Why is he so stupid and weak?
Kylo Ren
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He let Rey win. It's canon.
because hes the protagonist and mary sue is the antagonist. they switch sides in ep 8.
They should have let him die in TFA.
Because JJ Abrams is a hack
Because you are a dense pleb who cant read what is actually happening
its called SUBTEXT
All white men are stupid and weak
The only thing stupid and weak is your mind and your comprehension of simple, unsubtle movies and their characters.
Jesus fuck go find a thread in the archives. We've been round and round on this board with this discussion for months.
Was Sheev the jew of the Star Wars universe?
nu wars faggot justification means nothing pleb.
I get that Kylo was hurt, but how did Rey, without any training, defeat Kylo? He was butchered.
Why do you make the same thread everyday?
There was a 300 post discussion with the same question (just worded a bit differently) everyday for the past 4 days.
Everything has been said countless times
because he is a white male
plagueis was
She fucked that whiny pussy up with grrrl power brah.
>the irony that plagueis novel is better than all the new movies and we'll never get more delicious ian pulling shenanigans on screen.
If starwars ever truly did a true action thriller, it would be an easy sell
Did you faggots even watch the movie? Rey was getting beaten and running away in fear the entire fight until he let his guard down and asked her to join him.
Sure he did, mickey.
Why didn't he just make Rey pass out, like earlier in the movie?
>Kylo wasn't even trying to kill her, he wanted to take her as an apprentice because he felt that she has great potential
>the writers were lazy so they made that Force vision meme boost when Kylo had her cornered and she went raging on him by surprise
>he was emotionally and physically wounded by murdering his father, getting hit with a bowcaster and a lightsaber
>Rey fought everyday of her life to survive while Kylo probably wasn't in a lightsaber fight in a decade, or maybe ever (maybe they didn't even get to lightsabers in the Jedi Academy)
Because mary sue protagonist, shitty plot, and the fact that jew jew is a hack.
anger issues weakens the mediclorien count.
i have to know, I asked george
Because earlier she wasn't aware of her power in the Force, now she is clearly already more in control with the Force then him, she even resisted his mind raping interrogation.
It's lazy writing but it's justified.
>while Kylo probably wasn't in a lightsaber fight in a decade
Are you fucking stupid? Kylo is confirmed to be pretty powerful, and obviously used a lightsaber. You're just talking out your ass, jj.
>someone who's never been in a fight
i though it made dark force users stonger
They trained him as a joke
She is actually a much stronger force user than Kylo Ren. You can see that we she enters his brain in retaliation.
makes no sense faggot
How do you know he was in a lightsaber fight in recent times?
As shown in the film, he doesn't have any refined technique and is shown to use his lightsaber on inanimate objects or poor farmers.
You just guess that he's an experienced badass fighter just because he knows some force tricks.
But Rey didn't fight with a lightsaber
How doesn't it make sense?
She wasa stronger force user in the interrogation scene.
She was stronger force user in the lightsaber pulling out of the snow scene.
She was a stronger force user in the final fight scene.
Kylo was only stronger earlier in the movie when she wasn't aware of her powers.
Holy shit, that actually makes a lot of sense. Who is she?!
Muuns have no nose
You didn't have to go that far.
How did she mind-trick someone with no training?
How did she even know that she was capable of doing it?
Natural Jedi/Mary sue
Confirmed Kenobi.
>strong character = good character
I shouldn't expect much here but that's some straight anime bullshit logic.
He is a weaker force user. Also, Rey was more skilled in close combat.
literal mary sue
no joke, in the first draft of the script her name was actually mah'ray suhe
This is the only way the plot can move beyond TFA's trash writing
>le max landis meme
you know where you need to go
Didn't George say that the most powerful force user in the entire Star Wars universe, was a chick?
well, the light side of the force is represented by a female so yeah
He got rekt
The kicker is that it supposedly, according to lore, requires great concentration and an understanding of the force to properly wield a lightsaber. Lightsabers produce so much movement of energy that the force is required to keep it stable and under control.
I guess it was retconned for cool lightsaber battles, though.
How does that movement work?
How can she sling her lightsaber across her from her left to right, when kylo is blocking on her left?
Is there a cut missing from this gif?
Maybe Finn is force sensitive then.
He had a crush on her and let her win. He got a scar out of it that will make her pussy wet in episode 8
Why do the lightsabers look so heavy?
>He had a crush on her
Is there any truth to this?
He is such a fucking weak faggot omg.
wasn't he jewish? Do jews identify as white?
.is there any truth to this?
How come Rey goes from being captured to outright defeat one of the most powerful siths in the galaxy, in less than 40 minutes.
>Han using lightsaber in ESB
>Finn using lightsaber in TFA
How come no one is able to explain all this bullshit surrounding the force awakens?
that must really hurt
Because she wasn't aware of her power in the Force before being captured.
The fact that she did that in a short amount of time is lazy writing, but it has it's reasons.
