What's your favourite Simpsons episode?
What's your favourite Simpsons episode?
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Chuck's Fucks & Sucks?
It's a general store retard. It's chucks feed and seed.
I'm pretty sure that this joke wasn't meant for the audience and was just something the writers/animators did for fun.
>you pinch we lynch
homer goes to college
the crimson-tide-parody.
>Mayday, mayday! The engine room has sprung a leak! It's filling up with a clear, non-alcoholic liquid!
>You mean water?
>Yeah, that's it.
>Will you stop calling me Mr Moe?
It was. Chuck Sneed was a freelancer who won a cameo as part of a contest, but Groening hated him so they did this instead
Burn's Heir
Homer's Enemy is easily top 10.
X-Files episode is perfect.
I've always wondered why Smithers was upset about that arrangement. He loves Burns more than life itself.
It's bringing love, don't let it get away
Release the hounds.
Would this episode even get made today?
It's a classic of course
Which episode is this?
Marge vs Singles, Seniors, Childless Couples and Teens and Gays
Oh, I meant the OP
I was just posting that .gif so people actually read the comment. I think it's from one of the later but still good seasons, I forget which though.
I haven't seen that one in years.
you only move twice.
best episode for sure
Zombie Simpsons episode.
Marge vs The Monorail
absolute kino
Lisa's pony. Or the junior campers one
What's that character a reference to?
The Itchy & Scratchy & Poochie Show
Is there any secondary character that comes close to Skinner?
Haha remember pokemon go??
Dr. Strangelove I think.
please willie, the children want to pick on someone their own size
>I spent the next three years in a POW camp, forced to subsist on a thin stew made of fish, vegetables, prawns, coconut milk, and four kinds of rice. I came close to madness trying to find it here in the States, but they just can't get the spices right!
Lionel Hutz, aka Miguel Sanchez, aka Dr. Nguyen Van Phuoc
what a relevant reference!
I am greatly disturbed by how often on television a story of violation/rape turns out to be false, either through lies or deleusions. Of course it happens in real life, but very rarely.
I hated this episode so much
Sideshow Bob Roberts.
>watching ZS
This was actually the first time in a long time that I have been proud of a television show for having courage. ALWAYS it is stressed on tv to NEVER doubt a female victims's account of an attack. Thank God a show had courage to face down the majority traditional mandate and show that it is possible for women to be wrong in those circumstances and that we shouldn't be so quick to judge those accused simply because a female claims an attack.
Were you even alive when this episode originally aired?
I was probably around 8/9 years old. Why?
It's terrifying that an overblown parody on false rape claims from the mid 90s is actually tamer than what happens to men who are falsely accused of rape nowadays
the idea of being buried alive probably rubbed the wrong way
Any of these or Homer vs. NYC, I can't decide.
Deep space homer
Cape Feare
just watched this yesterday. pure kino. darryl strawberry as a kissass is timeless.
False rape accusations are quite common. The accusations are just messy - rarely does a woman maliciously accuse a man out of nowhere. Though there are some infamous cases of students accusing lectures/teachers of sexual assault which has lead to an open door policy in a lot of universities. Incidences involving laws of consent, alcohol etc do happen.
No. Chuck's Feed & Seed
This just in! Homer Simpson sleeps in an oxygen tent he believes gives him sexual powers!
I thought I told you to shave those Sideburns!!!
>False rape accusations are quite common.
Every bit of objective, scientifically gathered, and reliable evidence about rape, sexual assault, and reporting patterns proves the exact opposite of such a very stupid comment as yours
They're common, they're just not often provably false and even when they are, prosecutors are extremely unlikely to press charges.
Most depressing is India. India has something like a 50% rate of provably false rape accusations. It's a common way of blackmailing someone into marrying you.
provide a source then tumblrina.
Homer the Great
That's a half truth!
Don't argue with me- just get rid of them!
>Hey! That's a half-truth!
Wondering which ones the truth, the oxygen tent or sexual power?
Homer's Triple Bypass
I read a report once about a police department which decided once to fully investigate every single rape allegation made over a time period, even after the person involved withdrew the allegations or decided against pursuing charges. Believe they found a pretty high percentage of them were provably false allegations.
Can't find the article about it now though.
Unreported rapes are far, far, far more frequent than false accusations
Unreported rapes are high but false accusations aren't a mythical unicorn like they're made out to be.
>you only move twice.
The joke per minute in Softball is fucking insane.
Roger Clemens, Wade Boggs, Ken Griffey, Jr., Steve Sax, Ozzie Smith, José Canseco, Don Mattingly, Darryl Strawberry and Mike Scioscia all get a funny introduction, middle and exit out of the episode.
They are rare enough to not be considered an issue or be used to cast aspersions on claims of women who have genuinely been abused or raped.
Ozzie still being stuck in the mystery spot was the best.
Marge: Homer, when are you going to give up this crazy sugar scheme?
Homer: Never, Marge. Never. I can't live the button-down life like you. I want it all: the terrifying lows, the dizzying highs, the creamy middles. Sure, I might offend a few of the bluenoses with my cocky stride and musky odors - oh, I'll never be the darling of the so-called "City Fathers" who cluck their tongues, stroke their beards, and talk about "What's to be done with this Homer Simpson?"
Fucking lol. I was just going to post this one. One of my favorite quotes of all time.
2-10% are provably false. That figure is inflated further when you take into account innocent people without clear obvious proof and cases where accusations are dropped before they can be investigated.
Homero la gardisto
>Of course it happens in real life, but very rarely
Not really rare at all. It's just that you usually hear the news about a rape paraded all over, and then quite some time later when it's revealed to be false, it's much less broadcast.
How do we know how many unreported rapes there are? Are they reported?
We can all agree Treehouse of Horror III is the best one, right?
The delivery of that monologue was perfect.
>it's pronounced nu-clear
I'd have a really tough time deciding between ToH III and V.
Pitt the Elder.
I was born in 94 so by the time I was old enough to watch Simpsons it was already shit. I spent most of my life thinking it sucked. I only started watching it from the start and it's actually fucking kino, but I'm wondering the best point I should stop. I don't want to keep watching it until it gets bad, I want to go out on a high note. I was thinking of watching up ot Season 8 since that's where everyone unanymously agreed it was still good, some people think it went on for a bit longer though.
born in 92 here, we watched simpsons reruns when i was 10 or 11, then my mom banned it when there was a part with a stripper (nothing was even shown obviously)
Born in 1982 here. Yes I'm ancient by Sup Forums standards but man was it awesome being old enough to experience The Simpsons golden age when it was current. There were so many TV and movie references I didn't understand until much later.
I've asked this question of Sup Forums and Sup Forums many times and the episode Behind the Laughter is the most common "stop watching here" response.
You didn't grow up watching the repeats of the golden era on TV?
I'd definitely go to season 9. There's too many good episodes you'd miss out on.
>The City of NY vs Homer Simpson
>The Cartridge Family
>Das Bus
>The Joy of Sect
>Dumbbell Indemnity
How has no one posted plus size Homer?
Alright Boggs, you asked for it!
Definitely the best quote in the whole god damn show. Is it a reference to something? I love that scene
>that british guy stealing his sugar for his tea
95 and the old Simpson episodes would air on TV because not in burgerstand, so didn't get new ones immediately. Show was alright. Honestly think it's overrated.