99% on RT

>99% on RT

Can (((they))) be more predictable.

Other urls found in this thread:


>caring about RT ratings
Can >YOU be more of a cuck

when did the blacks stop being cool?

>Make racebait movie
>Evil whitey
>Abused Blacks with heart of gold, resilience of warrior, tolerance of nun
>Wait for perfect reviews to roll in

What could go wrong? It's literally impossible for them to review it badly, come what may.

aliums glassing the planet when

Can niggers honestly not produce a single piece of art that isn't MUH RACE?
What a pitiful slew of people, tying their entire existence to their superficial shades of skin

It would be a good idea to get your foot in the door if you wanted to get in the film business

>People question existence of 'liberal media'
>Point them to RottenTomatoes reviews for politically charged movies

Works every time. Literally incapable of reviewing on anything other than ideology.

Dear White People has 100% too.

I don't blame them. Look at these ratings


How the filmmaker intended it:
>This slaver was so consumer by greed that he would kill a child to prevent his property from escaping
How the audience will view it:


haha niggers so deep so cinematic what a film give 'em an oscar everybody get up on your feet and clap right now, get up from your chair in front of your personal computer and clap at the monitor for "i am not you fucking nigger" movie film of the century everybody hell yeas how awesome

This was the movie that took down the imdb message boards.

>there will never be a movie where the slave traders were Portuguese Jews like they were in real life.

>implying any Jews profited off the transatlantic slave trade
>implying they were the ones who profited the most
delete this post right now, it's for your own good goyim


NO SHIT. why do you think marvel movies are rated so highly on RT?

Who are you quoting?

Whatcha sellin' there rabbi?

>mfw this is racist as shit but since the white guy is super baddy it's fine.

On a serious note:
What's the point of that image? That's like, what, 15 ships? Out of how many were used in total? It doesn't really show anything.

>run the slave trade
>later deflect the blame onto lesser white people

And we got away with it too, you stupid goyim.

Produce counter evidence then. It's that easy.

>here's 15 ships, they were owned by Jews, therefore Jews profited the most off of the slave trade
You can't be serious if you think this is enough to convince anyone.


Avi Shalom your Kippah is showing

I unironically go on Sup Forums and even I'm not as retarded as you are. Have you even bothered once to try and look for the source in the image you posted? Fucking retard, I'm literally asking you the simplest question imaginable on this and you got nothing to reply. It works to """merely pretend""" to be retarded if it's being regurgitated in infopic threads, but it doesn't work if you actually want to talk about this shit to people in real life and convince them the Jews have owned a fuckton of shit through the ages. Grow a fucking brain you maggot.

It's just a handful sure and these are just British ones, the Portuguese were owned almost entirely owned by Jews. It's also important to make the distinction between the owner and the captain of a ship. These Jewish owners owned multiple ships.
It doesn't disprove white involvement in the slave trade and no one's ever going to deny that, it just shows considering demographics of the countries Jews made up quite a lot of ship owners, that doesn't mean that most weren't still owned by whites. And it disproves the myth that Jews are history's "oppressed good guys"

well, they haven't exactly achieved a great deal. it's not like a historical drama with africans would be that interesting

>"Suki, is there water today?"
>"Yes Milawi, three drops of brown shit water each"
>"Great job dear wife. Any food?"
>"No, i tried to catch a cockroach earlier, but i missed him with my blunt stick"
>God damn Suki you bitch"

the end

See this is more like the reply I was hoping for, not some mouthbreathing autist shooting shit with the yidshit phrases he learned in jew school.

Is there any info on what the money was spent on? Like what companies did the money go to? Or are any of the family names of then owners of big companies today?

oy vey don't you know that Sup Forums is a racist neo nazi site ?, Google told me to never question images on the internet.
I'm also reporting you to the cyber police for harassment and hate speech

You forgot the part where he eats cow feces and rapes his infant daughter to cure his AIDS

how do they all keep getting aids?

this is what Mac from Sunny in Philadelphia would create if he was black lmao

Mel Gibson should make a Goodfellas type movie about slave-trading jews, like it's something to be proud about and how badass they were

>ever since i can remember I always wanted to sell goym

>spits opinions when he knows nothing about Baldwin

read a book or two you mong

>guy who has been dead for 30 years writing movies

no no it would be
>ever since i can remember I always wanted to sell negros by using the goyim as labor

Whiteys fault


Do I even want to know what this garbage could possibly be about?

