Bill Nye the JUST Guy

Bill Nye the JUST Guy

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DJ Agenda 21

What's that dance move called?

The fuck drumpf and fuck white people shuffle

How long can you last?

out of everything in that video, I found this the most unsettling

this is so fucking bad I almost threw up.

If anyone actually gives a shit about science, and not just about pushing their agenda, be it right or left:
Everybody starts off as girls in the womb. We are then subject to a certain level of hormone exposure which affects our psychology. The amount of exposure we get can affect our sexual orientation, and because the set amount can vary it is what we can call a "spectrum". One the other hand, "gender" is just society's roles for the two sexes, by definition.

This is the scientific fact. Bill's icecream cartoon is retarded. The triggered Sup Forumsfags trying to doctor screencaps or pushing their feelings as scientific fact are retarded.
There's the science, everything else is shitposting.

"Anyone can be a DJ! Just press play and turn knobs on the board that actually don't do anything"

These fuckers ruining DJs and producers and electronic music as a whole

How's the transition going?

Remember when he was about science, instead of opinion?

the i fucking love """science"""

Now that I've grown up I realize Bill always looked and dressed like a little fuccboi. Should have seen this coming.

people have said that bill nye never really said the thing on the left in that specific episode so that image is flawed

>If anyone actually gives a shit about science, and not just about pushing their agenda
lol no such thing

>liberals said it's not true so it MUST be fake!

he never had any talent or sense of humor and he still doesn't. he sucks at being on tv and he sucks at speaking for the scientific community. and that has nothing to do with politics.


I'm pretty sure he's just practicing the motions of giving his nigger boyfriend a blowjob.

you wanna prove me that he actually said that? I only brought that up because I'm curious whether or not he actually said it or people were just making it up

We don't start off as anything dipshit, there are points in which development forks off into girl or boy depending on presence or lack of hormones.

It isn't much of a spectrum, the vast VAST majority of people are born fitting neatly into their biological sex with all the expected secondary characteristics. You make it sound as though sexual differentiation is highly random when in reality it's highly predictable.

Intersex disorders are incredibly rare, about 1 in 2000 births, and even the majority of those identify as male or female. Intersex disorders producing ambiguous genitalia are even rarer, about 1 in 10000 live births.

Basically intersex disorders are an extremely uncommon medical phenomenon that's been misappropriated by """gender theorists""" to legitimize attention-seeking bullshit

>The amount of exposure we get can affect our sexual orientation, and because the set amount can vary it is what we can call a "spectrum"

And yet you're still born with either a penis or a vagina, with XX or XY chromosomes.

>incredibly rare
>1 in 2000 births
so the opposite of incredibly rare. because that's very common.

>Intersex disorders are incredibly rare
In other words it is scientifically accurate to say it's not as simple as M/F
Got it, thanks

bill bought into the meme

i can swear all day i am a girl.... but im not

By the time this thread dies, there still won't be any scientific proof posted in it that proves Bill wrong

>0.05% of cases isn't just common, it's very common
So what are 99.95% of cases?

holy fuck, imagine going back to the nineties and showing someone this.

The US defines a rare disease as one affecting less than one in 1,500 people, hope this helps :^)

You are profoundly unintelligent

Hermaphrodites are born with both reproductive organs. Are they male? female? both?

Gender is a social construct. Take the iron pill.

They would probably think it was fun.
What? You think the 90s were redpill central or something? The 90s was when you could make Star Trek without half the country crying bitch tears about muh liberal kike agenda

LOL WTF you guys weren't joking. Is this what the actual show is like always?

not the same quote but same thing

Thank you for your worthless post

see and keep it in mind

they wouldn't know what the hell she was talking about. they'd think it was a joke.

subject matter and politics aside, it's a really horrendous song and performance, and that move he does at the turntable is the definition of cringe.

About 1 in 1600 people are born without one of their limbs. If someone asked you how many limbs a human has, would you answer "four" or would you answer "well actually human beings have a spectrum of limbs..."

Why a rare class of even rarer disorders has been politicized so much is beyond me

In the 90s the jews understood subtlety. They've gone all out recently.

>Are they male? female? both?
They're literal mutant freaks of nature. We don't have to bend the realities of 99%+ of humans to accommodate a miniscule demographic.

>In a clip discovered by Ian Miles Cheong

You sound smart. How old are you? Good post.

>those unlikes
Jesus christ alt-right babbies out in full force

What is this dance called? The Reddit Shuffle?

>My sex junk's better then bagels with lox

What did ((((((they)))))) mean by this?


