So, This Plot Twisty Kill The Show, Right?
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Ray Donovan is better, I don't care if the seasons repeat themselves, Ray Donovan is an incredible show
I'll admit season 4 was a little underwhelming and the daughter is miscast anyone could be better for the role off the top of my head Jodelle ferland maybe
But those are my only qualms with the show
The only thing I've seen from this show is an awful scene where they had some woman who identifies as "non-binary" winning a poker game against a cis-scum white male.
So from the dyke alone would you agree Ray Donovan is the better show, on showtime that is
At least the lesbian in Ray Donovan has hair
I've never seen Ray Donovan, but yes, judging from the one clip I've seen from Billions, Ray probably is the better show.
quick rundown on this plot twist, i only watched the pilot
>and a bully's devastated when you stand up to him
this show was dead on arrival. instead of covering the carnage that wall street and high frequency trading is realistically, they go for muh arch-nemesis and muh twist-in-a-twist-that-is-a-twist routine.
also literally EVERYTHING related to his wife is sp dull. they really go to hilarious lengths to construct a personal conflict between giamatti and brody.
Don't point out their hypocrisy, user - you'll hurt their feelings and delegitimize their expression of their uniqueness.
I don't know why I like Billions. But I do.
I mean it's clear that Taylor is an autistic. She is the shows moral compass for the time being. She is neither good or bad. They added her because Axe capital is going to destroy her.
> The series is loosely based on the activities of crusading federal prosecutor of financial crimes Preet Bharara, the former U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York,[1][2] and his legal battles with hedge fund manager Steve Cohen of SAC Capital.
This is Giamatti real life counterpart. A poo in the loo
The fuck is this alien speech?
What's it like not liking an actor and then saving her Twitter chat? It just shows that Axe will put up with ANY kind of craziness as long as it makes him money.
>What's it like not liking an actor and then saving her Twitter chat
i wouldnt know, i dont dislike the actor. in fact i dont even watch the show-someone else posted this here before and i just thought it was funny.
Ryder Avalon is a fucking master troll
We are surpassing the Weimar Republic lads. Black Hand soon.
>actually changing your tweet because a twitter troll told you you weren't PC enough
What a faggot.
The ensemble cast really hit its stride last season. Besides the kids but that's par for the course.
>implying Axe wasn't expecting Chuck to do "that".
I bet he suspected from the spartan guy in jail knowing that he is a snake and that he would betray anyone if he could get a deal.
The thing that bothers me is that I can see the 2 of them getting fucked thanks to Chuck's slut wife and the tumblr self-insert character.
Either way the guy that had his house paid off by Axe. Really fucked up. Basically a big thread back to Axe. We're gonna need to see if Terry Kinney's character will hire a hitman.
Just finished the s2e11, EU time so we get shit 1 day later, and wow so much win in that last part when Chuck sits down crying and the flashback starts.
I just like Paul Giamatti as an actor, and because of him I even got into this show, and now I'm just cheering for him.
So glad they announced S3.
ray donovan would be 5 times the show if they dropped the family bullshit, except for his dad. if it was just him doing fixer things in la with his magic jew and the qt lesbian it would be top tier.
I really like the show
but the last "twist" was one too far, if i understood it correctly Giamatti's character deliberately sacrifices 8 million dollars of the trust fund hes not legally entitled to touch, destroys his friends business and fucks over his father (and wife but maybe she wont find out, lol) for a petty vengeance that may or may not hurt band of brothers guy .... FFS
If his plan works he will prove that Axe and his guys screw over Ice Juice company, and that the poison was put there and not their fault so it will raise back up again on the stocks after it all calms down.
