>At what point would a real and Good at his job officer of the law realize his own brother was THE BIGGEST DRUG DEALER OF ALL TIME
People like to think the best about their loved ones, its why you always see the family of murderers saying that it came as a surprise and he was a good boy.
>le epic meme show
take this shit back to r_eddit
He's talking about Isaac Schrader, Hank Schrader's twin brother
give me an upvote first and then we can talk, sweetie
Sorry bro in law
He wasn't his brother, he was his brother in law. No one notices or cares what's going on with their brother in law, it's the perfect cover.
But they were close and constantly in each other's lives
>good at his job
Friendly reminder that Walt, Gus and Jesse brought down more drug lords than Hank.
So the reason why Walter Jr was retarded was because he was inbred, right? With Skyler and Marie being sisters and Walter and Hank being brothers and all that
Because nobody in the entire world would have guessed it was Walt. If it wasn't for Jessie being a bitch or Hank finding that book with the note in it, Walt would have been in the clear
I remember reeeeally early in the show Walt could have easily been caught when all the lab equipment went missing and he was the only one in the school that knew how to use it. I can't remember why he got away with it but watching the first time he seemed to be in danger. Had Hank not been related to Walt he would have been suspicious right away
>implying he's not Ted's
>implying it wasn't due to Skyler smoking while pregnant
Because everyone thought Walter was a fucking geek.
The Mexican Jab motor took the fall for the missing lab equipment. He was one of the first victims of Walt's actions.
Janitor. I don't know how that got messed up.
Oh yeah, the guy who actually helped Walt when he started his cancer treatment, right? Man, fuck Walt
But he wasn't his brother or the biggest drug dealer even in america.
True, but if you're looking for a brilliant chemist cooking top-quality meth, wouldn't a geek be your first suspect?
Stupid phoneposter
>too afraid to say reddit
what a fagot
He wasn't the biggest drug dealer.
No, probably not.
He was a manufacturer, not a dealer. Why is OP so retarded?
It's a great show and this board loved it when it was airing, kill yourself.
only redditors visit generals
You don't start by finding a chemist, they usually look for dealers etc first and then you bust a lab.
Walter's case was really rare because television.
Don't forget that for the majority of the show, everyone looked at Walter like he was a deadbeat, no providing, nerdy ass dad
Gif's not working but I appreciate what you were going for
about 5 seasons in
ooh spagett, OOPS
all baldies die
have fun
fuck you saged
I think she's pretty hot
Does this actually mean anything
holy shit how fucking new are you
go back to roddot
people make their minds up about someone and then see what they want to believe
Walt was a pathetic spineless pushover high school chemistry teacher
Hank had literally ZERO respect for him and basically considered himself JR's real father figure
it's so out of the realm of possibility that he would be a secret badass or drug kingpin that hank would never fathom it
wow, you're like a teenage genius philosopher or something
really interesting, didn't like the reddit spacing though faggot
Did they reference BB on development?
Well I guess that makes sense. That is how he ended up catching Walt, anyway. Got to the dealer (Jesse) first.
But before that he only found out about Walt through pure coincidence