HBO's Silicon Valley is a good show; albeit a bit too liberal lately. What do you think about it?
it has not made one political mention in its entire run. stop being a crybaby.
uhhh more?
It makes fun of big corporations
It makes fun of the forced liberalism of tech companies, yeah. If they were going to go after the right, they would have done so with their Peter Thiel parody.
When is the new season going to start, retards?
we're two episodes in dipshit
Thank you, fuckface.
Reminder that Reddit and Tumblr are falseflaggers posing as Pollacks.
silicon valley is liberal as fuck
it makes fun of liberal companies
yeah, if anything it makes fun of liberal SV culture that's overly funded, metropolitan and faux-progressive. Everyone comes across as hugely out of touch.
>not milana
Still would bang, though.
call me a fucking alt-right pig, but as soon as I heard that they were going to add "multiple women programmers" to the show this season, I dropped the fuck out of it. and surely they will be ultra nerdy "not like the other girls" geniuses because there are no "normal" women programmers right? fuck off I got work to do
>>>>>>>>>>>>look again
Because it is.
that's not her, it's her friend.
Are these public on her insta? Leak it. Leak it.
they already had one female programmer in S2 who didn't do shit and got shafted for no reason. but sure, keep complaining about things that haven't even happened yet. it's your life to waste.
who tf is milana
milana vayntrub
oh i know that liberal jewess, i hate her
kek i've fapped to Jessica Robbin in that same outfit
OP coming back?
Tell me exactly why it's bad to be liberal.