Prometheus was smart. What a lot of people saw as jarring -- scientists acting on knowledge that hasn't been blabbered in some lame handhold line "analysis says the air is safe to breathe" as well as their religiosity and so on didn't bother me at all. The idea of the created robot or biological species being more powerful or crafty than the creators and all the different layers in these various relationships had me very intellectually engaged, moreso than any other scifi movie. Of course it didn't tickle or enrage the Alien fan inside of me, because I never even saw it until after Prometheus. And Alien disappointed me for not being intellectual like that. It was almost just any other horror flick with cool art directing that wasn't even as cool as Prometheus.
Prometheus was smart...
Other urls found in this thread:
It was not smart. It was a good script that got rewritten by a hack to make things more "mysterious".
Scott fucking BTFO'D James Cameron's childish interpretation.
Covenant is clearly the seminal return to form of horror-scifi.
Reddit-posters please don't come here with contrarian bullshit.
Meh. 6/10. Became pretty obvious when you started mentioning alien. Try to sound a little dumber, perhaps lower your grammar etc.
That'll make you seem more like a real Prometheus fanboy.
One of the most underrated movies of all time, a sci-fi masterpiece in every single way and not given enough credit due its expectations as an Alien film and its somewhat fuzzy story that needs more movies to be explained. It's that rare occasion where Lindelof got held on a leash by Ridley and his co-writer and this movie just outright thrives on it. It still looks beautiful from a technical standpoint half a decade later, with so many small details and a come to life alien world that gives it this strange charm, strengthened by the beautiful homage to Giger.
It has some pacing problems (which are somewhat amplified by the Workprint Edition) and needless sub-plots that lessen the strength of the thematic message, muddying it more than it should have been, and time could have been spend to better flesh out the stronger parts of this movie. The individual character motives are almost absent, but this is beautifully rounded out with strong Christian symbolism and playing on our most banal human instincts.
It saddens me to know that this movie will never see a proper followup due to the complaints of this not being Alien enough, when I would argue that this is a fantastic movie because it doesn't try to follow that same formula.
Right after you when you watch Alien Covenant and realize that the Alien influence is what's going to make this movie worse.
Not bait. Prometheus is the first example of a breakthrough in the "thinking man's sci-fi" genre since eXistenZ in 1999. It shouldn't be a surprise that a few years of retrospect have shed some light on this film for fellow intelligent cine buffs.
What this guy says, Prometheus was the first step into moving sci-fi into a more mature direction and fully using this genre's capabilities using the best director to do it. All the Alien fanboys who just want to see a stuck-in-a-spaceship flick with aliens just didn't understand this movie's Christian symbolism and mature themes that were stacked into these characters that required little depth besides that if you understand the underlying themes.
The biggest crime is not the movie, it's the fanboy idiots who hacked it down and ended what could've been the best sci-fi trilogy so far.
>Reddit-posters please don't come here with contrary opinions
How do we know they're a reddit-poster?
>Because they had a contrary opinion.
Quite succinct.
This thread does not need more posts than this.
>defending the shitheap that was Prometheus
Kill yourself any time.
>I never even saw [Alien] until after Prometheus
You're probably like 19 or 20. That's why you don't think Prometheus is abject trash. Give it a few years and rewatch it without nostalgia goggles, it's really stupid and a waste of great cinematography.
What the fuck was his problem?
Agreed OP, Scott is usually intellectually tame, but Prometheus was better than his usual films.
What's the difference between Workprint and theatrical, I only saw theatrical I think.
>people constantly get mad and bitch that the crew take off their helmets
>nothing ever even happened as a result of them doing this
shut up kid
engineers should've been a complete new species and not space jockeys
Workprint adds a lot of shit that was originally cut, it's a fan-edit but it's a good one.
Agent 9 edit cuts out all the goofy stuff, might be a good watch too.
I think the Engineers were the greatest character design ever. I cannot take my eyes off them, they appear so godlike even though they are bald and maybe a bit goofy looking.
The movie is KINO AS FUCK
Alien 5: Retards in Space
What a fucking waste of time. And Scott only ever made 3 good movies (Alien, Blade Runner, Thelma and Louise) so those were probably good by accident.
>scientists acting on knowledge that hasn't been blabbered in some lame handhold line "analysis says the air is safe to breathe"
That's not the issue, dumbass. It's the contamination of a pristine site by Terran microbes. It's the same reason we decontaminate extraterrestrial probes and Mars rovers. Scientists don't wantonly contaminate sites.
They also observe quarantine protocols on retards that expose themselves to alien environments. There's no way in hell anyone who did should ever make it past as airlock. It's just so incredibly dumb. In fact, it's every bit as dumb as forgetting to run perpendicular to the direction the relatively thin rolling ship is traveling in.
The expedition isn't funded or regulated by the government. They make their own rules.
