Stop invincible son
Stop invincible son
Halt, undestructable descendant
Cease, inpenetrable offspring
Tarry, unassailable progeny.
Daily reminder that Pa Kent is pleb filter. Clark LITERALLY explains why he gave his own life in the piece of dialogue
Forgetting a comma here is a big deal.
Immobilize yourself, my everliving kinsman.
Restrain yourself, impervious youngling.
Remain motionless, undying male fruit of my loin.
Abide, my invulnerable seed.
>MCUcks can't comprehend a fallible character making a flawed decision even when human fallibility is the central theme of the movie
embarrassing honestly
Cease, my strapping junior.
No, the SCENE is embarrassing and you are embarrassing for defending it.
It's a shit scene, it's a joke and it's bad filmmaking
freeze, orphaned descendant
Kek, this scene is on par with MARTHA, stop pretending to defend this shit
Fuck off bitch boy, I wanna die
Abstain, immortal scion.
>the only way to defend the poorly executed ham-handed themes in these terrible flicks is to call people who dislike them "MCUcks" and use the "u didn geddit" argument
Whew lad. I bet you thought all the christ imagery was subtle and poignant.
Both DC and Marvel sucks ass, all these capeshit movies are that: shit
Desist, immortal spawn.
Does anyone have the link to Mark Millar's review of MoS where he talks about Clark telling Jonathan that he's not his real father?
>n-no it's just bad and y-you're bad!
>There's more at stake here than just our lives Clark and the lives of those around us