Don't know how much more of this I can take, lads.
Don't know how much more of this I can take, lads
looks like I stopped watchhing in the right moment,
Dr Who is a show for literal cuckolds
>punch a nazi
kek, libshits can't punch worth shit. They have to be told to keep the thumb out.
Pic related is the target demographic for Doctor Who. Of course they're going to pander to their core audience.
Pic time traveled a minute into the future.
I'll admit when the show runner said pic related, I thought he might just be sort of joking.
This week's episode was set in 1400s London and about 1/3rd of the loveable cockney street people, police and soldiers were black or Indian.
Full historical revisionism, on a show that started in 1963 to teach history to kids.
I hate racism, but I hate that there is a growing group of so called "liberals" who think physical violence is the solution to it. Better education and intellectual argument is what we should use. Violence is only needed in self defense and in defense of others being attacked. (And even then some civil rights leaders would argue against violence.)
I am disgusted that Doctor Who is getting in on this garbage.
>retards who need emotional porn in order to feel good
Jesus is this what the left has become?
>The role of Doctor Who
>not The role of The Doctor
That is the most offensive part.
>Full historical revisionism, on a show that started in 1963 to teach history to kids
You could bring back 'Voyagers!' for that purpose but there is no way it would get made without being tainted by PC culture.
Why do they never claim Muhammad was black? Why is it always Jesus?
I've never watched Dr. Who. Is Bill a tranny or did they just name the sidekick that to look progressive?
Class was way worse with the liberal shit.
Fuck you for reminding that piece of shit existed
She'll be back... again and again until she gets her own spinoff. She is the ultimate fan service.
> Violence is only needed in self defense and in defense of others being attacked
The problem is that they have been brainwashed into believing they ARE defending themselves and others by preemptively preventing a fascist uprising or some shit.
I dropped this show when the GoT mong appeared. could someone tell me what happened to the cute brunette girl?
This was just the second episode with her, she's the new sidekick and she's a strong black lesbian.
Remember when Martha (Tennant's sidechick) was black and it was fine? Even Shakespear was cool with it (and tried to hit on her)?
Now everything has to be political and we have to punch a white guy in the face for being white and living in a different time, how dare he?
Plenty of women are named Bill or Billy. In fact nu who already had a Billy; Billie Piper
She would have been fine in one episode but they keep bringing her back. Honestly the biggest problem with the new series is how in love they become with their characters.
>mc punches insignificant side character
How does this warrant an article?
On Mackie’s casting as the Doctor’s companion Bill, unveiled last month, Moffat said: “We decided that the new companion was going to be non-white, and that was an absolute decision, because we need to do better on that. We just have to.
Moffat said Doctor Who had “no excuse” not to feature a diverse cast of black, Asian and minority ethnic actors. “Sometimes the nature of a particular show – historical dramas, for instance – makes diversity more of a challenge, but Doctor Who has absolutely nowhere to hide on this,” he said. “Young people watching have to know that they have a place in the future. That really matters. You have to care profoundly what children’s shows in particular say about where you’re going to be.
“And we’ve kind of got to tell a lie: we’ll go back into history and there will be black people where, historically, there wouldn’t have been, and we won’t dwell on that. We’ll say, ‘To hell with it, this is the imaginary, better version of the world. By believing in it, we’ll summon it forth.’
She put the Doctor 'in his place'. They basically turned him into Clara's companion.
>Shakespeare was cool with a black chick and tried to hit on her
>not political
Jesus Christ, your brainwashing man.
So where are they exactly? Considering there are about twice as many Asians, a good portion of them being west Asian, or from India as there are blacks, where's their representation in DW?
Because black people are the dumbest, and if you get society to idolize or just tolerate them, you can drag a society down.
>Remember when Martha (Tennant's sidechick) was black and it was fine? Even Shakespear was cool with it (and tried to hit on her)?
1. She brought up the fact that she was black and was concerned, the Doctor then pointed out other black people. Because there were totally fully integrated black people in Shakesperean England.
2. He called her a woman of the dark continent or some shit, that's not flirting, it's racism.
Asians are too successful in western society to have any diversity points.
Never watched this show and seeing this I doubt I ever will. Why are Brits so cucked?
>it's racism to say where someone's from
Oy Vey
Fuck off back to your safe space, Sup Forums.
I meant Clara you idiot
>this show has a general on Sup Forums
really mogs the foggin
As expected from a channel named after large African penises
WWII killed off all the strong men. The left over men were wimpy in general and weren't good father figures for the next generation, which in turn found fathers to be disposable. Their culture is now mostly feminized. Can't wait for Islam to destroy them.
