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Congratulations, OP.
You just proved that feminist/tumblr/sjws are irrational.
What are you going to do with your life now?
Why is Henry Cavill so fucking sexy? no homo.
He's going to change the world, you're watching the seed of revolution my friend.
it looks like paul rudd had a curls and abs only routine, wtf?
If Hollywood isn't sexist then why would they make a leading man pose like this?
>change the world
Is he going to prove it's round?
shut up!
leave my husbando alone!
he looks big and manly
not just ripped and skinny like a faggot (thor), but has a thicc manly physique that looks strong
not fat, but just solid and powerful
actually lold
Your husbando is of poor quality
>Feminist, "it's male power fantasy. Harley is male sexual fantasy."
That's a good way to describe it, Cavill-mode is my goal.
how did he get such good pecs? I only got called out by friends for having boobies
my dick
>ywn lick the sweat off his glistening body
Reminder that women love guys with a body like Schwarzenegger.
how bad do you want to suck his cock faggot
Do feminists know what a female power fantasy is? It's not Wonder Woman or someone else who beats things up.
>homo threads are possibly the most enjoyable threads on Sup Forums
Literally how do you explain that
I don't think I've seen someone complain about Harley Quinn being objectified and SINGLE time.
Because he is.
Not even homo I'm just here to mire them.
Check those dubs
Not sure if I can get behind the mustache.
God damn it Henry why are you so fucking perfect
Balding men aren't sexy.
men with the best hair at a younger age bald the earlier. therefor thick hair until old age = subpar hair at all ages
Objectifying a man and objectifying a woman is not the same.
Ok, user.
t. virgin sjw cuck
>feet are funneh XD
What do women mean by this?
bald => high test
>ITT OP feels bad because he will never be fit or even remotely attractive to a woman.
You should start having sex with men with abs so you can live vicariously through them.
The difference is strong men aren't (in most cases) shown for the sexual gratification of women viewers, they're shown because it is a power fantasy for the male viewers. They want to be like that. When a half-naked woman is shown in a film she is there so guys can jerk off to her. Everything is done for the benefit of the male audience while women's wants are often ignored.
not true
I have a female friend who told me that she gets turned on by watching 300
seeing those muscular men butcher Persians made her wet
Chris Evans is a gift from God.
Your anecdotal evidence is irrelevant, evidently this is something that a lot of women take issue with as it has become a major point of discussion in film.
>gutter slut and biker dude
>dude women aren't attracted to men, they're attracted to their money and status
>it's not the same thing
t. feminism
>An obese truck driver bumps into him thinking he's stronger than this beast
>Superman isn't confrontational so he exit the bar and destroys the driver's truck like a whiny brat
What is wrong with Snyder
okey then, mr smartypants
how do we cater to female sexual desires?
Stop catering to sexual desires in film altogether, it's horribly obnoxious and totally unnecessary in an age where you have unlimited free access to porn. I don't want to sit through an awkward 10 minute shot of people having sex in a movie where it is completely irrelevant to the plot of the film, if I want to knock one out I can go watch porn.
>The difference is strong men aren't (in most cases) shown for the sexual gratification of women viewers, they're shown because it is a power fantasy for the male viewers.
just like female romance novel covers are designed to attract male readers, right user?
Men are to be burnt at the cross, along with God.
Long live the new GODS!
this is why being gay is the ultimate redpill
Henry cavill was the fittest of everyone you just posted
No homo tho
>all these bitch ass forearms
How does one get forearms gains
>I am an expert on what women like
What many women like is fit handsome men. This is why Chippendale's, Thunder From Down Under, calenders full of firemen and policemen and contruction workers, and the covers of sappy romance novels exist. You seem to be projecting your own views onto those women and assuming that all women are the shrieking teens adoring girly boys like Justin Beiber and drooling over yaoi mangas.
