What the fuck is going on. We're reaching a point where there's terror attacks on a fucking daily basis

What the fuck is going on. We're reaching a point where there's terror attacks on a fucking daily basis.

How am I even supposed to keep up to date on it all?
When is the ultinate terror attack. I WANT IT BIG


Only 100 able-bodied Muslim men in Iceland FeelsGoodMan

How the fuck do Muslims even get to Iceland?

I was convinced you guys had ridiculously strict immigration and a huge ass waiting list

This is the new world. We just have to learn to live with terrorism

This wasn't a Muslim attack.
At least 2 shooters were white Germans.

Check the headlines in 3 hours.

We need something 9/11 tier.

Jihadists from Chechnya are on their way to Germany. If they suceed it will be YUGE.

Anyone else see a niggers face?

The happening train has departed, there are no stops nor braking until the final destination.

They go through a screening process and then get a plane ticket to Iceland, unlike in Europe where we have to take whoever manages to get across the border (at least until the lengthy asylum process is over and we can deport them).

This allows them to only take the "cream of the crop" (if there is such a thing) of the immigrants, and its much easier to control the flood.

Unfortunately they are also influenced by leftist media, and have politicians who want to signal virtue by importing "refugees". It doesn't help that they're painfully naive to the reality of Muslim culture, due to living so far away from the action.

I'm sure Hillary has something planned already. Need another war to keep her donors happy.

We need to stop memeing and let Kek gather his energy to unleash bigger happenings

europeans now know what it feels being a brazilian

memeing is what fuels Kek

According to CNN they screamed Allahu Akhbar.

Islam is haram. It ain't right, even if the cunt is white.

>white Germans

They were probably Turks

The longer it is taking the media to report on the race, the darker the shooter is. Right now, we're in snackbar shade of dark

Well, for the new world order they need to get the population down to 500 000 000. Soon there will be huge happenings where billions will die. Get ready

>What the fuck is going on. We're reaching a point where there's terror attacks on a fucking daily basis.

That would be my God, I'm pretty sure by now.

I've been here in the past preaching that the bible was changed and you're all faggot Baal worshippers, have I not?

far from all muslims fall under the "shitskin" stereotype. Many have "white" skin and could easily pass for South European.

Since we depend on German media, I sincerely doubt we will hear the truth regardless.

Stop laughing at The Book of Revelations and start reading it.

try living in Syria you fucking faggot

People are memeing stuff into existence. There will be no peace unless post numbers are removed from Sup Forums.

>terrorist steal weaponized uranium from russia and detonate very crude nuclear weapon somewhere in europe.

when will the happen? it would be fucking terrible

South of france.

I do user... Sadly i do...

(laughing intensifies)


>humans cant get no more babies
>daily terrorist attacks that people dont care about anymore
>poor people and rich people live in devided communities

>B-But user m-muh pure whyte bbys

>only one immune to sterile virus is an African muslim

at that point, I would advice launching all our nukes and just get it over with.

Aristotle never said that - it's a misattributed quote. Stop spreading it.