Cool villain being wasted in a female power fantasy.
Kylo Ren
With a heavy heart, I approve this thread.
>mommy and daddy didn't love me and I'm not the bestest jedi so I'm evil now
>also face like an aardvark
Kylo Ren is a faggot
>He has actual character and isn't just some unstoppable killing machine, that makes him shit!
Fuck off
why did they turn Kylo into a nu-male
>edgy teenager with daddy issues gets bodied by a noob on her first day of force powers
Kylo a shit. A SHIT!
He looks like shit and got puked by some girl who never held a lightsaber before after supposedly training for years
yes, those are all the things that make his character new and interesting
The true protagonist of the new trilogy and an awesome villain
>tfw I can't tell if that's a real photo
If he's going to be a protagonist and chewie doesn't strangle him, that makes chewie a cuck
do you want chewbacca to be a cuck?
chewie will attack him in mad rage and rey will kill chewie defending him
problem solved
>it's another Reylo thread episode
That's what happens when you sell your franchise to kikes and they put a woman with a blatant agenda in charge
I'd like to see that, however it seems too edgy to actually take place
Fan art approved by the Lucasfilm committee.
>implying he's not going to be the greatest redemption story in all of SW
capeshit fans are brutal
>the pouch between his legs look like an erection
How very subtle of you, Disney.
Le redemption Le retread of the original trilogy
He'd work better as a tragic character.
>He'd work better as a tragic character.
So an even greater retread of the original trilogy? You seem to be forgetting that Vader's redemption was also tragic in character