Fun fact: the woman who reached out and groped Chris' tit in this scene did it because she couldn't stop herself, she was overcome by how hunky and sexy he is.
kek... neckbeards cried about the Joker being too young, buff, and shirtless. In between the NOT MUHs they cried Warner Brothers catered towards teen girls.
Eating not too much carbohydrates and sugar, be between skelly and thick, so average, you must not do sport, everyone will fuck you.
Train at least 4 times a day (+ at least 2 times Cardio), eat right, be facial attractive, have a high paying job, be over 6', have a huge dick and then just be thankful that women don't spit on you and just ignore you, because there is always someone who is bigger, has a bigger dick and a larger bank account, enjoy dying alone fgt.
You don't, forearm size is genetic. Ofc you can build strength and muscle (how do you think these guys got so ripped without grip strength for all those deadlifts), but the size is genetic. It won't 'bulge out' no matter how many farmer walks or whatever meme exercise you do.
No this is something a vocal minority of insecure women take issue with and media doesn't feel comfortable telling these people to fuck off because their reasoning sounds good on paper.
You know the actual blowback to the Harley Quinn design? They released it as a costume and it raked in disgusting amounts of profit in the US/UK being the top costume sold for Halloween by a ridiculous margin.
Men and women respond better and show more interest in attractive characters. In fact women have proven more often to enjoy the sight of attractive women just as much as men.
Women like to be sexy and normal women have no problem with other women considered to be sexy.
I'm convinced the only femenists that complain about that shit are the gender-neutral-fluid queer faggots that don't even know what the fuck they are
>tfw have reverse-popeye arms
Unless they are non-white.
Now that's just smart science.
Apparently his co-star groped him upon first seeing him shirtless and they just left it in the film.
Completely agree. I hate that I was married before realizing this.
Oh well, only about 30-40 more years to go before I die of a heart attack due to never expressing emotions
Men are "sexualized" to display power and strength
Or you know you just hop off the angsty virgin echo chamber, take a shower or two, get a haircut and some non semen-stained clothing and go out and talk to one of the female species. Chances are you can eventually find one willing to tolerate you and will fuck you.
This is true, she just couldn't resist.
Racist here.
Why couldn't Terry Crews be a huge mega star?
Oh that is right, too much charisma, too black.
Picture Terry Crews in The Man of Steel.
Better, right?
Checked & kek'd
this is now a who's cock would you succ thread.
my vote is for supermans.
you're avoiding the question
you said that hot men did not appeal to women, and I asked you "then what does appeal to women?" and now you just avoid it all together
either women are not sexual creatures (which they are)
or you're full of shit
women thought superman was hot, end of story
because all the anger and bitterness Sup Forums posters have is repressed homo rage. homo threads are the comfiest here.
Honestly, everybody, from fat guys to skinny guys to manlets, everybody has sex. Just fuck your coworkers if nothing else. You retards act like every girl is the head cheerleader.
>Balding men aren't sexy.
pretty much. brace yourself for the neckbeard complaints crew.
Reminder that Cavill is uncut
because homos don't have to fight the vaginal jew every day
they are at peace
>you will never massage and cup those titties and nurse them and use them as beefy pillows
user lets be honest this is chris fucking evans, no woman, man, child, or animal can resist his beautiful mantits. seriously tell me you dont want to suck on those little beauties.
Because they don't have a history being deleted rather quickly so you can take you time and casually browse the pictures without feeling a need to rush because you might miss something.
Because people don't take it as a chance to post kids who at best have been on one reality show but swear they are perfect for every role or that they're more attractive than any adult women.
Because no one spams pictures of their obscure or not so obscure waifu declaring she's the absolute pinnacle of beauty and then engaging in unending arguments with anyone who dares disagree.
that physique is too rude. Wish I looked like that
hammer curls
>t. neckbeard redditor
If he could lactate I'd always want a drink.
>Everything is done for the benefit of the male audience
dont care he could have saggy balls too would totally ravange his nutsack if he gave me the chance ;_;
Tbh my dick liked the one one the left.
Why are DChads so superior?
MOAR! they such qt.3.14's