Also Kylo is certainly not a Sith and is clearly not that powerful.
>Kylo ren
>one of the most powerful siths in the galaxy
Clearly he's not considered he just got his ass handed to him
>certainly not a Sith
What is he then? Just a knight of Ren?
1. Kylo is a sad fuck cosplaying as Vader/Revan. He clearly isn't that strong in the Force (yet).
2. He didn't want to kill Rey. He wanted to capture her and turn her.
3. His training isn't finished.
4. Just coming from killing Han made him distracted.
5. Untrained Rey is shown be stronger than him in the Force (bullshit imo, having her surprise him with her power is fine but the way he gets completely outclassed by someone who had years of training prior to this was badly done).
6. This is just headcanon but I like to think Rey drew on the power of the Dark Side. It would make sense since she is untrained and the Dark Side is easy mode.
>Untrained Rey is shown be stronger than him in the Force (bullshit imo
Why bullshit?
>"Kylo Ren is not a Sith," confirms JJ Abrams in the new issue of Empire. "He works under Supreme Leader Snoke, who is a powerful figure on the Dark Side of the Force.”
Dark Side doesn't automatically mean Sith, just like Light Side doesn't automatically mean Jedi
Where did Snoke come from? Was Palpatine aware of him?
>why does this shit taste awful?
No one knows for sure
Kylo was feeling remorse for what he had just done and was in great pain. Plus he was holding back. He fought with the light side.
Rey fought with pure hatred, anger and fear along with years of suffering on Jakku. She fought with the dark side.
The Force takes years of training to be even somewhat competent in. Anakin and Luke are supposed to be the most powerful users ever and they still took years to get git gud. Obviously this is just an opinion but I would have been fine with Rey winning the Force pull battle for a bit or pressing Kylo back for a few seconds. But she outright beat his ass, made the whole thing feel cheap.
If it turns out Luke trained her as child then erased her memory or she used the Dark Side in desperation then it's a little bit better.
han was VERY force sensitive. he just doesn't believe in it. he was a great pilot like anakin and in the star wars universe that ONLY comes from a strong connection to the force.
Why is it so weird for you guys that a girl can beat a guy? It's not that unlikely irl.
it has nothing to do with gender. luke 'beats' vader in ANH and sends his ship flying but he doesn't make the guy crash into an asteroid and force throw half his body into a star. hyperbole ofc but you see what i mean. it's not a big deal but it's one of many rather small details that add up to make TFA fall flat for me.
he's a weak white male
What does him being white have to do with anything? He almost killed Finn like it was nothing.
Maybe not a crush, but he had compassion for her. It was spelled out pretty obviously in the movie and a cut scene had Snoke outright say it.
Stop talking shit about my husbando
>Ctrl+F Chewbacca and laser
>0 results
did you even watch the movie? nigga took the crossbow laser like a champ, he struggled but bested finn, there was not that much suspension of belief
fuck off with this retarded EU stuff
A lightsaber is just an ancient weapon, han even jokes about it when luke trains with it on the falcon in ANH
He is a big guy.
I don't like how they made the scar on him more sexy instead of painful looking.
Kylo being so weak gave him some character, the problem was they established him as really strong by having him stop the blaster fire in mid air, something no one else has ever done, the movie violated its own internal consistency.
he's a white male
Yeah, it would've made more sense for him to have horrible scarring due to Snoke not allowing proper wound treatment as a reminder of his failures/fuel for hatred to keep him on the dark side path.
This fucking hack jew nigger loving abortion of a series is stupid and weak.
not to mention the fact that he defeated luke skywalker, his own fucking mentor and the strongest jedi in existence at the time, along with all of his other students so fucking hard that luke went into hiding.
it's sad that you think sperging out makes you edgy.
i dont think he actually beat Luke, didn't he just columbine the rest of the class since i doubt anyone but Luke even had a light saber.
I guess getting shot in the stomach with the strongest bow weapon known to the audience can really do that, huh...
he most likely burned down the school with Luke's pupils while he wasn't there, hence Luke kneeling at the fire after the fact.
Its shit. I saw the originals in the theater when they first came out in 70s and 80s. The prequels were watchable. This shit....this shit is a fucking joke. Political correct Disney masturbation with a hack director. Payday with no soul just Hollwood jew taglines.
There's no indication that there were no lightsabers. In fact, I think MSW mentioned months ago that a bunch of lightsaber props were used during what they suspected was a flashback of the massacre.
>The prequels were watchable
Why is this meme getting so common these days? TFA being shit does not retroactively stop the prequels from being shit. The prequels are shit. Legendarily shit.
>The prequels were watchable
>muh political correct boogieman
>muh jews
go to bed, gramps. you might have a heart attack when you find out Leia was a proto-feminist and inspired a long line of confident and outspoken women archetypes.
>the prequels were watchable
>muh political correctness
>muh jooz
off to Sup Forums with you