I just finished the first season of this masterpiece and wanted to start a thread to appreciate how well-researched this show is and how well it reflects the sad reality we live in.
To do that I want to share some of the references I caught. Feel free to join in.

Other urls found in this thread:

I've read the first 2 episodes of the 3rd season. AMA.

Season 2 was fantastic.

I just maranthoned the first episode of season 1
What did I think of it?

can you prove it?

This first reference I found to be obvious but couldn't find anything about it on the internet.

Main suspect is named Reginald Ledoux. A guy who kidnaps and provides children for an elite pedophile / satanist ring.

That sounds awfully similar to a guy in Belgium, who did pretty much the same with the name
>Marc Dutroux

sage until any reference is posted

Then there is the spiral symbol that is featured multiple times throughout the season.

>pic related

A symbol for a group of pedophiles that systematically abuses children.
Where have we seen that again...?

...must have been on this leaked FBI document, describing how pedophiles use these symbols to signal their preferences to each other without being noticed.

Then there is all the obvious satanic imagery that is all over the show. Interesting is this painting on a wall that shows the victim with antlers (pic related is a graffiti, couldn't find the original).
There is some other place that has this kind of imagery...

Here you go. This is a mural from Comet Ping Pong, the infamous pizza place that is connected to a scary amount of elites.


No interest at all? Is Sup Forums too bluepilled for True Detective?

Jut post the references. Are you expecting people to post "wow" after every reference?

No but people who watched the show could contribute something so that I don't feel like talking to myself.

The ending was a bit anticlimactic. Im hoping season 3 goes deeper to find inner circle instead of some retard manchild scapegoat.

Are you talking about the ending of season 1 or 2? I agree though, the ending was offputting. I thought they were gonna bust the ring leader but in the end it was just another retarded redneck.

I would presume 1, considering the ending of 2 is anything but anticlimatic.
Was there a reason why they tried to make the villain 'cultured' but still lived in a vile household?

I think he was partly cultured because he had a split personality, or at least he was showing symptoms of dissiociative identity disorder, like talking with different accents.

You lost the super-comfy threads after every episode, the rustposting, the retarded theories, the explosion of postings after the finale.
Truly great Sup Forums period

What a shame... I hate being late to the party.

Was it that prominent? I thought he was just putting on the accent for fun or something. Wasn't there a film/radio show on?

Also, apparently the creator if the show, Nic Pizzolatto, said this in an interview:

"“You know, you can Google “Satanism” “preschool” and “Louisiana” and you’ll be surprised at what you get. But instead of having our Satan worshippers worship Satan, they worship The Yellow King."

Here's what you find when you google.

Listen. This probably ain't the best time for this, but.. you gotta come to dinner.

Can't hold Maggie off no more. So. You just gotta.

I don't know, that's just how I perceived it. It would make sense since he's an obvious abuse victim.

>Comet Ping Pong, the infamous pizza place that is connected to a scary amount of elites.

IF by connected you mean it's a pizza place in Washington DC, where a lot of political elites live, and would order pizza from if they wanted pizza.

Go back to the_donald and take your tinfoil hat with you.


>being this retarded

Season 3 should involve the Tuttles again

Same. He saw the scene from North by Northwest on the tv and pretended to be fancy and polite like the characters from the movie. At least that's what I thought

But then it doesn't really make sense that he talks like a retarded kid when he's mowing the lawn but uses complex, lyrical language when he talks to Rust.

What song would you use for the opening credits of the third season?

This scene stood out so much. Truly brilliant.

Maybe Rust is hallucinating the voices. Maybe he was the King In Yellow

>This was one of the most intense scenes in tv history, I was literally on the edge of my seat. Can't wait until season 2.
All those comments below laughing, as if the set-pieces in season 2 weren't better.
Also - reminder the first time Marty ever killed someone was when he murdered the pedo in cold blood.

If you're in support of the Pizzagate theory, then you have no room to call other people retarded.

That's easy to say when you have literally no knowledge of elite pedophile rings. About half of pizzagate is bullshit and disinformation, but the underlying problem remains and is simply the reality. Did you think True Detective was mere fiction? Think again.


I made it through season 1 today. An effort was made but it was a slog.

>Did you think True Detective was mere fiction?
I choose to believe these things dont happen irl

>have no knowledge
What an odd claim to make about a stranger.

I never made such a statement regarding true detective solely being fiction. I never said elite pedo rings didn't exist. I referred to pizzagate specifically because it's horseshit.

A great series, but this moment really ruined it for me.

