"Fuck you, I liked it" thread
I would have liked it if wasn't for the retarded non-stop shaky cam.
Star Wars: Rogue One
I'm still working on my four hour review of this film
>four hour review of this film
Watched it a ton when I was little, rewatched it a few months back and still liked it, partly nostalgia
Why is there a Hell in the same universe as the Void?
But it's a good movie.
Probably the best found footage movie.
It feels like watching how people would react to a giant monster destroying New York.
Neon Demon
the void is basically super-hell.
Why did the doctor's daughter go to super-hell? Was she a bad girl?
I think .Rec is better, but I do enjoy Cloverfield.
It gets far more hate than it deserves, but my brain just doesn't connect it as part of the Alien universe, but it's still a good sci-fi movie.
The Postman
I love it.
Agreed. It was a fun film and was well worth the money. But why are you making a four hour long review about it?
>25 metascore
Fuck you.
this, it didn't blow me away but it wasn't bad.
The scene where they are walking through the streets and suddenly fucking tanks and soldiers firing is unironically kino.
Episode one is okay. Pod racing scene and Darth maul fighter were the only parts I really enjoyed. Still better than episode two though.
Overtly metaphorical nonsense but fuck its entertaining
If it wasn't for the bad children actors this would be one of my favorite movies.
War of the worlds tom cruise edition
Yea real Kino, one of the last movies I saw with my father before he passed
This was fun
Yeah the teens were a bit shit, but McAvoy more than made up for it imo
I like the movie up until they got to the jungle.
I liked these quite a lot. It's because I saw them without seeing a trailer and didn't have any expectations whatsoever
Just watched The Circle. I really liked it, but then I saw the abyssmal ratings on Rotten Tomatoes. WTF is their problem?
sorry user
this and the new Kong film
Was it any good? Trainspotting's easily in my top 3.
Let me know when your review is online. I can't wait to marathon it.
It was pretty okay but definitely should see if you loved the first one
I don't care what you guys say, it's a comfy show.
Thanks man. I'll check it out.
I loved Rec 2. I've never laughed so much in theater.
The school shooter episode was actually really fucking good before the end ruined it. Shit had more dread and suspense than some thrillers out today.
>story by damon lindelof
>screenplay by damon lindelof
so the film has badly written dialogues and a shit ending
People don't like it either because they don't understand it or because they're mad Raimi's take on Venom was his own instead of ripped from the comics.
They're supposed to make you cringe, you fucking retard. Peter's a quiet, shy dork experiencing a fuckton of newfound confidence that he doesn't know how to deal with, so he winds up coming off as a spastic asshole.
The movie could have had less villains but overall it was still great and made a perfect end to the trilogy.
Wait... so I'm not the only one who watched this?
so good
And that's what I don't get. People mock 3 and scream "LE CRINGE XD" as though they don't know fun, campy Raimi scenes were in the previous two movies as well. It's literally part of the charm.
The Mist
People who think the ending is bad are fucking idiots
Is this the one where she has that cult? It was alright. It kind of felt like an amateur film, if I can recall.
I don't really like this actress at all, she's the same flighty hippy girl in everything she's in.
the ending is hilarious
No, the one with the "cult" is "the east". That one is "another earth".
I dunno, guy. I didn't even dislike the movie when I saw it when it came out, but the whole Topher Grace is Venom thing is a bit much. Venom was cool, and Topher Grace is a pretty cool guy, but Venom snarling with Topher Grace's voice "hey Spiderman" just doesn't work for me.