ITT: Actors who secretly voted for Trump

ITT: Actors who secretly voted for Trump




Probably. Chris Pratt doesn't seem like a particularly bright guy.

Tell me about the smart city people, why do they wear the masks?

Settle down Glenn


>every thread is about trump

Stephen Colbert voted for Trump so he wouldn't have to come up with creative jokes for the next four years


>Sup Forums is more pro trump than Sup Forums

How did that happen?

Sup Forums probably has the lowest average IQ of all boards

Beat me to it. I've never used this meme and it seemed like the perfect time. Tpbp

Because shareblue isn't shilling on Sup Forums. They get paids to shitpost at the source (of redpills)

it's just kids who are to afraid to post on Sup Forums and don't realize everyone on Sup Forums thinks he's a zog shill

I'd imagine /mlp/ is up there.

guy wants to get married, have kids, go to church on sunday and fish

yeah, he's wearing a red hat

pendulum shift. liberals got too far ahead of themselves and started being retarded and then acting like they dindu nuffin when people started calling them out on it. falling back on the "but wait a minute, we're all college educated" meme doesn't work anymore when race relations are in the gutter, nobody can get a job and you're labeled a nazi if you say the smallest thing out of line. it'll never cease to amaze me that the side i grew up on managed to somehow out stupid conservatives.

Pratt is a big star right now, and you know the grand majority of Hollywood is liberal when he has subtly revealed he's conservative, of course he gotta keep it a secret if he wants to keep getting roles.

I know there's a set to this. please hekp

Underrated post.

>it'll never cease to amaze me that the side i grew up on managed to somehow out stupid conservatives.

That's because they hid their agenda behind closed doors.

The Tranny/BLM/Feminism shit goes back to the 70's.

Every time the Conservatives fought back, the media put the spotlight on the craziest group and said "they're all like this".

The Harry Potter witch shit was only a few hundred people. The fight against Hip hop and Metal never even got its' foot in the door.