What's the final verdict?
What's the final verdict?
not a perfect movie by any means but people will still be watching it in 30 years unlike moonlight.
>but people will still be watching it in 30 years unlike moonlight.
yeah, like Chicago and The Artist
at least Moonlight actually has a certain depth and honesty to it
Its a love movie for our generation
People are more self aware with love and not everything ends with a happy ending
It was pretty boring
The Artist was much better than fucking Chicago. Don't you dare put them in the same sentence.
>musical starring people that can't sing or dance
It was shit and Emma Stone can't act to save her life.
The only thing impressive about the movies was the cinematography and set design.
It will be forgotten.
I think it's really flawed, but the great parts are more than worth it. Even the flaws are sort of compelling in how they affect the film, which doesn't happen often enough.
Worse than Whiplash.
bad musical, bad flick
the artist stars literal no names and it's a gimmicky movie.
la la land has two of the biggest movie stars in the world as the leads and is an original musical. it will have a much better legacy than moonlight which literally only won because of the oscars so white controversy in 2016.
sorry meant to reply to
>set design.
empty bottles of wine everywhere is not set design
eat shit faggot
you don't think it's impressive that this took place in 2016 but it felt like golden-age era hollywood for the most part?
it was a glib facsimile
>it was a glib facsimile
Banal platitude detected.
what are the flaws and how are they compelling
>you don't think it's impressive that this took place in 2016 but it felt like golden-age era hollywood for the most part?
Had nothing to do with set design.
It was good (this coming from someone who dislikes musicals). Nothing that will blow you away and was a inferior film compared to Moonlight, Manchester By The Sea and Silence.
check them
set choice is not set design?
shut up rich
>at least Moonlight actually has a certain depth and honesty to it
No. Moonlight was the """"dishonest"""" one.
La La Bland