What are some kinos that take place in the U.K.?
What are some kinos that take place in the U.K.?
Lawrence of Arabia
imagine being france right now
Thank God I'm not a Europoor. That entire continent is so fucked. For all our problems, at least there is hope yet for America.
What, being ecstatic at seeing a neighbouring country becoming Muslim too?
You realize that the typical American city is far less white than London, right? Assuming you're from Sup Forums and the lack of whiteness is your complaint.
I know exactly how not white America is. Technically, I'm not even white.
I'd still prefer living in a non-cucked, non white country than live in a cucked country that is also becoming significantly less white by the year.
well yeah...
>I'm not even white
Do you know where your opinion goes?
Children of Men
we were never white though
europe is the white homeland and is turning brown
TV show Taboo with Tom Hardy.
But user, I'm Italian.
>You realize that the typical American city is far less white than London, right?
lol no it doesnt nigga
london is only like 45% white, fucking NYC is 65% white
London was 60% white. 45% white British as of 2011
New York was 44% white (including "white hispanic") or 33% White in 2010.
>we were never white though
Irish and Italians are barely white. Anglos are white but remain reprehensible none the less.
>still being a kinotard
Why are niggers so unpleasant?
god damn kino posting got phased out so quickly.
London is 60% white, New York is 40% white and that's if you include the "white" Puerto Ricans and Dominicans....
What do you even by cucked? The UK is led by conservatives and is exiting the EU. It has 4% Muslims, America has more than 50% of its population non-white. Assuming the UK were to continue at the rate it was going, which it clearly isn't as people are woke, it would take, like, 50 years for it to reach American levels.
America has 200 million whites, just stay out New Mexico and California.
generally low iq and violent
America has a lot more immigrants and brown folk than the UK, but you gotta remember that America is fucking huge, and all the brown people are spread out and mostly congregate in the larger populated shitholes that many white people don't even want to live in anymore (NYC, LA, ect )
Say what you want about flyover states, but at least when Sharia Law kicks in, we'll be the last ones to bend over for it.
You could say the same thing about Scotland and Northern England.
28 days /
28 weeks
>the city of yurop
>lying on the internet
This happened in america you lying obeast
wow it's almost like forcing people to live in concentration camps will make them want to escape
i don't get it. why are they doing that?
>unironically being a cuck
t. 56%
no one forced them to come to Europe
war did my guy
>an ethnic group
Again, they didn't have to go to Europe
London and Birmingham are the dumping ground for these people. Most of the country is white as fuck, you can walk through town and not see a single non-white for hours. Looking at London as an example of the average level of racial "diversity" is almost like looking at Detroit as as example of the average concentration of blacks in the US.
Oh look at that, Britain is 92% White, hmmmm I wonder what America is??......
America, 72% AAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAA In a few hundred years you've literally cucked yourself
>It's an OP wants to discuss something in his image but he pretends he wants to discuss the text
Don't forget that some of those "whites" are spics, who are conveniently put into their own category to make the white pop seem higher.
America BTFO
I'm an American who spent last year in Europe. It's not as bad as you all claim.