Itt we're posting on Sup Forums one year into Hillary's presidency

itt we're posting on Sup Forums one year into Hillary's presidency

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Best presidency in ages!

1st best

CNN: I think nuclear fire has a nice shade to it.

Arent you guys glad bothing is changing?

More of the status quo. Only change is behind the scenes rumours of Clinton literally destroying every last shred of evidence of her wrongdoing and blaming anything that remains on bill

What do your words even mean?

The First Year: Amnesty and Syrians

Wow, Christie. Pence, Gingrich. All the cucks laughed out of the party when trump got desteoyed. So glad Rand is the front runner for 2020. Should be a cake walk taking the white house for him to!

So the White Legal Anus inspection crew arrived

They said mine wasn't used enough, ordered I be taken family style by their biggest, blackest buck.


Some of you guys are okay.
Don't go to my wife's son's refugee camp tomorrow.

The internet wont exist because there will be no electricity. Civil war will shut down the country

English, motherfucker, do you speak it?

I came here to say this

Please kill me already.

الله أكبر

Kek'd whole heatedly


انها الآن غير الشرعيين إلى الكلام أو الكتابة باللغة الإنجليزية . و اضطر الجميع للكتابة باللغة العربية. أرجوك أقتلني.

Holy shit anons can you believe we actually had a president stroke out her first day of office? Wonder what her presidency would have been like if she'd lived

He meant
ITT: One year after Clinton's elected

God dammit. My whole squad froze to death and I'm out here on the tundra getting hunted by partisans. We were told that crossing the Volga would be quick and easy.

I'm so glad to be in the TPP, all those public-domain movies I would've missed otherwise!
Hold on, the internet traffic inspector is waiting outside.
[This post was approved by the FBI]

[comment pending moderator approval]

All police officers have been murdered, white males like myself have been rounded up and put into camps. Muslims and niggers have free reign of the streets and white women have been enslaved and are forced to breed

Man, I'm glad we finally wiped ISIS and their Eurofascist Neonazi allies from the face of the earth. What a crazy year.

I thought the war in Russia would he easy, but we are met with extreme resistance every time we try to cross the Volga, and they've already repelled one of our attacks against Moscow. We're going to try to cross the Volga again, this time in conjunction with an offensive launched against St. Petersburg from Finland. We're hoping that if they're both successful, it will cripple the Russian will ro fight, but as we've seen with the intense resistance from partisans, I doubt that will be the case.

Best case for this war is that we quickly destroy the Chinese, and then launch a massive offensive across Siberia to sandwich the Russians.

HAHAHAHAHA another 25 racist cops died today.

That's what whites DESERVE for not listening to blacks!

>Things that are never gonna happen for $500, Alex

Well guys, we have the last few progs cornered. Nigs are dead, UN peacekeepers dead, she only has a few dozen supporters with her in the bunker. We'll draw straws to see who gets the big photo op, holding up her severed head. No one thought we could do it, but here we are, overthrowing the government in 365 days.

Screencapped that

>this is now a daily occurrence

As much as I can't stand Hilary the whole seizure angle is a bit of an over reach. You can tell she was startled by the reporter then just hammed it up

trump will not win, hillary is a too-powerful establishment figure.

that said, 1 year into a hillary presidency i think she will have had a stroke and will be basically a vegetable. someone else will be running the show behind the scenes while she shies away from public appearances and pretends everything is ok.

Give it to Milo

Nah, it's that bloodclot she had in her brain creeping up now and then.

Can't believe we did it Tumblr. All of those racists that used to come here committed suicide a year ago. The world sure is peogresssive nowadays!