>mfw realizing that I threw away my fans and any ounce of credibility for a handful of Netflix cash
>mfw everyone across all corners of the scientific and political spectrums detest me now
>mfw it's all over
Mfw realizing that I threw away my fans and any ounce of credibility for a handful of Netflix cash
Other urls found in this thread:
Another dime in the account
I've been hearing murmurings but have no idea what happened with this guy since I'm not a yank and I've been normieing it up lately
can someone gimmie a quick rundown?
what did he do
He said some things that hurt the alt-right's fee-fees.
What's the story here? A mod has a job and Sup Forums isn't a public service?
Don't worry, Bill. You'll always have the bow-ties. At least you'll have that.
He's been a meme scientist for years, but people are only catching up now. However, must of the butthurt here stems from the angst experienced by alt right cucks when they see a view besides their own.
>this drumpfkin delusion
he said this?
“But Bill Nye The Science Guy, a s c i e n t i s t (???) said in a TV Show twenty years ago that chromosomes determined gender!”
Aye lads, fifty years ago, they thought the best way to treat disabilities was to shove a needle into people’s eyes and like a hundred years before that, they thought sticking leeches onto people’s skin would surely get the job done.
It wasn’t until literal years ago that scientists realized babies felt pain when they were being operated on.
Plato once defined a man as a featherless biped so Diogenes threw a plucked bird at him and cried, “Behold, a man!”
The point is that science in general does this little thing called evolve.
Scientists say shit. Scientists realize the shit is wrong. Scientists research shit. Scientists say the right shit. That’s the very definition of science.
>hating Bill Nye's Netflix show means you're alt-right!!
$0.02 has been deposited into your account. Thank you for your service.
-Reed Hastings, co-founder and CEO of Netflix
>All the young kids are going to think I'm cool again if I do this right?
>Yeah yeah, of course, Bill! They're gonna love it! You're going to become the sensation that brings in the New Age of the 21st century! It's gonna be amazing!
>Yeah of course, now just sign here. And here. Annnnnd here. *SLAPS ON THE BACK* Atta boy! They're gonna love ya, Bill just you wait. Now go get 'em, killer! heheheheheheheheheh *begins to rub hands*
There was a song in the show in which the singer encouraged the audience to "give someone new a handy" among other things. At the end, Bill Nye praised the song and said it was "exactly the right message".
do you mean dissatisfaction? or is this part of the 'meme'?
>Thinks everyone will believe him if he throws the word """"science"""" next to his bullshit.
I dont think they realize that they are making ppl distrust scientific research even more
They are not playing the long game here.
Hes just mad this thread will promote actual discussion and steal replies from his flavor of the week meme spam
he made a show where trying butt stuff is referred to as evolution and there was a ice cream cartoon about why white christian men are evil
>spends time an effort creating an image to slander his internet "enemies" because he cannot handle a difference of opinion
>they are triggered not me
Top kek
He had a bunch of trannies get on stage and sing a shitty song about how having a cock and balls doesn't mean you are a man.
They also confirmed that if you disagree with men in short skirts shoving their ballsacks in your daughters face, you are a hateful alt-right bigot who needs to go back to Sup Forums
I did biology in university a few years back and even did a lot of social biology, there wasn't a whiff of this gender identity nonsense
I am afriad gender politics/ non-binary issues are NOT science
Has anyone in the scientific community actually blown him the fuck out or is this just a bunch of triggered antiSJWs shitposting tired memes again?
I'd love to see a source that isn't some right-wing blogpost. Anyone have some objective scientific facts that prove Bill Nye wrong? And from a scientist, not from your Sup Forums copypasta collection.
I'm only interested in the facts.
I'm afraid the best you'll get are the """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""scientists""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" over at Breitbart
>It wasn’t until literal years ago that scientists realized babies felt pain when they were being operated on.
Is that why male circumcision is still practised?
basically, he got a new netflix show for "Science."
Turns out...his science is more the pop-culture variety that has been beaten to death by some political camps, and may/may not have been refuted in some cases.
Apparently, it's also pretty terrible. as in your spine will cringe so hard as to actually rip itself out of your body. Especially the one about sex/gender.
>My unverifiable, subjective feelings on my gender are scientific fact
Using the scientific method, prove that chromosome-based gender is wrong.
You don't get it. Any reputable biologist who speaks out against this will have his research funds slashed by their sponsor universities, which (((coincidentally))) are all very liberal.
