What would Mike's ideal movie be?

What would Mike's ideal movie be?

From all his criticism, it sounds like he just wants to watch quippy, interracial gay porn with decent special effects.

Who cares what Mikes Ideal movie would be.

Jay is the one I am more interested in.

RLM doesn't want to enjoy movies. They want to hate movies.

It's obvious, isn't it? 90% of their content is whining about how bad movies are. It's incredibly rare that they'll go into any depth about a movie they enjoyed.

Mike's ideal movie will probably be The Last Jedi.

Jay's ideal movie is Evil Dead.

Jay's would be some cheesy 80's horror with middlebrow social themes.

If it has high critic and audience score on RT they will suck it's dick


Yeah he just raved about Ghostbusters and Civil War and Doctor Strange and Rogue One and Boyhood.

Ghostbusters and The Rocketeer

Do you faggots have some form of obsessive compulsive disorder where you need to see at least two RLM threads in the catalog at any given time?

Like, fuck.

Jay is ambivalent about everything that isn't torture porn

most of the pleasure derived from Sup Forums is the repetition and predictability. If you want an actual discussion or information you're in the wrong place.

Fuck RLM

Brilliant insight. Thanks for the bump.

but they're positive in almost every re:view and in at least half of the hitb

But this isn't accurate at all.

Why? Because they liked force awakens but didnt like rogue one?

The only films they openly hate are sandler flicks.

A movie of Jessi being fucked by Jay, obviously.

Mike's ideal movie is something that follows the Save The Cat! type formulaic shit they taught him at film school.

88% of neckbeards maybe

>it sounds like he just wants to watch quippy, interracial gay porn with decent special effects.
Don't project :^)

>What would Mike's ideal movie be?

The Force Awakens

Tremors X - the rapening

You're either completely retarded or in complete denial.

Evil Dead 2

Cant wait until the age of you tube celeb fame dies out and these losers are left crying in small claims courts across the country bc youtube cucked them on the rights.

>Can't wait until this "ray-dee-oh" fad is over and people get back in the fields and start pickin' peas!

sure thing grandpa

>internet media is a fad
Jesus Christ, how fucking old are you?

It was safe to shit on Rogue One after they sucked the dick of TFA. "Daisy carried the film with her charisma" lmao

Is it that you can't understand that two separate movies are different, or that you can't understand that different people have different opinions than you?
What exactly is the problem you(and people like you) are having?

The criticism is nonsense when you consider the "reasoning". Mike and Jay shit on Rogue One for being a bland film that relies on nostalgia for entertainment with unappealing characters yet praise TFA when it's the same thing. They even admit it's the same thing except that apparently Daisy makes it work through her sheer charisma, an actress with the same facial expression through the entire movie.

>Mike and Jay shit on Rogue One for being a bland film that relies on nostalgia for entertainment with unappealing characters yet praise TFA when it's the same thing.
But they didn't praise TFA for doing the same. You're mistaking YOUR opinion with theirs. They liked TFA because they actually liked the new characters. Their biggest problem with R1 is the lack of likable or interesting characters.

Unless its Tarantino.

Mike is the past. Jay is the future.

Is that the most unJUST in years?

No one will ever unJust like Robert Downey Jr.

Remember when Jay got triggered over Harley Quinn getting punched?

I don't want to live in his beta future.

Mike doesn't know shit about film.

>notorious murderer and criminal
>attacks batman with a knife
>batman shouldn't punch her because she has a vagina

>calmly saying it was an odd choice to have Batman punch Harley Quinn in that situation, then moving on with the discussion
You're really desperate for things to complain about, huh?

She was trying to stab him. How was that odd? Jay's too much of a white knight to let it slide.

If you say so. I can't think of a single instance of Jay acting like an SJW.

You just wait until Mike's teenage illegitimate son joins the cast in 2018.

Mike seems to appreciate extremely uncreative and bland movies with a traditional beginning, middle, and end much more than a movie with great scenes but has an ending that doesn't tie up the loose ends very well.

or verhoeven

>cleans himself up once the channel and show start gaining more popularity

at least jay is smart