So who here has actually seen this movie?

are there more solid numbers on this? I know it was about 1% of whites overall who owned slaves and around 40% of jews, but I really wished more precise figures

not him but you can find these easily in black radical groups readings because they dont have this exposed nerve about jewish suffering (although they also become needlessly antisemitic, hyperbolic and fictional, some claiming it was mostly jews. Those black israelites with ridiculous fictions are basically a off shoot from previous radicals' exposure of data)

I want every white male in this thread to explain to me how you're going to atone for your sins

hahahahaha whitey so evil him be killing them white children

>that spear chucking
literally Leni Riefenstahl

black worship in USA is basically "blacks are aryan ubermensch, heil nigrer"

I don't know about modern day companies because that's going to be hard to trace.
I did some Googling and found out that Moses Levy used the money to buy 100,000 acres in Florida for Jewish only settlement and his some became a senator for Florida. Funnily enough despite the fact he was a slave trader he wanted them to be emancipated.
Most other names just bring up black power websites though so that's all I got

>I know it was about 1% of whites overall who owned slaves and around 40% of jews

Why are white people so evil?


Then find statistics that show more.

>28 percent of free blacks owned slaves, which is a far higher percentage than that of free whites who owned slaves
i hate those fucking racist niggers

You realize that blacks can't be racist, right?

I have a question for Sup Forums:

Why are you racist?

This is more accurate then you think. While I was doing some research I found that the mortality rate for the slave traders was the same as that of the slaves because of the diseases on the ship.

Only according to liberal racists.

The first slave owner in America by legal definition was a black man

this is not a source. Jim Goad isn't even a historian.

Raping monkeys. The original ones, not the human looking ones.


ok, would you be comfortable with sources used and tainted by the likes of Farrakhan or so forth?


>being this defensive

I don't think they actually know why.

fuck off NIGGER

I love how it's hate-mongering for Farrakhan to say what jews/blacks say about whites

"cracker" (of the whip) a blood libel

Then explain.

explain what?

>why does it always about race?

Was it autism?

No, I prefer historians.

Explain why.

whatcha mean?

you mean jews.

i find that totally understandable. It's awful when a evil group set black people on your neck like they are your trained attack dogs

What do YOU mean?



They hate us white men.

Better we just play dead.

You do know how crazy we are.


Only not the Jews, we are using them to bring Jesus back.

>On the Caribbean island of Curacao, Dutch Jews may have accounted for the resale of at least 15,000 slaves landed by Dutch transatlantic traders, according to Seymour Drescher, a historian at the University of Pittsburgh. At one point, Jews controlled about 17 percent of the Caribbean trade in Dutch colonies, Drescher said.

What's wrong?

This thread is hilarious

Whining and getting outraged at something you haven't seen nor care at all, what went so wrong in your life that you spend your time doing this sort of thing?

I meant historians. I like my sources to be reliable, with references, bibliography and so on.

quite disproportional to the numbers of jews, and it was likely more considering Drescher is one of the people being activist jewish historians against Farrakhan

I just don't understand why Sup Forums is racist.

What do they really have to gain from it?

Funny how this thread isn't even about that film.

None of you have seen the movie, just angry because it's successful. Like Moonlight and 12 Years a Slave. Just hating cause you'll never stack paper to the ceiling and get bitches. Yall are bitchless.

>and it was likely more
Baseless assertion.
>quite disproportional to the numbers of jews
I agree, but it's not surprising. Jews were always merchants.

The truth sets you free

>Baseless assertion.
not really, a jewish historian defending jews. I'm sure we should believe islamic historians on the matters of blood libels and the holocaust

Meaning? That's a poor explanation.

The creator of this Super Power, just became the minority.

Should I?

a) Adjust
b) Suck several Jew & black cocks til I die
c) Defend my name
d) All of the above

It was a stupid question

>I'm sure we should believe islamic historians on the matters of blood libels and the holocaust
If there is evidence then yes, we should.

I was just asking why Sup Forums was racist.

Protip: vast majority of people are racist. This is not some cool edgy thing kids on Sup Forums do. It's global, and it's natural. Most white people dislike blacks, and most blacks dislike whites. Asians hate everybody, including other asians. The only reason it seems to be more prominent on Sup Forums is because of anonymity


Okay, that still doesn't explain why, though.

the standards of what is evidence to muslim historians is far worse than even the most ill intentioned jewish historians, so no we shouldn't otherwise we'd consider every story about jews poisoning wells as true.

I literally explained why, are you slow?

>I literally explained why
No, you didn't.