At least he's got an Oval Office to spill spaghetti in :^)
You mean the "allegations" that are true?
mfw trump cant even handle this scrawny little fucker
is trump a literal beta cuck?
You can figure it out. That's enough. We're done here.
Best president
So we're basically Sup Forums now?
How exactly did he? The interviewer literally asked the same question over and over again, what was he supposed to do? Fucking liberal idiots
the absolute fucking state of this excuse of a President.
Hilarious how even the dimwitted morons still back him. Gotta get value on those red caps lmao
this is a man who's used to getting things his own way since childbirth, he doesn't care about anyone or anything else. it's either what he wants and how he wants it or nothing. very hard person to deal with, even harder situation when he's the fucking president of a nation with millions of different opinions and wills.
can you reddit shits just tell us what happened?
I don't want to watch a got damn video
Trump gets sick of listening to Hillaries shill delegates and gets back to work
>I think that is a very big surveillance of our citizens
>he was nice to me with words
lel who talks like this
maybe he should have answered the question
Presdident Trump is an inspiration; not only to all Americans, but also to anyone who values truth, justice and strength.
Or maybe move on to another question.
He's the president. He doesn't have to answer questions.
wtf #imwithher now!
>i don't want to answer that question and i will tell you why
problem solved
Wheres your punchline? Or is your joke that you typed all that out with a straight face somehow?
Big inspiration to people with learning difficulties too.
Guys I voted for trump but I'm starting to see thanks to the leftists on Sup Forums that we were wrong and that Hilary would have been the best choice. I'm unironically saying this. Trump is not fit to be president. He doesn't know how thing work and he can't get anything passed. I'm done with politics. I'm out. I thought he would be a good leader but he's trash like all the rest.
Yay for drumpfie!
>I don't stand by anything
Lowkey I thought i accidentally clicked on Sup Forums when I saw the catalog until I read this post lmfao
no punchline, just truth, justice And The American Way. you'll understand when you're older
Not gonna lie, former Trump supporter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn.. But in all seriousness we can't let this man get the nuclear codes!
if not: why the fuck did you think he would be a good leader?
I can maybe understand people who voted for him to show "these liars the big finger"..
but he was always an idiot.
hang yourself
>CBS reporter is a badgering asshole about a petty comment Trump made about his beloved Obama and is too autistic to move on
This is Sup Forums-related how?
You're also using the spaghetti meme wrong newfag.
>but he was always an idiot.
he is one of the richest people in the world, how can he be an idiot
>news isn't Sup Forums related
Why does Sup Forums push this meme?
>how can the man in charge of a billion dollar company not be a good leader hes an idiot!
Hes such a manchild.
he inherited new york land which increased in value over his lifetime that allowed him to mortgage the properties to invest in other businesses?
like he isnt dumb but if you could have been born in a better situation to a better parent you'd clutching at straws
>petty comment
wow i didnt realise that repeatedly accusing someone of high treason, setting up a special commitee just to investigate said accusations, using your office as POTUS to further sling libel and promising to reveal 'secret evidence' that doesnt actually exist over the course of multiple weeks was just a petty comment!
or perhaps it was lockerroom talk?
>The American Way
this end all excuse. laughable
You don't have to be a leftist to dislike trump.
America got stuck with two retards in the last election, and the bigger retard won.
You can be dominant in one field and retarded in all the others. Put a chess player on a football field and he'll look stupid, put a football player in a chess field and he'll look stupid too.
Making money is very little like politics.
Will it take the full 4 years for everyone to realize this guy is retarded when it comes to politics? He thinks running a country is the same thing as shitposting on social media.
>go from having a million to a billionaire by accident
damn trump is really lucky desu, i mean think of all those people who have also become millionaires but lost it all, guess trump just got real lucky heh
If leftycuck redditors sperg out constantly about Sup Forums on Sup Forums, why do they post political threads like these?
Stop bullying Trump ;_________;
>Will it take a full 4 years
It's taken about 100 days. Even Sup Forums is shitting on him constantly now
>They actually think it matters who is president.
The CIA, FBI and NSA run this country. It doesn't matter who is in the White House.
>I don't have to stand by anything
>We should find out what's going on
Isn't he the president? Doesn't he have the power to start an investigation?