>some nutjobs in a gender studies class decide that there a more than two genders
>s-science guys!
so since scientists are always wrong, why even listen to them? 20 years from now they'll probably be back to 2 genders
Bill Nye the Bachelors in Engineering Guy thinks that having either a pair of XX or XY chromosomes is a "spectrum".
Yes it's much more likely that there is a conspiracy and clueless anons on Sup Forums know more about everything than the scientists who are studying it.
Serious question, though: If you believed something to be true, and scientists told you that they'd studied it and found that what you believed was in fact wrong, would you believe them? Or just call them cucks something something liberal agenda etc?
>"""scientists""" are studying it
>not blue-haired feminists in a non-science field
stay retarded, faggot
Where is the scientific evidence for more than 2 genders? Where is the science for the different sexualities?
In b4 muh feels
I can't believe someone thought this was a good idea.
do you know the difference between science and whatever magic bullshit progressives happen to be feeling that day
provide evidence from a biological journal that substantiates your claims at once
you're chatting out your arse lad and generally making yourself out to be a moron
>people still deny that liberalism is a mental illness
If there was any credible evidence that Bill Nye was wrong it would be screencapped and posted all over Sup Forums constantly. But there isn't.
It's literally conservatives being triggered as fuck.
I've even seen creationists mad about the small brain joke. Yes, the redpilling has finally got us to the point where creationists feel comfortable posting here and crying about liberal agendas in science.
Into your account, from Brock you mean? lol @ this nerd virgin
>it's a Sup Forums dismissed the words of an "engineer" but accuse all scientists of belonging to a jew agenda series
Hmm, almost like you wouldn't believe anyone with real evidence.
Welp this settles it, time to vote for Bernie
He's a mechanical engineer, obviously the first thing he wants to talk about is "gender identity" on his new shiw, he wasn't forced to do it on this topic.
He's also not a partisan hack, nor are they pushing this topic to create another social and political divide in the country
Literally destroyed himself
when progressives have colonized all the institutions which are authorities on reality and replaced their wisdom with insane groupthink, what is the point in still listening to them
Show me the scientific evidence for more than 2 genders (excluding the rare exceptions that someone is born with male and female genitalia) and for the 1000 sexualities
>still shilling that fake screencap
le fake news though xdd
Here is your basic gestalt
He got a new show to appeal to the nostalgic manchildren base and by the first episode he pulled a Pepsi and managed to get people on both sides pissed at him
nice strawman desu
divert from the precise point of argument and exaggerate your opponents claims very much
i see you have experience being wrong
not even pop-science tier skits that are about weird ass political ideologies about 69 genders and how white people are the devil.
>Show me the scientific evidence for more than 2 genders aside from when it happens
Yes you are definitely here to discuss things and consider alternate viewpoints
When you accept sandnigger religion, you accept sandnigger ways
personally I'd believe him/her, after meeting certain criteria:
1) does this scientist profit from his conclusions?
2) does the person funding the scientist profit from his conclusions
3) am I allowed access to the complete research, or am I merely supposed to trust their conclusion.
4) if I am allowed the research, do the base facts support the conclusion on their own, or is their bias that could cause their interpretation as the scientist in question has reached, can other conclusions be reached with this data.
If it turns out that the data does support the conclusion and their is not obvious profit to be had, then yes, I would trust their findings.
>here's how bernie can still win
I have a penis and today I woke up and felt like a pretty lady
>I don't like science when I disagree with it
Remember when we used to make fun of SJWs for this? What the fuck happened?
you know damn well its the jews
You're retarded. Most of the different people who identify themselves as one of the many "genders" dont have male and female genitalia
There is no justification for transgender people "identifying" as male or female other than my feels.
What science, exactly?
>le Sup Forums!
Notice how no one mentioned it until you did, Sup Forumsfag.
>scientists told you that they'd studied it and found that what you believed was in fact wrong,
I'm a scientist (microbiologist). I would never publicly tell someone is wrong. My training always emphasise that we can be 99% sure of something but it only takes 1% to blow it out of the water. Science is NOT about consensus. It is NOT a democracy or worse, a popularity contest. Unfortunately, many so-called scientists with irrelevant bachelor degrees are commenting on fields outside of the speciality. And they are using appeals to emotions and politics. To what end? I've seen old bearded Professors back stab a PhD student to get his name for the research his student did. Scientists are people with egos and weaknessess. Don't treat us a priests.
But this is fake science as invented by SJWs
>I would never publicly tell someone is wrong.
>there are people on Sup Forums defending this show RIGHT NOW
There eventually comes a point where contrarianism turns into outright retardation, and anyone speaking out in Bill Nye's defense hit it face-first.
