What are some kinos about betrayal?
What are some kinos about betrayal?
Why would the wall be in the budget if Mexico is paying for it?
He says that although Mexico is *totally* going to pay for it eventually, the US will build the wall with its own money first, and then he will convince Mexico to retroactively pay the costs back to America after the wall is done.
But Mexico isn't paying for it.. Americans are
Trump's look is like that feeling when you run for president as a joke and accidentally win
Why not build a moat instead? Digging a hole and covering it with water would be cheaper than a wall.
>The Americlap thinks it won't be his own money going into the chain link fen- ahem wall
Based Trump the dealmaker
Saved the government from collapsing.
He'll overturn Obungocare next year while getting funding for the wall. He's too busy putting gooks in their place in North Korea and making America great agian.
Jokes on you, they let him into the cab of the truck. He honked the horn!
We're trying to keep wetbacks out not niggers
What are some movies about being stupid enough to listen to schiesters and politicians?
Can't wait until we get rid of that cuck Ryan and bring in real conservatives.
Gotta tip my hat to the liberals and RINOs(republicans in name only) in congress for keeping the swamp clogged.
I was horribly dissapointed when I saw the rio grande for the first time.
I expected some mighty river that was a triumph to conquer.
Its less impressive than the creek I used to hunt crawdads in for bait as a kid.
I didn't expect him to do much different than any president, and the different stuff I assumed would be fought to a point of not happening. I just didn't want Hillary and total unchecked DNC rule. You'd think liberals would be happy that Trump is as liberal as he is. It's weird to me that people fucking hate the guy when he's basically not ruining anything.
I honestly hope he is able to remove Obama care. Then when the midterms come up all the fucking idiot rednecks who put him in office will have died off from their preexisting conditions or be pissed off enough to vote in their own interests. Alot easier to give people healthcare than it is to take it away.
It's long not wide
>i'm not a politician guys, you can totally trust me
lmao americucks....... it's gonna be a long long 4 years
Honestly pedes don't give a shit about Obamacare or Planned Parenthood.
As long as he finds a way to build the wall and control immigration, he will be 100 percent better than Crooked Hillary.
The economy is doing good, stocks are higher than ever, jobs are coming back. Countries now both fear and respect us. No regrets.
Who is still a Trump supporter post-election? The meme is over lads
t. shareblue
>As long as he finds a way to build the wall
>when you're so pathetic all you can do is sit on the floor and cry and it actually works because the adult who's taking care of you would rather shut you up than piss off the people around you
Democrats actually think being whiny little children is a victory.
lmao back to /r/donald
Name one time a Mexican has paid for something
>have control of congress, the supreme court, the senate and the presidency
>better blame the democrats
It's become painfully clear he's just a another israeli/neocon puppet.