>it's horseshit
It's not completely though. A lot of it is made up nonsense, but the pedophile symbols are very real and I don't know if you have a grasp of how probability works but the chances of 5 instances of pedophile symbology connected to the same place is astronomically low.

shit like this is so painfully fake, jesus christ. how stupid could you possibly be to believe the world operates the same as a fucking bond film. kys.


>painfully fake
[citation needed]
You are just in denial mate.

uhh low leash adough cause

tell us about the main characters

loved this show, well season 1, but you can tell that pizzaman wrote himself into a corner. green ears will always be fucking bullshit. also this was never explained. and no, "muh psychosphere" doesn't count.

You type like someone who doesn't talk to people often. You're lack of charisma and evidence makes it difficult to support your claims at face value. I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm just saying you're presentation skills could use some fine tuning.

>also this was never explained.
Not everything has to be. That's why stories have layers.

Burden of proof, my man, I'll make fun of sperglords like you til the day I die, or until you actually provide proof of "leaked documents" outside of wikileaks you fucking amateur, and rest assured I will die long before your incompetent ass would reach anything resembling evidence of anything other than your overwhelming social unawareness and gullibility you fucking dork.

>astronomically low.

I'm not hearing "impossible". :3

That is a good point.

Wow that pic is really good. I agree that the green ears bit was fucking bullshit. I didn't even get how they solved that clue.

Yeah I can't really be bothered having this discussion again. Sorry mate. It's just too much of a hassle providing arguments, searching for and linking to all the original sources, and countering the countless strawman arguments every time, just to find your opponent at an impenetrable state of cognitive dissonance. People who are interested in the truth will eventually find it, one way or the other.

>leaked documents outside of wikileaks
>AKA whatever your source is I will dismiss it


layers my ass. this is clearly a dropped plot line. what i wanna know is why was it dropped

Oh another reference is the task force that almost took over the case. The same thing happened to the detectives that investigated the Dutroux case.

You have peaked my interest in this matter greatly. I appreciate your words.

Not him, but how old are you kid?

This isnt new. The catholic church has been abusing their power for centuries, when it comes to raping children. Especially here in Europe, where there are scandals every year.

Granted the entire "ritual murder" thing is a bit much, but Im sure there are "clubs" where these people interact with.

>That sounds awfully similar to
>>Marc Dutroux
It really doesn't.

Exactly. People don't get how effective a group of people is where each member has blackmailing material on the others. The more disgusting and terrifying the stuff is they have evidence of, the more guaranteed is your loyalty towards that group. It's the highest group coherence imaginable. This is why that had no problem infiltrating virtually every aspect of our lives and getting to the top of almost every relevant industry.

Its all building for season 3. At least it should be.

Yes it fucking does. How common are french names with the ending -doux in America? Not that common. How many of those people kidnap and abuse children, like Dutroux? Even less. You got to be retarded to not see the connection here.

I remember the "post yfw vortex" thread pinned to the front page for like 2 days after. Good thing I watched the ep before going on Sup Forums

Btw is the second season really as bad as they say? I kinda wanna watch it but don't wanna ruin the experience I got from the first season.

It's an odd, clunky, convoluted thing, but I wouldn't say it's bad at all. I, personally like it much better, even if I see its obvious flaws.

It's an extremely flawed piece of work that was almost good. It's not enough to just describe it as bad, because with more work it could have been really great.

The problem with S2 is that it's not the True Detective we could have expected after season 1. It's a better than average Vice-drama story on its own though.

It's better than season 1.

It's not a "leaked" document, it's intentionally publically available.

Those are pronounced le-doo and doo-troe (sounds like blow). Fucking retard, those types of names are incredibly common in Louisiana where s1 is set

>It's a someone watched a 3 year old show that all patricians watched years ago and now he thinks his taste is kino and wants to discuss the show and is surprised the thread isn't gaining momentum even if the 8 episodes have been examined and discussed on a microscopical level already thread

French here. We pronounce it "du-trew"

i almost stopped watching the first episode after 5 minutes because rust was too fedora

My favorite Sup Forums theory was the one about Marty's kids being the killer

Any movie suggestions for anons who liked TD?

Lmao, ya'll plebs unironically think that the show is about grumpy Rust being edgy?

1 hit wonder, season 2 is shit and if there is a season 3 it will be shit too because pizza is a hack.

Fucking fag.

Not as big of fag as people who discuss TD on a reddit-tier level of discussion.

its about the king in yellow, not lovecraft you dolt.

>thinks he's smarter than everyone else
>uses reddit as an insult

simply ebim

>that pic
Rust was completely asexual, that scene where he fucks Maggie was really forced and awkward

3/5 of coon asses in Louisiana have a last name ending in -oux.