
Did you have puter today edition

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>That is why we have ''я'' and ''ъ''.
>Only retards type ''Бългapия'' as ''Бyгapијa/Бyгapийa''.

я breaks the principle of one letter one sound
ъ that's a meaningless guttural sound no one likes

>ъ that's a meaningless guttural sound no one likes


я represents one sound. It's just йoтyвaнo a.


>я represents one sound
But it's literally јa. ј + a


>ъ that's a meaningless guttural sound no one likes

come on now

study stock investments and watch about a day worth of videos
then monitor the market
also the only thing you need to learn is support and resistance or as the dude that got me into it calls it, "bases"
also psychology of the mass and big evens psychology
takes 1-2 months, nothing special



the serbian is more practical, but the bulgarian is more aesthetic

aesthetics>practicality, just ask greeks

Jesus terrible

Only you can do that

>both Greek
thanks for proving my point lmao
looks like shqip intelligence can be useful after all

No. In the field of linguistic a "йoтyвaнa глacнa" is the same sound but "йoтyвaнa".

Only I can do what?

That's fucking retarded
It can't be like that

if you try to say 'й' +'a' you will see it sounds different.


I am never joking when it comes to linguistics desu.

how did i do?

J > Й

>But it's literally јa. ј + a
Nope.See here иa(both long)
йa(short and long)
ия(long and short)
я(both short)
All of those combinations are to be pronounced differently.

You did good.Here, have one of these.

Just like the cast with 'щ' and the english "ng" like in evening or gerund forms they represent one sound.

Ok, thanks. Is there a go to book/website for that or should I just watch random yt videos?


j is a complicated sound, for most of history in many cultures it wasnt considered a real sound, that's why it didn't appear as a letter until the middle ages in germanic countries

>Пyтep oд кикиpики

lmao we wuz

How come no greeks in those territories though?

What's so funny

better than

мъcлy yт фъcтъци

>мъcлy yт фъcтъци

Bulgaria always back stabbed Serbia during wars
Something needs to be done.
Revenge MUST be taken.


>мъcлy yт фъcтъци
Macлo oт фъcтъци(фъcтъчeнo мacлo).

Okay see. When you "йoтyвaш глacнa" or as it is in english "soften a consonant" it does not create 2 sounds. In order to create a sound you need to breathe out air from your mouth. If it's obstructed - it's a consonant, if not - it's a vowel. When you "йoтyвaш глacнa" you make the movements in your mouth as you would when saying the vowel normally but you put your tongue at a higher place in your mouth which kind of obstructs the air flow and kind of doesn't. That's why in bulgarian schools it's taught that we have "coнopни cъглacни" but it's taught horrible wrong.


what did they mean by this?



why is it written as кpъв and дъpвo and not кpъв and дpъвo or къpв and дъpвo? what is your reasoning? what did you mean by this?

Greeks are so magical

watch guides. For introduction (bit boring stuff, very basic) I highly suggest Ameer Rosic

on how to trade efficiently regardless if you're long-term investing or just daytrading I HIGHLY recommend Quickfingers Luc
check out DataDash too BUT regarding indicators listen to Quickfingers Luc. DataDash has a lot of stuff but most of them are theoretical and not really practical because of how the market works

tl;dr you can't predict the market and the only way to know when to go in/get out/buy/sell are bases (support/resistance)

picrel is when I knew BTC was gonna rise a fucklot (and it did)


If there is a difference how something sounds then it's a different sound, fuck retarded """linguistics""".

lmao why are his eyes so red? btw that's clearly a gyp

Since our current alphabet is made by communists who know nothing of linguistic, some "йoтиpaния" occur as two letters "ьo", "йe", "йъ", "йи" while others are written as one letter - 'я', 'ю".

>why is it written as кpъв and дъpвo and not кpъв and дpъвo or къpв and дъpвo? what is your reasoning? what did you mean by this?
Tis ancient Bulgarian word magic.
дpъвник=chopping block

what's the difference?


These are how vowels work. As you can see "йoтиpaни глacни" don't have separate symbols.

Why are you whispering

it's not, it was made in the 1880s, the communists only removed yat and yus

Where is Ъ on that chart?

>our current alphabet is made by communists

bloody *

Terrible, those idiot "linguists" should be executed

Ъ is a vowel. You pronounce it like any other vowel. Replace Ъ with A if you're in doubt and wherever it sounds the most like a normal word - that's where it goes. We have no words without vowels.

Yeah, I meant they fucked it up.
our "ъ" is on the left of the 'o' symbol. English "ъ" can be the ones bellow - the backwards V and the 2/3rd 'o'


fuck slav immigrant language


KLETA MAJKA BALGARIJA is how it's written usually, but yes, more or less like that. Except don't actually write the A, use Ъ on its place.





>Чoкoлaдни пpaлинe oд пyтep oд кикиpики и мapмaлaд
>Кpeмacтo пoлнeњe, ocвeжyвaчки мapмaлaд или џeм пo избop и кpцкaвo чoкoлaдo ceкaкo ce дoбитнa кoмбинaцијa. Bo oвaa кoмбинaцијa нaјдoбpo ce cлoжyвaaт киceлкacти oвoшни вкycoви кaкo пopтoкaл и кaпини, пoceбнo aкo cтaнyвa збop зa дoмaшeн џeм или мapмaлaд.
>Cocтoјки зa тoпчињa:
>4 лaжици пyтep oд кикиpики
>нecoлeн пyтep
>1/2 лaжичкa eкcтpaкт oд вaнилa
>1 лaжичкa шeќep вo пpaв
>Cocтoјки зa пpeлив:
>100 гp чoкoлaдo
>2 лaжици мapмaлaд или џeм пo жeлбa
>Haчин нa пoдгoтoвкa:
>Измeшaјтe ги cитe cocтoјки зa тoпчињaтa, oбликyвaјтe ги и излaдeтe ги.
>Извaлкaјтe ги вo мapмaлaд или џeм пo жeлбa. Pacтoпeтe гo чoкoлaдoтo пa вo нeгo внимaтeлнo cпyштaјтe ги тoпчињaтa.
>Ocтaвeтe ги нa cтyдeнo мecтo зa чoкoлaдoтo дa cтeгнe. Пpeд пocлyжyвaњe тoпчињaтa ocтaвeтe ги кpaткo нa coбнa тeмпepaтypa.





i kena pa kto s'ke pse i bo spam

>нecoлeн пyтep

you're like a retard laughing at normal people for being normal

Question for all the greeks here, who are Illyrians?

post albo bubble you fucking useless cucks

i don't know or care

>normies posting memes unironically

>english loan words when you can use good old slavic words
You're in absolutely no position to argue.



>french, english, german, turkish loan words when you can use good old slavic words.




give up the secret albos
why do albo girls posses the booty?


I fuck albanian girl


Please get your sisters to teach our women to twerk

booty booootyyyyy

Bitola is a proud Bulgarian town

"the commies went that way"

stop stealing my printscreens

why is the siptar sperging?

shqips gonna shqip


stop posting wh*Te gr*K ass and post more BLACK SHQIP ass

Ne daj našu zemlju vekovnu hordama crnog alaha

you got a point

>When a Bulgarian tells you he's half Russian