I legit 100% honest to God really liked this movie, man.
Come at me.
I legit 100% honest to God really liked this movie, man.
Come at me.
Why should we care what you thought of a movie? What are we children? Oh wait...
wait what? Are you okay user?
*comes at you*
It was unironically better than force awakens
it had good pacing, interesting characters, worldbuilding, darth vader was 10/10
acting and dialog wasn't top notch, it was a bit boring the fist 20-30 mins, but overall very enjoyable
and it's quite sad that the protagonists died tho tbqh pham
You aren't alone OP. I liked it waaay more than TFA.
The one criticism I don't get by the RLM guys is the whole "oh look it's that thing we know from the original trilogy. Do you get it" like, this movie takes place right before it. Of course we will see things from the OT. People would be complaining if it didn't have it.
For me solid 7.5/10
No, I would rather avoid you.
I felt more empathy for that robot dying than for anyone in TFA.
I watched it yesterday and I thought it was pretty bad. Biggest offense the CGI actors hands down, but also the first and second acts. Third act was decent marvel/disney fare.
>teacupping a luger
I like the Ewok movies, but I'm not about to get stupid and tell people that they're "good" or that "they're just hating". They're shitty movies that I like for some odd reason.
I like Rogue One and TFA.
>Biggest offense the CGI actors hands down
I actually burt out laughing when Tarkin came on screen, he was just so fucking bizarre looking. They really should have just not bothered having him in there.
>interesting characters
try again
It's not as good as the prequels.
I like it too.
RO has actually gotten better and better upon repeated viewings for me. Once i finally knew everyone's name and what they were all about, it makes sense and it's bretty gud. The first viewing was confusing.
Was it kino?
Wat doo yoo no abowt KYBA CRIST-O's?
Yea, it was good. Not great and not really a typical Star Wars movie though.
i want to hold her in my arms and squeeze tight
>darth vader was 10/10
Yeah, now they have got him quipping he's much improved
Movie was fine, hating it is just a meme.
Most of the complaints are your usual buzzword opinions as in "bad pacing" from people trying to look like they are movie buffs
really? so you really liked all the memorable new characters?
This is always going to be subjective but I found the acting styles and themes of the characters in RO much more appealing than TFA.
I thought it was OK but nothing special I don't feel the need to see it again though. I remember this board ate that shit up until the RLM review came up thought. The opposite of what happened with TFA.
>The one criticism I don't get by the RLM guys is the whole "oh look it's that thing we know from the original trilogy. Do you get it" like, this movie takes place right before it.
They really went full retard with that one especially considering their stance on TFA. It's like complaining that Panzer tanks and Spitfires are in a WW2 film, but then not having a problem with them being inexplicably in a Vietnam movie.
t. meme buzzword
I feel like character development being there or not being there is not an objective issue. If you liked what you saw is, but not the fact that there is like nothing propping these characters up besides MYSTIC FORCE MONK and GRIZZLED FRIEND and ROGUE and ALSO ROGUE and wit-bot 3000. I paid attention and couldn't remember these character's names, and was constantly rolling my eyes at the drama between female character and male rogue type.
yes because jimmy smitts, the droids and cgi leia and tarkin really benefited the movie
maybe reddit letter media were bribed to shill TFA? after taking a dump on the prequels, it's suspicious to me they would love the even worse moive that was TFA, either they were bribed or their taste is so shit, their opinion is no longer credible
I watched it yesterday and can't remember their names.
TFA at least felt a little more competent, like the jews in charge put more boardroom meetings and analytics into it
RO first act was amateurish, only the last act felt like the expected mass appeal Disney drivel
>we are stupid
>this is somehow the movie's fault
Nah the movie's just forgettable.
I don't think that I am stupid. The info is that movie for sure, but I think some responsibility falls on the film for making characters that have believable and interesting relationships and identities that make you want to remember them. It's the same issue with people I meet who don't leave any impression, or who I know I'll never see again, I just don't remember their names more often than not.
It's not weird at all. They loved the original movies. TFA was literally a page out of the original movies, so much so that it was basically a copy.
The prequels and Rogue One tried to do something different.
They're not shilling. They are just super fanboys for the originals.
Exactly! Thank you. That's where I'm coming from. I don't understand it. It is totally appropriate for everything in that film to be there!
>defending CGI Tarkin
I seriously hope you're underage
But I'm probably older than most people on this board. I thought it was an interesting and ambitious choice to try to do that. I don't think it worked 100% but I give them kudos for trying. I wasn't defending that.
I almost guarantee you that CGI Tarkin was the main reason George Lucas really liked Rogue One. He loves CGI shit and movie tricks trying to do something new.
Apparently he was very excited with manipulating Han Solo to step over Jabba the Hutt's tail in the special editions, and that looked terrible.
>I almost guarantee you that CGI Tarkin was the main reason George Lucas really liked Rogue One.
Or it might be that Rogue One had a different take on Star Wars tone wise and George for all his faults likes trying new things.
Millennials are obsessed with continuity, canon, timelines, references, and all that countless garbage. Give them an excellent self contained movie or a great episodic show they will hate it, but create a "movie universe" full of callbacks, recurring characters and boring multi movie plotlines they will love it. The fact that a CGI character with multiple voiced lines was artificially inserted into a movie just because it fits the continuity, despite completely ruining suspension of disbelief is fine with them. For them, presenting a coherent system is more important than making a good movie. The movie itself does not matter, only what "happens" in it.
this movie is a dry, dark nazi allegory with barely any of the humor and light hearted banter the originals and even tfa had. Im literally sighing as I watch the classic SS-looking-for-jews nazi movie intro straight into a concentra-cough- work camp scene. It's sad when a literal robot is the color of your movie and emotes better than the actual human characters.
They just have a potato instead of a brain
>Millennials are obsessed with
Unless you're over 35, you're either a millennial or gen Z.
utter garbage until they got to scarif
awful cast (rabbit and krennic were good though)
not enough vader
4/10 for me
It was alright, but not without glaring flaws. The beginning needs to be heavily edited to remove all the bullshit padding (seriously, half of it feels like pointless location establishing shots that could have been avoided if they just limited the action to 2 or 3 planets, instead of half a billion). The Droid had more personality and character than anyone else in the film, and needed more screen time. The ending was full of contrived tech failures to artificially (and unsuccessfully) build suspense.
People can hate other millennials too if they're a millennial
I'm 25 and I hate how my peers fall over for Marvel movies and EDM music. Bunch of plebs.
This desu