Is this a fucking joke? I thought this was supposed to be one of the best movies of all time? Instead I get DeNiro hamming it up, shit pacing, and pretentiousness? What the fuck was Scorcese thinking?
What the fuck is so good about GoodFellas??
Go home and get your fucking shinebox OP!
Fuck you dude
it is overrated
you really are a funny guy OP
You getting fuckin' fresh?
>doesn't realize the genius of goodfellas
let me guess, you probably think casino is overrated too?
plebbiest of plebs detected
op really is a funny guy
t. Henry Hill
casino is absolutely a piece of fucking shit you god damn autist, fuck off back to rebbit fucking child
You're probably a limp-wristed numale who thinks the violence and the use of "n" word is very problematic.
>DeNiro hamming it up, shit pacing, and pretentiousness
none of this is even remotely true.
What am I, a mirage?!
are we talking about the same goodfellas?
holy fuck jesus chist you are serious KYS YOU IDIOT
As far back as I can remember, I always wanted to be a shitposter. To me, being a shitposter was better than being moderator of the Sup Forums board. Even before I first wandered onto Sup Forums for an after-school lurk, I knew I wanted to be a part of them. It was there that I knew that I belonged. To me, it meant being somebody in a community that was full of nobodies. They weren't like anybody else. I mean, they did whatever they wanted. They same-fagged in their own post and nobody ever gave them a ban. In the summer when they trolled summer kids all night, nobody ever called the mods.
Just gonna leave this here for you op
This user deserves to be made.
For most of the guys, bans got to be accepted. Bans were the only way that everybody stayed in line. You got out of line, you got a 2 week ban. Everybody knew the rules. But sometimes, even if people didn't get out of line, they got banned. I mean, temporary bans just became a habit for some of the guys. Guys would get into arguments over nothing and before you knew it, one of them was banned. And they were shitposting each other all the time. Shitposting was a normal thing. It was no big deal. We had a serious problem with OP. This was really a touchy thing. user trolled a meme guy. OP was part of the moderator crew and was considered untouchable. Before you could troll a meme guy, you had to have a good reason. You had to have a sitdown, and you better get an okay, or you'd be the one who got perma banned
it's a pretty straightforward, non-artsy movie. I don't know how you could possibly apply that word to Goodfellas
just don't go busting our balls okay OP
You really are a funny guy!
For a guy who lurked Sup Forums all day long, Jani didn't reply to more than six people. If there was a shitposting problem or, say, people were being insensitive, only the top whiteknights could report to the janitors to discuss the problem. Everything was through automated reports, Jani hated socialization. He didn't want anyone interrupting his constant eating, and he didn't want anyone listening to him wheezing. Hundreds of redditors depended on Jani and he got a piece of every hot pocket they made. It was ass kissing just like on reddit except they were doing it here on Sup Forums. Now all they got from Jani was protection from posters looking to laugh at them. And that's what it's all about. That's what his mom could never understand, that what Jani and the mod team does is offer protection for people who are allergic to fun and can't go to moot. That's it, That's all it is. They're like the police department for faggots.
OP you're gonna get your (You)s. You just gotta stop bustin balls.
I don't get it either. Was bored to tears. I guess you had to be there when it first came out. We've unknowingly watched so many movies imitate it so when we sit down and watch the film it doesn't seem new or groundbreaking to us; just more of the same.
Funny how?
Casino was better
Like you're a clown, you're here to amuse me
Ah, ok, nevermind.
It's a great movie. You're just wrong. Try watching it again without splitting time with your phone.
give us a drink
Casino is just as good as Goodfellas. You slack jawed faggot.
Yeah sorry but you're a fucking pleb no matter how many buzzword insults you use.
You have to pay for it yourself.
thank you, Goodfellas is fucking garbage and Scorsese is a hack.
Only good part of the movie was Joe Pesci.
You have really, really, really shitty taste. I bet you find bland shit like Guardians of the Galaxy good.
Drinks... are on the house...
Get the fuck outta here op!
It's pretty much the reddit version of Godfather.
reddit how?
>Hates Goodfellas
>Also hates Casino
You can get away with the former but you should consider sudoku my man
No that's Godfather Part 3
GF3 is the BvS of the godfather