Using your logic we never would have gotten to the moon because and scientist who needed or requested funding was clearly not to be trusted
You only believe struggling artist scientists who don't make money until after they die or something? You're clearly just saying "No, I would not change my mind because I would use my paranoia powers to find a reason to distrust the scientists who told me I was wrong"
>I-Wasn't imblying /bol/ checkmate nabzis
Okay so post some real science that proves him wrong.
Everyone in the thread wants to see it.
First off, I never said it was a conspiracy. A large amount of scientific research is funded by universities. Universities are traditionally very liberal organizations. If a scientist who is sponsored by a university speaks out in ways that their sponsers could find offensive, there is a very real chance they will lose their funding. Therefore, a large portion of the scientific community is prevented from doing any meaningful research in that field.
Second, Bill fucking Nye is not a scientist. He is an engineer at best, and even then he doesn't even have anything more than a BA. He has never written a peer reviewed paper in his life. Calling him a scientist or researcher is laughable.
Third, gender is defined by ones chromosomes, either XX, XY, or exceedingly rare anomalous cases, some other combination thereof. Until you can find more chromosomes or determine another factor for gender, your a fucking idiot for saying gender is a spectrum.
He deserves it.
>rare cases
So it's scientifically true? Cool, thanks for clearing that up.
When your senses tell you one thing when reality shows you another, this is scientifically known as "delusions" and may be a sign of mental instability.
Bill Nye is an idiot, and the new show sucks but PLEASE stop perpetuating this fake shit. Nowhere in that episode about GENES does he say "Gender is determined by your chromosomes".
hermaphrodites have both sex organs, dipshit.
>Subjective feelings of masculinity and femininity are now legitimate scientific findings
It's scientifically-true, but it's disingenuous/intellectually-dishonest to pretend the people who suffer from ACTUAL chromosomal defects make up any significant portion of the population.
So, for all intents and purposes, there are 2 genders with extremely-rare outliers.
There are rare diseases and rare animals, but they still exist. Science doesn't ignore things because they're rare. But a bunch of triggered retards here seem to insist that these cases SHOULD be ignored just because they don't like it.
That's the bottom line and everyone here fucking knows it and beyond that folk are just being willfully ignorant just because muh liberals or whatever.
Even though this image is doctored, I don't see why it's so outrageous for someone to change their minds. Why does our society treat hypocrisy as if it were the worst thing ever?
>It's scientifically-true, but
Every Bill Nye thread in a nutshell
>A tiny minority of cases occur that obviously represent genetic errors well outside the norm
>gender identity is scientific
Why do you think someone would make a fake image like this?
It's almost as if there's an agenda at play and some people are lying about how much they care about facts.
But that couldn't be true, could it?
By the time this thread dies, there still won't be any scientific proof posted in it that proves Bill wrong
It's psychology
He also said white people dont exist.
>psychology is scientific
Because nothing new about biological gender has been discovered. If we found out that there was more to gender than XX or XY, changing your opinion in light of new information would be perfectly understandable.
What makes it wrong is that he has changed his opinion (theoretically) simply because the popular opinion has shifted to something else. It shows that he does not base his opinions on scientific findings, but instead panders to whatever beliefs are popular at the time.
It's mental illness, so you are partially correct.
Psychology isn't science. You can't apply the scientific method to something so subjective. Psychology is a legitimate field of study, but to call it a science is flat out wrong.
>Because nothing new about biological gender has been discovered.
Gender isn't a biological concept
>The scientific study of the human mind and its functions
okay bro
You little degenerate fucking faggot. I hope you have a son that you love dearly, that you spend two decades raising with your heart and soul. Only for them to tell you they are actually a girl deep down because Reddit said so and proceed to radically alter their body - on the way willingly ending your bloodline for all time. Your parents' last effect on the world a disgusting freak that denies his own body. When that's done you will have my permission to kill yourself.
>assblasted nye handjob thread
i see the boards fixed.
Bro ur a faggot.
I'm not even the guy u we're replying to but for real you're a fuckin faggot dude
Then it doesn't fall into the spectrum of science. It would be a subject of sociology, which like psychology, is not a science.
If your opinion is that gender is a social and not a biological construct, than that is just that, an opinion. And your opinion is wrong.
I thought Bill was wrong but then I realised half the shit people were crying about was based on fake subtitle screenshots, and time and again everyone failed to come up with proof that he's wrong, choosing to instead post their own interpretations of the facts. Also any study or source showing support for what Nye says is dismissed as liberal agenda bullshit.
You're really starting to sound like a paranoid old man who holds a shotgun on their porch all day, Sup Forums