Out of them all only Chuck's wife will in the end cause she sided with Axe, but then again she already cheated on Chuck so even tho she's a hot milf fuck her.
axe either didn't fall for it, or he will drop it because of his wife
its only season 2, so you know superman can't die yet
Im fairly sure "Ice Juice" will be forever known as that shit that makes you puke ... anything else is ridiculous plot armour
He had people at every Ice Juice store taking pics and recording. Everything Axe did Chuck can cancel.
i feel like this scene was trying to convey axe thinking something was up
sure ... and when people mention that thing Richard Gere did nobody thinks youre thinking it already but next one over Gerbil-In-Pooper
1 million space bucks says Chucks slut of a wife fucks everything up in the finale
She already did by buying into the short. She's not financially tied to the illegal steps Axe took to tank Ice Juice. She directly profitted.
And dumb Chuck is still married to her.
I wonder will Chuck become a Governor in season 3.
That bearded old guy is pretty good and he's endorsing him, plus he BTFO Axe hard.
honestly the gender fluid person is ruining the show for me
It will eventually be Chuck vs Axe presidential run
Well then you're a fucking idiot. The whole point of the faggot is to prove no matter what - money corrupts. You can be a full-on AntiFa Gender Fluid Liberal... yet someone hands you a duffle bag of cash you're lying to the Government.
i think he/she/it is actually interesting .. not cut through for ego bs but driven non the less ... although its painfully obvious 'thing' is going to have an attack of conscience, flip on ax and give up all the riches to be a better person
I don't really have a problem with her, or it whatever, but I just hope in the end she goes down cause of how cocky she recently has became.
>implying they won't try that, but Dollar Bill Stern just fucked her by giving the FBI direct evidence of illegal cash via posession
It's weird you somehow made this about poltiics and SJWism but nice projecting. I just don't like "them" because they are boring. Robotic personality that is somehow perfect at the game idealized into a very neoliberal approved package.
Every scene with "them" is just boring. In an intellectual scene, they always win and comes off as a bit marysueish.
I watch the show for Rhodes and Axelrod's conflict, not for Pinocchio to learn how to be a real person.
You do understand the cultivation is all part of Axe's fetish. Rudy wanted this bad - he didn't get it. Yet, THEY is getting it and not even realizing it.
Of course that cultivation is going to lead THEY in a Federal pound me in the ass prison, where they use a broom handle on her non binary cunt.
I doubt that will happen. It's clear that Bryan and THEY subplot will go somewhere towards Axe otherwise they wouldn't spend so much time on it.
Perhaps, though the whole point of their conversation at the end was Bryan wasn't able to accept the duffle bag of cash.
THEY fucking slept on it and masturbated while thinking of lemons or sapphires or whatever mentally ill people jack it to.
>Preet Bharara
Isn't he the same poo-in-the-loo who went after anonymous comments on the internet?
Conversations in this show always happen for a reason and ultimately lead to a play
Don't care. It's a mildly attractive female. Would bend her over the table and pound her pussy.
Furthermore I think she'll walk away clean with a moral conscience
That's just my take, I suppose we will have to see.
>I read this in dan soder's voice
i think she's ugly, haven't seen her with hair though
True. Chipotle still hasn't recovered.
I just hate how she never has a wrong answer.
Chipotle got yearly outbreaks lol
Until she does, when she's in handcuffs.
Billions is a derivative Mad Men copy for people who are bored and can't find anything else on TV to watch.
theres a twist almost every ep. then that twist is usualy undone and doesent mater by the end of the next episode.
Probably he looks the kind of guy that likes to fuck up a good time.
wtf can we please just call them mentally ill again
first they take over the word gender, now they are moving on to every other English word
it's more of a derivative of House of Cards
Nah, we save that word for alt-right faggots who bitch and moan on the internet.
Who fucking cares? Seriously, who fucking cares. Go fucking make money and mind your own business.
you're the one bitching here
how about I won't watch this garbage show because I don't like it
got stale after a few episodes
>manlet jew
>white male.
Easy there you poor triggered snowflake.
Don't worry, Trump will make you rich and Pence will shock away the faggots.
Just because someone tells you to not call them something doesn't mean you gotta follow that madness.