> UK is infested with Paki rape gangs
> Everyone is aware of Rotherham
> Brit Soap does a story based on this
> All the creeps are white males
UK is infested with Paki rape gangs
good thread
>went to england
>turned away at the border for being not muslim enough
Yeah I called it out to my mother who watches it when she told me about the story line.
She immediately agreed. She also constantly complains about Black Man, White Female relationships being forced in adverts.
Wasn't even me, she just hates black people.
What kinda BLACKED propaganda is this
Sup Forums is fucked because the Mods post this shit
who does she prefer??
Who /zap/ here?
how big is her benis
Quite small.
It's almost as if she doesn't even have one.
in the left picture it is clearly tucked in between her legs
Why not both?
unles her clit can become engorged i'm not interested.
>based on real events!
>ripped from the headlines!
>except we changed the bad guys to be white because reality is racist!
What are some more examples of this beside the Danny Trejo amberlance guy movie?
Yeah, if you look closely, she tucked it in so tight, it formed some kind of skin fold.
Probably both gay.
Did Brexit not fix anything or something?
Almost every Law and Order ever made. 90% of crimes in NYC are committed by upper middle class and wealthy white people
>we need to get rid of the pakis
>so lets ban all the white euro migrants.
yep, worked wonders.
I came
nigga looks homo as fuck.
>watch tv cop show
>criminals are all races
>watch first 48 hours (real cop show)
>90% black men 15-30 years old
There was a video commissioned to raise awareness of the grooming gangs at schools in the areas where this shit was going on, and it was all true to life except the fact that none of the bad guys were Pakis, they were all white.
More important to not hurt Paki feelings than prevent girls getting raped.
>Germany let's in millions of refugees
>become EU citizens
>free to move to UK
>EU forced refugee quotas on UK
>EU nationals marrying immigrants and living in UK
Fuck the eu
Jet is best girl you fucking homos
>I remember the episode when Bethany was born and now she's being sexily groomed for sexy sex
weird feels t b h
Why are Sikhs such a minority compared to other religions?
yet the pakis ain't going anywhere.
except for inside your daughter LOL
They can try, I'd skin them alive
Sikhs are fucking bros. If you're a Sikh m8 then thank you for being a Grade A kebab remover.
You can go to prison for that comment.
Imagine a scenario where your daughter grows up and tells you she's dating a packi and is going to convert to Islam so she can marry him. I'd disown her.
i'm sure you would farage.
do you want a spoon too, so you can take their paki cum out and drink it LOL.
because their religion teaches that if the laws of the land and the religion contradict each other, follow the laws of the land
Because they are only allowed to use their knives defensively.
but then mohammed & co would get you when you arrive inside HMP
they would eat your pud pud
>when you daughter gives birth to a brown baby
It's Ulrika Johnson. She's not fussy.
ahh yes
Because there just aren't a lot of them? They're a (relative to the size of India) small ethno-religious group from Punjab.
I'm sure you have plenty of experience drinking Paki cum, what would you do if a couple went after your daughter? Force them to promise you they'll never do it again and have them tell you they're really sorry?
>I'm sure you have plenty of experience drinking Paki cum
nope. i'm not english LOL
Based Sikhs
Pretty sure they're one of those 'Don't try and actively convert people' religions.
Reap what you sow, eternal anglo.
Should've known you were a Paki
Ulrika probably fucked all the Gladiators multiple times. A dick is a dick to her
Is being Gail literally the worst suffering? I don't think anything's ever gone well for her
>first husband gets stabbed
>daughter is a megaslut by the age of 13
>third husband is a cereal killer
>son is a drug dealer who pushes her down the stairs
>going to jail for Joe's fake murder
I'd probably kill myself if I was Gail
how can i be a paki if i'm not english?
checkmate, engpaki :)
If you're talking about rape I'd kill every shitskin I came across.
That won't un-violate her arsehole desu
more like they'd all rape you nigel LOL
then you and your daughter would give birth to brown babies LOL
Alright Mr. Checkmate, what are you then?
She was fucking half the men, one of them, Hunter, even knocked her up.
Ulrika was a legendary slag, she's been cocked more times than Davey Crocket's rifle.
white, unlike england JEJ
Their knives are fucking welded shut mejt
Samefag goatfucker
Be more concerned that the 2 guys are stealth holding hands.
it's a shame you couldn't have got the pakis before the knocked up your daughter LOL
Ever seen crimes committed by poor brown people? Nobody wants to watch that shit.
Nice provocation attempt
it's working nigel.
much like the paki sperm in your daughters womb LOL
I don't have a daughter, why don't you tell me where you live so you can face me instead of your computer screen?
Well all our politicians are so removed from reality that they assume no one in Britain could possibly have unfounded fears regarding backward cultures entering our own. They were literally BTFO when 17 million people literally voted BREXIT
I think they only do that where it's required by law.
>I don't have a daughter
is that your way of coping?
>cash me ousside bruv
I dont think the mayor of Al-London would allow that senpai.
guys this thread is about coronation street not racism
> quoting Danielle Bregoli
Sad little chav
She fucked Shadow I think
tell me where you live first you Farrage brown nosing cunt.
>guys this thread is about coronation street not racism
Have some balls little faggot and tell me where you're at. Oh and don't call your 20 cousins to protect you
Something tells me that she wouldn't be involved.
Hey mr. shitskin LOL, civil war in Europe is inevitable anyway; might as well settle the score right now
>le brown strawman
lmao pathetic. tell me where you live you chicken shit.
Right now as we speak? Amsterdam, how about you?
But I'll gladly come to whatever basement you're hiding in. Rest assured though, I won't be squeezing your lovehandles
I'm literally writing an essay on Sikhism and came here to toss the bull, Sikhism is the 5th largest world religion. They are total bro's they lay down there lives for everyone and will defend ay nation who is under attack, they are persecuted by dirt culturless indians and still will take up swords if india should be attacked. They aren't sexist like standard india and are based on the idea that practicing stupid rituals is for wankers and if you are truely devote you should just pracitce your religion internally.
Where is it you think you are?
Careful, don't breathe too loud on your keyboard
Holy fuck Indians are pathetic lmao