>implying that logan marshall-green would have gotten poisoned with the drink if he had his helmet on at that time
those are some comfy looking robes
I recommend watching Gladiator, you can put it with his other great movies
>they make their own rules
Yeah. As scientific experts. If you're going to make a case, go with "Weyland purposefully hired incompetent douchebags because he wanted them to infect themselves."
Trust me - it's the best you have.
I'll have to look for it then, was there no official release like a directors cut?
jesus fucking christ, Sup Forums.
It's better than Prometheus but I'd hardly call it 'great'.
these cucks cant help themselves
No, the girl and discount Tom Hardy only cared about finding those Engineers. They didn't care about other science. The biologist should have reprimanded them.
scientists are often very good at the specific niche that they work in. extreme specialization is a side effect of working at the frontiers of very advanced scientific fields. it's not that weird that outside of those fields of expertise, they are not brave, organized or particularly competent people. it's not that weird that they make stupid decisions given that they're in a totally non-hierarchical social environment on an alien planet
one wonders why they are shitting out such movies or why incompetent writers survive (nepotism aside).
Is because people are shaped into being brainless consumers.
No wait, is worse. being a "fan" is so important that now people we perform mental gymnastic to defend a shitshow. What a perfect bunch are we..
>One of the most underrated movies of all time
You don't see people fail in other disciplines, but i theirs. Shut up. Just shut the fuck up.
Can someone explain to me the dislike of Prometheus? I've only heard that some people didn't like it but not exactly what they had problems with.
>Implying scientist are competent in life.
Most people make stupid choices.
>shut up kid
>Kill yourself any time.
>jesus fucking christ, Sup Forums.
>these cucks cant help themselves
> Shut up. Just shut the fuck up.
seems like some pretty solid reasoning, right?
They weren't even competent in their work.
By the way I just came to Sup Forums after finishing Alien and I'm about to start Aliens so this thread had fantastic timing.
It's mostly nerd complaints about minor details, which would be excusable if they could also criticize the larger themes they had a problem with. It's like criticism has been relegated to cinemasins tracking all the superficial flaws in movies, without noticing larger thematic issues.
I was disappointed when I saw it the first time. And a lot of things still suck. But I really like the exploration attitude. Finding the star maps, and looking for the Engineers.
Prometheus is a prime example of an "idiot plot". The characters aren't dumb teenagers in a horror movie, they're supposed to be trained professionals. They're constantly making bad decisions because the writer was too stupid to figure out any other way to add conflict.
How come the black too turns you into a jerk?
No, they weren't. But they found the star maps, and apparently had Weyland's ear. So Weyland send them off.
Most people are only somewhat competent, but have a lot of luck. So they get to do important things. In which they make a lot of errors, like contaminate that planet with Earth microbes. So I find the movie not unrealistic.
this is pretty articulate
The visual, part of the atmosphere, and the concept are gorgeous. But the whole, general stupidity just makes you jump out of the movie. I cannot be immersed or care I just hate them all.
I agree that takes away from the story, but those aren't big issues I can't overlook desu.
You overestimate the competente of highly trained professionals
It was not smart. It took a solid story with a good mysterious background and replaced it with unrealistic Star Trekeque fantasy bullshit
>I cannot be immersed or care I just hate them all.
Why, Shaw's not stupid and neither was David or the guy who got GRIDS from David.
These 'larger themes' are nothing more than pseudo-intellectual idiocy.
Some times they are Indeed too stupid. Even for me. I also hated the appearing storm part.
Okey doke
Aliens is actually the smarter movie but your lack of understanding story structure and reliance on ideologies rather than story gives you nostalgia critic levels of film understanding.
This movie had no larger themes, what themes are you even talking about?
Pretty funny desu. So the dislike is primarily about plotholes and the lack of explanations? That would make sense since the film is well made in other aspects.
It's also lack of character arcs, theme, motives, etc. you know anything that would make a story worth viewing
>no themes
>literally entitled Prometheus
>Prometheus as in the Titan that gave man fire and was banished by the Gods
>clear symbolism of faith with Shaw's character believing something greater was behind our creation
>"A King has his reign and then he dies"
>Weyland seeking immortality despite it being unnatural and upsetting the established order
>clear order of Creator or "Gods" and their relationship to each other
>Engineers -> Man -> David
>clearly shows the interactions and questions being asked by participants of said relationship
>no themes
It's cool stuff, it's just that not a lot of that was in the movie, and a human successfully running away from a 'God' does very little to discuss the relationship between man and God.
>you know anything that would make a story worth viewing
There's more to films than the story and it feels like you're just throwing words out there.
The reason for the expedition is explained, no? If you mean motifs then you're being redundant.
You overestimate the "competente" of untalented writers.
>Prometheus was smart
>Hurr durr we're on an unknown planet let's take our masks off!
