Watch her movie or she will fucking kill you
Watch her movie or she will fucking kill you
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she looks like kim kardashian
does she have a kim kardashian butt?
Before or after sitting on my face?
Gadot is probably one of the most absurd casting decisions I've ever seen.
Hateful, rat-faced kike.
How? By wrapping her noodle arms around me multiple times like Mr Fantastic and squeezing?
Nah she only kills unarmed Palestinian children
goddamn i wanna gas that face
But I am gonna see it though.
>watch snyder shit
No thanks.
Is this Alien Covenant?
Kill me with what? If she actually tried hitting me, she'd probably break a limb.
i'm protected niggah
You're telling me.
left: hungry skeleton
right: THICC
She's a big gal
Some feminist woman is directing it.
Not at all. Zack is just a fucking manlet.
>he doesn't know that Snyder is ghost-directing
It's the most Snyderflick of the DCEU
thanks spinal.
ward the gorgoth gaddot away plz.
When Gaza is ashes, we'll have her permission to die
For jews.
What the fuck how?? I can't believe what I'm reading.. What a mess, just cancel the whole brand
>mfw Zack the hack is afraid to break her
suckerpunch 2?
i could sneeze on that skinny bitch and break her in half
Are you sure about that user?
>score of white men doing all the work while two women have a chat before taking all the credit
Feminism: the picture
She too busy killing Palestinian kids.
Lara Cropped
Are you telling me the director and the actors don't do the heavy work on set? whoa
Maybe she's the first woman without butt
the entire DCEU
Don't be mean, when she was young she had to have a butt-ectomy for medical reasons.
Same shit
what a shame
who's bottom middle?
Wonder woman
more like
twig woman
I want her to kill me by suffocating me with her beautiful Jewish pits
Amber Heard
Can she carry Zack? He's a manlet, shouldn't be difficult
>can't make her retarded semitic accent go away
>make the other actresses playing Amazonians have the same retarded accent for "consistency"
same tactics that worked soooooooo well for fembusters
keep at dc shills
and see your empire keep crumbing down
The girl playing Wonder Loli is more intelligible than her
>>can't make her retarded semitic accent go away
>>make the other actresses playing Amazonians have the same retarded accent for "consistency"
Why wouldn't they have accent?
>Intentionally leaves out Karen
>Will argue she was hardly in the movie enough to even warrant consideration
>Begrudgingly have to agree
Why would they speak english with an accent among themselves?
I love her, I would definitely racemix with her 100%
Is Zach gay?
What are the chances this is in the movie?
lol rekt
>being an anti semite
I unironically want her to kill me BY sitting on my face
>Why would they speak english with an accent among themselves?
Because it's their primary language?
I mean, he is married to a woman, but that doesn't mean shit. Personally I could see him casting big guys he wants to ruin his manlet boipussy.
No, they are trying their hardest to make Steve "not effeminate"
Gaza must burn
Why is english their primary language if they have been secluded for at least 3,000 years and live somewhere in the mediterranean sea?
>look at all the white males
wheres my all female cast and crew?
Man, Snyder went full Bryan Singer on his casting choices. I guess its kind of different. I bet Zack is a bottom given all those big husbandos.
do jews not see the hypocrisy of eradicating Palestinian state?
Bryan Singer casts hotter women than that, in general
Is this the dawn of flatkino?
how is she hateful?
What a terrible choice for WW
Palestinians are literally terrorists
And he's gay, so Zach has no excuse.
>I bet Zack is a bottom given all those big husbandos
Well that and his being a fucking midget compared to all of them. His dick couldn't reach their assholes if he tried.
she is full of hatred for those israel doesn't like
>Palestinians are literally terrorists
Americans are literally terrorists to those who oppose them.
not like jews are any better
This is a shot Cavill put out this morning.
Think Zack has asked for a mustache ride yet?
>not having a REAL woman play wonder woman
to be fair jeans don't work for a lot of people she's still a skelly
tfw cant tell which ones are real and which ones arent
Damn, Gadot's ass looks like THAT?
>let's make Gal Gadot twerk for our ad
that guy was probably fired
>coworker constantly says how great WW movie will be and Gal Gadot is so amazing
>never pronounces her name right
If you look real close it's possible. Hard but possible with experience
Snyder is NO DOUBT a closet faggot. His movies are filled to the brim with machismo homoeroticism and not in a funny ironic 80's way!!!FACT!!!
And he is a fag
What did they mean by this?
anyone who says gal isnt a super qt is just memeing
I feel absolutely ZERO hype for this movie. It's not buzzing the way GOTG 2 is. Wonder Jew will crash and burn, HARD!!!FACT!!!
or has functional vision
she might be a terrible actress but how can anyone deny that smile
is this real?
>or she will fucking kill you
i'm not Palestinian though.
this one is fake
the real photo has that "bicep muscle on top of a bicep" like from the popeye cartoons
"Palestine" isn't a real place
>wonder woman is a sand nigger kike