So did I, which is why I wrote "Clara" when I meant Clara. What part of Clara do you not understand? Are you having a stroke?
england is a shithole
>complain about white washing of history while literally changing the racial profile of an area to fit your view
Truly incredible
>kiss at the beginning
>chugs the bottle
>throws the cig away
>other guy picks up the cig
>and to boot they're manlets
bongs kek
jesus christ that's an ugly woman, also has the doctor ever punched anyone before? I stopped watching years ago
The other night I went to club space in Miami. I danced with a few chicks, made out with one who then followed us to Cheetah Hallendale Beach, a strip club in Hallendale Beach. Afterward, me and the girl from the club got 'privatedances' in the back and then I got my dick sucked in the car in the parking lot by the girl from Club Space. Once I came, I didn't even want to take her home like originally planned and proceeded to go home by myself and browse Sup Forums
The whole time I felt like I was taking part in a goy ritual. When I spent $500 for VIP for my friends and I, I heard 'good goy' as I handed them my money. When I threw $100 singles on a stripper who was eating out the girl from Space all I could think was 'good goy empower women goy'. When I gave the DJ $5 and requested a Kodak Black song all I could think was 'good goy, play the diverse music' and when I was dancing to salsa I thought ' WHY ISNT THE MUSIC IN ENGLISH' even though I am Latino and not white.
This place has fucked me up. I don't want to be degenerate anymore. I still am going to be degenerate. But still. It hurts my soul desu. Don't take the red pills. Don't browse Sup Forums stay on Sup Forums
>racist engpakis getting BTFO by a based Scot
not seeing the problem
>‘To hell with it, this is the imaginary, better version of the world. By believing in it, we’ll summon it forth.’
What song did you request?
We already did this song and dance in Human Nature/Family of Blood and no one cared.
Like Dat
>decided that the new companion was going to be non-white, and that was an absolute decision, because we need to do better on that. We just have to.
What the fuck? Get triggered at me but I didn't know Clara was white.
none. stop replying to stale pasta, dumbass
Shes from Blackpool. They're white, but a bit swarthy like Spaniards
how can people take shit like this seriously, do they unironically believe that everywhere looked like africa since forever
“And we’ve kind of got to tell a lie: we’ll go back into history and there will be black people where, historically, there wouldn’t have been, and we won’t dwell on that.
One of the reasons DW is like this now is that Moffat aims for a younger audience compared to RTD. And kids don't get subtlety.
>And kids don't get subtlety
neither do amerijuans desu.
>60 seconds apart
Butthurt antifa replied to the same post from a half hour ago twice LOL
Steven Moffat advocates for ridiculous bullshit, weather at 11.
>it's a "person" from a 50% white country thinks they are in a position to talk shit about any other country episode
>m-muh usa
why are brits so cucked
>calls brits cucked
>bans foreskins and elects kenyans
are you american or not? it's a fair assumption on this board and thus reasonable to bring up
You'll just keep taking it and taking it and taking it and taking it because you're a whiny bitch and you don't have the willpower to effect change in the real world
america is brit al-joei anglos are the cuckest
What the fuck can I do? Write a stern letter to the BBC?
They'll simply dismiss it as an angry nazi complaint.
because you are a nazi, little alt-cuck.
Huh interesting. I haven't really seen any "swarthy" people in my corner of America.. I wonder if that's why I also scratch my head when people online call Spaniards white.
I've been watching since the 80s and it actually pains me to see what Doctor Who has become.
This will happen to your one beloved shows too, anons.
Because he wasn't. He hated blacks. He called them a bunch of raisin headed idiots. Look it up. The Middle East was (and still is) far more racist than Europe. Ironic, huh?
Libshits in charge of being tough
Why does he look jewish?
t. bullied Sup Forumstard who imagines cutting his bullies in half with a katana
>Young people watching have to know that they have a place in the future.
While it may be true that they have a place IN THE FUTURE, they have absolutely no place in pre 1920s Europe.
My country is whiter, richer and less cucked as yours. All the BBC propaganda makes you think multicultural is a good thing, Pakis should be allowed to fuck your wife and electing sandniggers as your capital's mayor is the only way forward. Your country is beyond fucked, but still you're not doing anything about it.
>Jesus was black now too
isnt the tardis meant to make you look like you fit in wherever you go or some shit or did i imagine that
Keep bashing the fash, comrade!!!
No? It has clothes and the doctor has some type of space magic that makes you speak the language but there's never been some chamleon cloaking technology. The police box is supposed to change to fit the time period but the Doctor picked a shitty broken one that was faulty
when youre so rich you have to pretend being a revolutionary communist just to have some fun
Goddammit. Not a another civil war.
>My country is whiter
um sweety less than 60% isn't white
yeah think i was thinking of the translation thingy actually
Calm down.
Dr. Who is to Star Trek what Harry Potter or GoT is to LOTR. i.e. Normie trash for chicks.
Sorry. Should've put a trigger warning. Feel free to downvote me as punishment to teach me a lesson
>rich college students starting a civil war to promote anarchy
eh no theyll go back to starbucks after another ''battle of berkley''
You clearly never read much on Shakespeare, he has jungle fever.
Why are you so bitchy?
Anyone outside Bristol and London hates multiculturalism, and Sadiq Khan is only mayor because London is 60% white - the same reason you've had a black President
>put on my Rift and watch this
>can't get 2 seconds into it without wanting to cry
My does my life suck so bad bros
but Jesus was actually whitewashed you dumb fuck
No he wasn't. He was a jew and looks jewish in all art. If you think he was literally Jamal you are retarded.
Fuck you bash the dash
Nazi and a fist to the face is natural