ITT post the most boring movie you have ever seen

ITT post the most boring movie you have ever seen



chink shit in general. no reason for a movie to be more than 2 hours long especially when literally nothing happens in it.


damn you, are you a woman?

How many movies have you guys watched?

>memories of murder
this desu



Literally just some dude who kinda looks like Kurt Cobain walking about the woods for an hour and a half.

Any of the Fast and the Furious movies that aren't Tokyo Drift

the english patient

this, but i never say it in korean movies threads bc ppl go crazy about this movie


Fullmetal Jacket


My first western was for a few dollars more and it was pretty good. can't stand the others though

fucking musicals

jesus christ

normal movie:
>I'm tired
>I'm going to bed
>the next morning...

>I feel tired I'm sooo tired lalala
>tired tired tired tralala
>i feel tired oh so tired I'm so tired so much tired
>tired tired tired...

10 minutes later

>tired tired and I'm



this, so much.

Try Phantom of the Opera. It's baller as fuck and has mutants and flamethrower canes. And the people in it are literally preparing to perform a musical, so 90% of the songs are literally just... them preparing the musical and not singing about their buttholes or whatever.

>being this pleb



That's a fresh and exciting way to admit that you're mentally challenged.

Mob/mafia movies for me outside of a couple.

>breaking bad
lol no

I could care less about whether this girl got married or not.
