highest rate of a very specific type of sexual assault: penile amputations. Look it up m8.

In the case of white shooters it's because modern society despises both things they are. White and male.

Women are risk averse by their nature, they don't take risks because they value their lives and safety more than men do.

Feminism is pushing men to extremism. By not accepting masculinity, they have little other choice but to embrace what fear-mongering people have been calling "radical masculinity".

San Bernardino

Women are too afraid to do anything.
This makes them poor leaders.

they don't have testostérone
the biochemistry leading a male to identify the alpha (system, parents, politics, boss, wife, ...) and to overcome it

Gender is a social construct you bigot

there was that female professor that didn't get tenure and went active shooter

>men are so good at pattern recognition
>and problem solving that they
>make the case for chemical castration themselves.


>San Bernardino
>what are female suicide bombers

Walter didn't murder people out of anger though. He clearly didn't enjoy doing it, he did it because he felt he had to.

Every single one of his kills was rational and committed to preserve himself or someone close to him. Every single one.

Women have more to lose.

Also, women kill in sneaky ways like poisoning.
It's not usually super violent unless it's rage related

Yes, but testosterone isn't, sorry

Public shooters are strong?

I can't find one, but I can offer this.

Tantrums and war that defines the civilization you vaginal jews live off are hardly interchangeable terms

Go back to instagram and never use the image of kek again

wtf i love feminists now

Men are more violent than women on average. This is obvious statistical truth. Just like blacks are more violent than whites and asians on average.

The typical liberal female voter is doing more damage and mass death to the Western world than any number of pissed off beta-manlets and hajis ever could with a machine gun and a box truck.

They're more neurotic with their mass killing. Calculated bullshit going on you don't even get to see.

Come to think of it: It's pretty hypocritical of women to blame men for crime when it's single motherhood that causes crime to begin with. If they picked better dates we wouldn't have these figures.

Women don't have conviction to go out and do it knowing you will most likely die. Men are capable of killing impersonally, women aren't. This is why children are exponentially more likely to be murdered by their mother than their father

Looks like we have some womyn in this thread

Women are missing the violent dynamic of politics. They may understand other aspects of politics but they would never understand violence at the political level. The average level of politics for women is pseudo-feminism and why can't we all just get along platitudes. At most they get a Thatcher, Merkel or Clinton but they would never have an ISIS, Breivik, unabomber etc

Proof that men are horrible monsters.

A woman would never do something like this.

Men are the only who do shit, goor or bad.


My wife has a gun so do most of her friends. They all are proud ccw holders. Women are just built different and that's fine.

women challenging the alpha are mentally ill
that cognitive process is naturally created by testostérone, by men

The choice weapon of women is poison, be it of the mind or the body.

Look around and think for a moment and you'll see plenty of angsty bitches doing far more damage than a man with a gun ever could.

women are breeding stock, everything they do or think is created by men

Women are cowards. A shooting spree would take quite a lot of balls to embark on. Women don't have balls, literally or figuratively.

I don't understand the point of this post

Thailand would like to have a word with you.

Both Daesh-aligned terrorists and the western Fascist movement they are derived from (Daesh is de facto run by Baathists, and the Baath Party was explicitly modeled on the NSDAP) are antifeminist. This cuts down on their ability to recruit women, and skews the women they do recruit towards service roles rather than combat roles.

The fact that that women are underrepresented in our enemies front-line troops is as surprising as the fact that the racial makeup of the WWII Wehrmacht has fewer Juden in it than one would expect from the prewar population of Jews in Großedeutschland.

It's basically the mental equivalent of this.

Women generally don't willingly put themselves in dangerous situations. Their driving motivations AR security status and emotional affirmation. It's a lot like the suicide rates. Women attempt suicide when they are desperate and not getting enough attention. Men commit suicide when they feel like they have failed and become a burden to others. Different mentality when you see a female mass shooter she is always the acompless to a male shooter. She's just tagging along because he is her support system. When women shoot people generally they ambush them at home.

Women are more likely to poison their victims.

women are useless, incompetent and cannot plan ahead.

>Women attempt suicide when they are desperate and not getting enough attention. Men commit suicide when they feel like they have failed and become a burden to others.

As a female i will have to take advantage of the anonymity of this board and disagree with that. For some reason people on this board assume all women are spoiled teenagers.

nie zgadzasz sie bo co, bo ty jestes inna? Być może, ale 99% procent kobiet jest własnie takich

This. Or they aren't devoted to anything enough to die for it.

Women as a whole are less likely to be overly violent when they kill. It's a psychological thing.

Men shoot themselves in the head, women OD on pills. Men shoot their enemies with a gun, women drown their defenseless children in a bathtub.


women are useless and lack the drive to do anything important

Women are more the stab "you 37 times in your sleep and dispose of you in a vat of acid' types of killers.
Usually because they want to get away with it, not that men aren't the same, but some men just want their shit fucked up.


It does happen sometimes.

Amy Bishop.

The San Bernadino shootings.

> women don't have political opinions?

Generally, yeah. Women don't get as mad about politics as men. They are more conformist.

They're too busy drowning their kids in the bathtub, duh.

Polish femanon with dubs