Hello, I'm Shelley Duvall

Hello, I'm Shelley Duvall.

Hello Mr Ed


She's cute. I don't care what anyone says.


any chance we can make this meme reality?

Aren't you dead?

I don't even know how to spell it!

no one is going to get that joke

She WAS cute. Now she's hideous.

No you aren't.

Where did it all go so wrong?

Ayy lmao

Kubrick bullied her on Shining. Also her career went downhill after that.

Shelly duvall, I'm CIA

shame she aged like cheese that was left outside for too long

Bitch is nearly 70 years old


>told the qt I work with that she looked like Shelley Duvall in the Shining
>she got offended
>tfw she already has a boyfriend anyways

>Shelley Duvall in the Shining
>in the Shining

nobody would ever take that as a compliment


>you look like Shelley Duvall
>"Who is Shelley Duvall?"
>the girl from the Shining
Nobody knows old movie actress names

>You'll never nut inside of the real olive oyl

I can't stands no more. ;_;

never tell a girl (if you like her) that she looks like someone because special snowflake


kill yourself


I'm gonna miss her when she dies

Cute as a button. Look like a dark haired version of my mom at that age. Looks like a dark haired version of my mom at her current age too.

I hear ya. I too, have a close personal relationship with her. Gonna miss her greatly when she's gone.

Does she have a modern equivalent? She's like a storybook character come to life.

>because special snowflake

I like the qt Italian look, but I haven't found anybody who looks enough like her.

I think he's trying to say that women are self centered individualists so they don't like being told they are similar to other women.

I'm in love with her

>tfw you don't live in a small Minnesota town with your qt3.14

Good lord.

Did Kubrick really ruin her?

Hello Shelly, I would have really liked to shove my fucksaber into your skinny little cunt back in the 1970's when you were young and hot but now you should really think about killing yourself before you reach your final form of that of a giant Slor!!!FACT!!!

I'm 39, so I got that joke, fuck you!!!FACT!!!

This picture made me cry



The world isn't fair pal, but those digits are