Guardians of the Galaxy > Nu Star Wars
pure theatre
I never watched the films, I had this image that they're going to suck.
After I saw films I realized Sup Forums is just full frustated virgins
You just summed up both halves of Sup Forums in one post.
if you liked gotg you're either a child or a pleb. That's fine though, no need to be insecure and insult people with taste.
What greenscreen do I need to buy to make my CGI that fucking good?
>le i am le groot meem so funny! XD
literally re ddit: the movie
lmao no
They always ruin what should be a hard hitting moment with a mindless quip, like a child that cant be serious unless there is a punchline, like an emotionally immature couple who can't get intimate and always break it off with a "joke"
It's terrible
so nerdy love it xd
i-im groot you guys bazinga
To me the problem with marvel is that they're painfully average. They're not bad but I've seen 5 "Okay" films now in a row and it's so unsatisfying
The problem with GOTG in particular is that almost every single gag, character and plot development has been done somewhere else, and done better.
I would dismiss it as enjoyable but extremely derivative sci-fi schlock, but for some reason people insist on treating it it's hugely original and groundbreaking, which is ludicrous.
>They always ruin what should be a hard hitting moment with a mindless quip
What potentially "hard hitting moments" were in GotG
How about the literal climax of the movie, where when the villain fucking killed a bunch of characters we knew and was about to destroy the entire planet?
Would it have been too much to ask to have Marvel pretend treat it like there were actual stakes?
Take the first one for example "family reunion"
And the last one with Drax saying wasp is pretty.... o wait inside xD amirite
Sounds like we've seen too much media user.
Nothing is truly original anymore.
Besides it's better than tfa r1 and tlj so who cares.
Tv just likes to bag it
Still better than Meme Wars death star shit.
it's full of people who recognize shit when they see it followed by making fun of said shit cause they have nothing else in life
kill yourself
>like an emotionally immature couple who can't get intimate and always break it off with a "joke"
literally me
Agreed. I think Marvel is playing it so safe it's sickening. The whole "Not taking yourself seriously" is not risky or cool, it's safe and boring. I much prefer the movies that really go for it and fall flat on their face before things like this. I'll always appreciate X-men as a capeshit franchise for this very reason in particular. They manage to hit the perfect mix of serious and quips imo (apart from Logan which took itself very seriously but yeah)
This is what happens when you have a conservative as the main character in a superhero flick. reddit-tier memes
>Marvel shit
>hard hitting moments