That's right it's always the boogieman out to get you, no real human begins would ever disagree with your opinion

Hmm I wonder what other articles feature on this reputable and objective news source
>Watch: Why isn’t communism as hated as Nazism?
>The left increasingly engages in violence to stop free speech
>Antifa group behind violent riots discovered to have ties to pedophile group
>Matt Walsh: Climate alarmists, I can’t take you seriously until you start living like the Amish


>facts are wrong because i dont like the source it's on!!!111 grrr!!11

lol this post utterly demolished nyefags and will not get a single legit response

i dont care about the article or author
watch the video, from bill nyes show, directly disproving what he just said



listened to it twice and then downloaded the audio from youtube

What makes that any less reputable than
>8 Reasons Why White People Shouldn't Vote
>6 Easy Ways to SMASH The Patriarchy
>Berkeley Student: Fuck Drumpf and Fuck White People!
>5 Ways Climate Change Will Literally Rape You

he included a video of him fucking saying it in his show you lunatics

Because I copypasted the titles of actual articles on that site and you made some up.

You stupid faggots go to YouTube and watch the video
Bill Nye season 4 episode 8
Then Kill yourselves and your families for producing you.

I decided to convert to radical Islam after seeing this.

im sorry i didnt just do that first
i forgot how stupid this board is
>25 Ways To Smash The Patriarchy

I find it interesting how you'll insist Bill Nye was correct when he said what you agree with but was incorrect when he said something you disagreed with

Some people took more than the one redpill a day

Am I the only one who has always thought bill nye was a fag even back in the day?

I literally fucking CALLED IT brah

>Study: Global Warming Will Cause 180,000 More Rapes by 2099


>that's the point


.002% of the world population over a hundred fucking years

even if that is true is that supposed to be alarming at all?

That's literally like 2k a year for a 7+ BILLION population lmao


Go back and look a the episode, it's true that it's not a quote from him, it's from a girl on his show. They do a segment on chromosomes with fridge magnets and she narrates.

Heh, you just feel a bit stupid right now.
It'll pass.

Based Beakman was way better than this clown

>Deny White Men the Right to Vote

How did a guy with only a bachelors degree become the """science""" guy?

Jesus tap dancing christ, what the fuck

Welcome to the future you chose! Don't call it a grave

Bill Nye was married.

Sure, he was a creepy, skinny guy with a bow tie, but he was married... for about six weeks... then he annulled it, and later accused his ex of pouring solvent in his garden, and feared that she would throw solvent in his face, and filed a restraining order against her, but the judge denied it because of how improbable it all seemed.

>Implying I chose this

Remember just a week ago when Kathy Lee and Hoda was trashing this guy?

>Oh yeah, it's the countries that barely reach replacement rates that are the problem, not poor thirdworlders whose countries' populations are skyrocketing
>I wonder (((who))) could be behind this?

>Sure, he was a creepy
ewww guys are gross xdd

>be Bill Nye
>rich and semi-famous in the 90s
>fame and wealth begin to fade after show ends
>twitter era comes upon us
>realize every time I make a post about climate change, space, or >Christianity it gets spammed all over Reddit
>I start getting invited onto talk shows
>Finally starting to feel relevant again thanks to these "reddit" and "tumblr" people who worship me
>Netflix asks me if I want my own show to pander to my dumb millennial fan base, but take it easy on the boring "science" nonsense
>sell my soul out of desperation for more fame and netbux

I really think this is what happened. It's not that Nye really cares about all the SJW crap, he just wants to stay famous. Fuck him.

>audience is dead quiet
I can only make it a minute through before it becomes too much. Jesus.

Prevent Americans from having more children, and open the borders to anyone with children. It is the only way.

Fucking annihilation. Nyefags on suicide watch

>Bill Nye The Government Should Tax You For Having Kids Guy
>Bill Nye The Married For Only Two Months Then Sued His Ex-Wife Guy
What else?

Which was the superior sidekick? Josie, Liza, or Phoebe?

holy shit my sides

>implying Nigerians wouldn't produce the same amount of carbon if they had the same technology or infrastructure
>actually implying there should be restrictions on the amount of children people should have
Move to China if you want restrictions on birth you stupid fuck. OH WAIT, China got rid of their one child policy because it was cruel and only caused problems for the country. Who would have guessed? Jesus fuck these people are stupid


These faggots are beyond evil, trying to normalize mental illness and convince children to mutilate their genitals.

They should all be fucking lined up against a wall and shot

I have a soft spot for Eliza but Josie aged pretty well too

Remember when Sup Forums loved this guy because some retarded nobody spic and a fat nigger were niggering all over him in some shitty talk show?

this but unironically

The people calling them rude are just crazy. Watch the clip.

Bill Nye gets a five minute segment where they quiz the audience, and give away prizes. There is just one segment there where Kathie Lee seems annoyed because Bill answered her question, but then continued on talking. She had a limited block of time, and needed to get back to Hoda.

why would you ironically line people up against a wall and shoot them

it's either let people express their gender or round them up and shoot them.... who do you think looks like the crazy person?