what was the moral of this movie?
What was the moral of this movie?
around blacks never relax
why do we have to keep going over this?
That the only way for Edward Norton to look hot is by portraying a nazi.
niggers are scum
You don't call foul on game point.
It's impossible to make an anti-Nazi movie.
This movie really confused me. Pretty much every black person is portrayed like what a neo nazi would see in them as, yet Ed Norton decides to give up his ways because a black guy talks to him about basketball. I'm not condoning racist ideologies, but if they wanted to make the message powerful they probably shouldn't have made every black character a complete piece of shit.
You burn the coal you pay the toll
We all niggers.
Avery Brooks isn't a piece of shit. Neither is the nig Derek befriends in jail.
niggers never relax
this honestly
I've met some pretty cool black people in my life
doesn't change my mind about niggers and nig culture though. anyone who bases their worldview off of one or two anecdotes is retarded. I grew up in the ghetto and I can see the nationwide (actually fucking worldwide) statistics.
I got the message that one exception doesn't disprove a stereotype. I mean seriously, the whole movie is him changing his mind because he met one good black guy and in the end his brother still gets murdered by a black guy.
I'm not a racist either, it just seems weird that everyone interprets it the feel-good, anti-racist way.
>in high school
>teacher plays this movie
>stops the movie before the ending happens
>says "oh the DVD must be scratched up. What a shame"
>makes our class reflect on the moral of the story
That never happened.
True, but that's like two out of the 20 or so black characters we encounter in the film.
The director originally wanted it to end by Derek shaving his head and going back to being a neo- nazi. Edward Norton was against this ending and begged the director to change it.
Hate breeds hate.
He literally says "Life's too short to be pissed off all the time."
Life's too short to be pissed off all the time
Sup Forums was right again
he was quite hot in fight club, the point is that his hotness comes from playing violent characters
If you grow emotionally, other people will still be shit, so you should just stay as hateful as they are
>Edward Norton was against this ending and begged the director to change it.
Because he knew that everyone would misinterpret the movie's message and think it's pro-racist. And he was obviously right, since that happened anyway.
The movie is about how hate breeds hate. All of the characters were brought up around violence and hate and they let it guide their lives.
there are no consequences for terrorizing young Hispanic women, but curb-stomping a black piece of shit will get you jail time.
hate breeds hate and what goes around comes around
>Pretty much every black person is portrayed like what a neo nazi would see in them as
Even the guy doing the laundry in prison? Or the black gang members in prisons who didn't attack him?
>but if they wanted to make the message powerful they probably shouldn't have made every black character a complete piece of shit.
Yeah just like they made every white person in the movie a piece of shit
pretty much, unless you make a caricature that has nothing to do with national socialism
Derek shaving his head and going back as a neo nazi would have made for a worst ending
>I'm not condoning racist ideologies, but if they wanted to make the message powerful they probably shouldn't have made every black character a complete piece of shit.
But user, that would break the immersion.
Don't trust blacks, they're never any good
The movie is set in Venice Beach in the 90's. It's a shithole bruh.
You'd be surprised by the kind of BS teachers pull. I was taught that Germans killed anyone who wasn't a blue eyed blonde. They think students are dumb or something, just look at Goebbels and Hitler and that's all you need to disprove their bullshit.
How low do you think your IQ has to be to think a blatantly left-wing movie is "redpilled"?
makes sense if the hispanics are illegals tbqh senpai
who are they going to tell, the police? lmao
that's why the wall is a good thing even for mexicans, it will stop the vulnerable illegal people from getting to that situation
the meal scene is pretty redpilled.
You know I never thought about it that way
But what if they weren't illegals?
then consequences will never be the same because they'll tell the cyberpolice.
Sometimes blatantly left wing movies still deliver the opposite message they want to. See "Die Welle". You know what they meant but you don't believe it, because it's patronizing as fuck and it shows that le ebin ebil nazi boogeyman is nothing but a spook.
>who are they going to tell, the police? lmao
Yes? They don't check your legal status when you file a police report. Even if they knew you were in the country illegally they wouldn't do anything
>who are they going to tell, the police? lmao
Report them to the IRS
>implying illegals know shit about law