Sup Forums-tier youtubers

did I miss anyone?

Other urls found in this thread:

Nah its bretty good

>Amazing Autist

neither one of them want to seize the means of production, so not really. They're basically social democrats

>Social Democrats

Samuel Hydberg is not apolitical.

>ben shapiro
fuck off

Joe Dan Gorman
Alphonso Rachel

Naked ape is pretty gud

murdoch murdoch is my favorite. when the redpill is too depressing, he's always there to cheer me up. my fav:

Yeah you fucking moron, you forgot Common Filth.

Is ANZU a Youtuber?

If so, can you post here 1 direct link to some video? (Not a channel link, I cannot see channels, only can download whole video, if have it's code...)

>Not having the doctor of common sense

>no common filth
>no woes

Too patrician 4 u

Daily reminder that glorifying e-celebs is what brought the alt-right down (that, and forgetting the JQ, subversion from within, normalization of degeneracy, "stormweenie" memes, or trusting anybody because of what they tell you).
Think for yourself, the takeaway should be the idea, stop putting these Patreon-fags on a pedestal.

Also, my nigga Yakkub is not a big-headed scientist, he is the leader of all Nubian kings and queens, you owe them reparations white man mah nigga Yakkub stay woke especially during real nigga hours.

That was a great video, min norske venn

Murdoch is by far the best


Where is Manlet Woes?

Reality Calls

She's a British redpilled qt p2t 3.14 and was dropping redpills on nationalism, Brexit, and race and IQ.

>qt p2t 3.14

Does not compute.

she's mixed

That is why she makes my peepee hard

I want to have children from Paul Joseph Watson.

Reported to MVD.

[OMON raid intensifies]

Sam Hyde is on the wrong category.


Question about ANZU being a Youtuber ??
Being pol-approved ?

Link to some representative video ? (my access to youtube is completelly blocked here for security reasons, but I may download video by "aTube catcher" if I know URL...)

Just curious to see so many images of this Cunt here on Sup Forums without ever heard of it before or elsewhere...

Kill yourself, degenerate waifufag.

>listening to random 20 to 25 dudes on youtube rambling about politics and feminism every week for years

It's a waste of time. All of these guys are full of shit. Leave your shell and form your own opinions.

listening to varg is comfy

Dr. David Duke is running for U.S. Senate!

>Announcement Video:

>David's Campaign Website:

>David's Platform:

>David's Website (Not campaign specific):



The liberal media will relentlessly attack Dr. Duke because he is pro-white.

If we put our faith in the power of memes, Qek will lead us to victory:{

Andy Warski is a pretty cool guy. He's been shitting on SJWs a lot this year.

Why no Varg? He should get an honorable mention as the wild Wizard.

>Ben Shapiro

Fuck off, saboteur. You destroy everything you touch and you know what you're doing.

Get an honest job.

Does amazing atheist actually have a micropenis?

You forgot Tommy Sotomayor.

I'd say centrists



AmazingAtheist is a SJW.
Also list needs Undoomed and SkepticKnight in the centrist category.

how did you not put the guys who do the daily shoah and the merchant minute on that list.

You mean Morrakiu?

Me too.

No Ben Swann.



They're both very redpilled, though their content isn't always strictly political.

Do people actually watch the golden fag?

he's being ironic

>Julie Borowski

I'm sorry but her arguments are so simplistic and mornoic it's laughable
Women should never do politics

the only other person I know that loves the ape, God bless brother

just like Sup Forums is satire, right?

Do you even Bill Whittle?

He's the most ahead of the curve.

Kraut and Tea
Computing Forever
Bearing for shitposting

i cant look at him without wanting to stroke my cock and imagining him fucking my ass

>makes my peepee hard

Gas yourself famalam

Brother Nathaniel is the only good one on that list.

Kraut and Tea

Davis Aurini Alt right

Holy shit I died with the amazing autist image

Murdoch Murdoch for entertainment

Bill whittle for politics

Yeah it need Varg Vikernes

dunno where you'd put him though

Oh look it's another youtube """"""""celeb"""""" thread

You missed me

Adam Kokesh is left-anarchist, not right. Sam Hyde and Cristopher Cantwell(despite what he may say himself) are both alt-right.

Needs Bill "Is he redpilled?" Whittle.

Also should not be titled Sup Forums approved Youtubers, since Thundercuck, Amazing Fedora, Sargon and (((Shapiro))) are pretty much hate by most here.

This, probably conservative

I bet your le political youtuber doesn't even have a million views in just one video alone.

MORE Statistics

He's not even a father yet he knows how important father figures are in society.
Observation and Solution

He owns guns, flies his own plane, an honorary fighter pilot, goes to speaking engagements, from formal dining events to auditoriums full of leftists, to conventions of patriotic americans, to submarines full of the deadliest young americans.
If you don't like Milo for his fagginess, you'll love Bill Whittle for his Captain America, boy scout personality.

Also, StateOfDaniel is pretty much Sup Forums minus the nigger and jew hating.

half of the list is shit tier

fuck off

Fantano desu.

How come nobody here does their own channel? It's easy enough to do.

That feel when no Le Scottish Dwarf in the alt-right section.

>easy enough to do

This. Most Sup Forums related channels get tons of free traffic. Take 10 minutes to set one up and upload anything interesting that's either not already on youtube or that's got shit keywords or title.

The latest video here was already mirrored to youtube about 6 hours prior but had a total of 2 views because of the terrible title (now it's on 5 - and 2 are probably from me). Reupload with appropriate terms is on 30k after one and a half days.

This, I did a programming tutorial channel and a Sup Forums channel. The growth on the Sup Forums channel is at least 5x as fast than the programming channel, and the Sup Forums channel had less content.

Degenerate faggot.

Forrest bloom. he's alt right most based youtuber right now

you should probably make a condition, like they have to have x number of subscribers to be relevant, and talk about Sup Forumsitical shit. Otherwise there are thousands you probably missed