Seriously though this was the most entertaining tv performance of the year so far
Seriously though this was the most entertaining tv performance of the year so far
Jermaine was great as always, but yeah, I really did enjoy Aubrey in Legion.
I had no idea she could actually act. I had kinda written her off as mumblecore.
her style is kino
Great feet also.
redeemed herself for all the shit she's done in the past few years
She wasn't acting, as usual, just being herself.
Coal burning whore!
The silent movie bit was done really well
>watch first episodes
>"weird, I remembered Aurey being much sexier, guess I was wrong"
>episode six
>muh dick
i loved every moment of that show.
that armpit hair though
She is a half blood (latino ) right she strike me as one.
Why don't you guys just write the name of the show in your first post?
does she show up in every episode?
other than that, is it a good show?
Yes and yes
post more webms I can't afford a tv set
nice digits
would an april-fag appreciate this?
She loves the beetle juice movie so you know she hammed it up
she's essentially playing a man, inside of a woman, who also happens to be a parasite.
Farouk the shadow king is exact opposite of april.
April is a hard shell with yummy goodness on inside.