>Hurr durr we're in space let's smoke weed!
>Hurr durr let's mess around with this strange alien life form. Make sure you get your face really close to it!
>Engineer wakes up after millions of years in hibernation. Doesn't even do a status check and immediately sets out to destroy earth. Doesn't even know if earth still exists.
Insultingly stupid film.
>millions of years
It was only 2000, did you even watch the movie?
Doesn't matter how long the point still stands and the movie was still insultingly stupid
there's fucking people in front of his face, it's a pretty safe bet that earth exists dumkopf
>It was only 2000
How the fuck can you even carbon date something on a planet that has never been studied before? This film was like it was put together by lazy Sy Fy channel writers.
If you want to defend Prometheus being 'intelligent' then you are well and truely fighting a losing battle.
Shadows and dust.
It just boils down to successors betraying divine expectations. It's a cool enough movie but you have to bring most of the philosophizing yourself. It's not at all more thoughtful than any other story where God tries to punish humans for arrogance. This movie doesn't do anything extra to blow my mind that a creator might be disappointed with their creation.
Why did they both continue to run in a straight line?
defending Prometheus is a mental illness
>How the fuck can you even carbon date something on a planet that has never been studied before?
It would be made of the same elements, the same atoms. I like how you decide it's stupid before you even get an answer.
>Why isn't this movie like my autistic science fantasies spelling everything out because I literally cannot abide a mystery
But was the punishment truly for arrogance? That was never spelled out, they set out to destroy earth 2000 years ago, circa the time of Jesus. Was it because of man as God (Christ) becoming the new God.
carbon dating is based on the decay of radioactive carbon atoms that are kept at a certain level in a living creature. when it dies these start to decay because the level is no longer kept steady. you need to know what the level is in a living creature to draw conclusions about how long it took to get to the current level
Those are all called allusions, but allusions are not themes.
Still doesn't matter. His actions are still incredibly stupid. No status check. No checking in with home base. Just "rawr! Must destroy earth!"
And adresss the other stuff I mentioned. There's no excuse for any of it other than bad writing.
There are two good Alien films out of 5.
So what was the point of the 'father' twist?
>But was the punishment truly for arrogance?
michael fassrobot is going to carpet bomb the engineers with their own creations. that's the punishment for arrogance, an incredibly ironic death
Arrogance in trying to become Gods themselves, yes. As a God, Prometheus thought he was above His creation. He was not. Divine tantrum ensues.
Thanks for the explanation. I don't have a problem with thinking
>Hey they're in the future, they might have better tools at their disposal to determine that
>gave man fire
he created humans with the fire you dumb motherfucker
So Prometheus is intelligent because it uses blatent unrealism for plot convienience and literally spelled out the biggest mystery in the Alien series?
No everything that happens in a movie is in service to the story. I think you are confusing plot with story. Plot is just what happens in the story as a series of events, the story is more than just the plot, it's everything that happens, and why, the voice of the storyteller, any motifs and allusions the storyteller may want to throw in to help the viewer better understand or show in a different perspective to describe their theme or reason why they are telling the story. The story is the movie.
ur a cool guy
i like you
well, they do insist upon carbon dating. even if we allow for the fact that they can stick a needle and perform that analysis within a matter of seconds, the technique does have the earlier mentioned inherent drawback when studying an unknown organic compound.
2 and a half.
When I said
>There's more to films than the story
I meant like cinematography, music, design etc. Of course the story is at the core of it but it's not like the film is bad on all levels.
No he didn't fucktard he created humans out of clay and then he stole fire from the sun to give to man.
>seminal return to form of horror-scifi.
Oh boy, jump scares and the monster killing flat characters until the main character inevitably escapes or dies. Thrilling stuff.
kek get your facts straight you bellend
Could've been incredible, but Lindelof ruined it.
literally the running in a straight line when the ship is falling on you and the black goo not being 100% explained with tons of exposition
brainlets, man
No all that is in service to the story as well.
A book has words and pages, but all of them are used to tell a story and in its no different than a movie uses, music, actors, lighting, cinematography, a script, etc, to tell its story.
>literally the running in a straight line when the ship is falling on you
I agree that this is stupid
>black goo not being 100% explained with tons of exposition
I don't think it's necessarily better to explain. It might have been but I don't think there's a clear cut answer to what's better.
Well yes it's in service to the story but I'd still seperate them. The prose in a novel services the story it's trying to tell but it isn't actually part of the story. I may still be confusing plot with story and in that case I withdraw my argument since it was misdirected.
Watching Aliens right now. I really don't see why some people think this one is better than Alien. All the """""marines""""" act so stereotypical. I still like the film but so many scenes that make me cringe.
The thing about aliens is it makes the xeno's less scary by showing how just a few sentry guns can kill them by the hundreds. It's a great movie and i love it but it took something away from the original.