Did it break new ground?
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Thread disapproved. OP is a faggot
>Space Cop
>so fat he takes up a lot of space
I have nothing but a complete lack of surprise that Space Cop was a pathetic, abysmal failure of a film, and I have nothing but scorn and contemptuous laughter for the morons who have been supporting Red Letter Media for years with patronage. Laziness and lack of organisation will ALWAYS shine through, in the end.
Red Letter Media have based their entire schtick around "humorous irony" but this time, when they themselves were put to the test ("can YOU make a good film, with all your supposed knowledge about it?") their true colors shone through for all to see. I knew it would happen, of course. I knew it from the first time I decided to bite the proverbial bullet and attempt to view one of their videos on Youtube.
Hopefully as a direct result of this, one or more of the members of Red Letter Media will realise that they are, and have been, nothing but an abhorrent failure "half-assing it" through life, and put an end to it. Their life, that is. Now THAT I would give patronage to.
Make your suicides happen, Red Letter Media. It's the only chance at redemption you all have.
I think I laughed maybe twice during the whole thing. I mean you can't expect much else quality wise from a movie like this but I feel that they could have made it funnier and put more effort into the gags.
Who still watches Red Letter Media?
It's good if you're a fan of RLM. Can't imagine someone who isn't enjoying it.
There was more effort done in that poster than the whole movie
>Production had a lot of trouble getting actors and extras, which explains why several parts are played by the same actors. This was even the case during the strip club scene when some of the dancers who agreed to show up didn't. Despite local flyers advertising free beer and strippers only four people turned up. The day was saved, following several failed audition sessions, when the group's only professional actor, Jocelyn Ridgely managed to get several actor friends together to fill out the important roles.
Did you intentionally get most of this information incorrect?
it exceeded all expectations of just how terrible a movie can be
Space Cop is a clinic in why small budget indie movies fail:
1) Start off with a shitty script that isn't a real script, it's just a satire of the industry, poking fun at the movie that they are pretending to make.
2) Get your buddies to star in it instead of getting real actors.
3) Absolutely shit production value, akin to an infomercial.
4) Put together an uninspired edit.
5) Make "totally awesome" poster because the actual movies sucks.
>Jocelyn Ridgely managed to get several actor friends together to fill out the important roles.
Kek no. She is a failed shitty local actor local to Milwaukee and her friends are shittier actors than her. Trust me, I know.
>Trust me
Well I certainly have no reason not to, user!
I dunno. It's on the imbd page.
I live in Milwaukee and know all these jokesters first hand or second hand. Jocelyn is a shitty actor who used to get hired based on her looks. She is getting old and gross now, though. The Milwaukee scene, including RLM, is absolute cancer. It's the same group of about 25 actors who are all absolute shit. Anyone trying to make a movie is untalented and simply trying to make a caricature of a movie.
Can't say any more about myself, it will out me.
>I know these guys IRL, trust me!
Just fuck off, retard.
I couldn't make it five minutes into Space Cop before I shut it off.
>Can't say any more about myself, it will out me.
Then why say anything at all? It's not like you're providing any interesting or useful information. Just desperate for attention, I suppose.
You simply cannot make a good movie without at least 30 million dollars
>The Milwaukee scene, including RLM, is absolute cancer.
But RLM doesn't seem to associate at all with any kind of local "scene."
Just refuting information that anyone involved in the making of Space Cop is "professional." They are all people who's interest in filmmaking is that of a hobbyist. It was written by the three amigos (Jay, Mike and Rich) and made by a bunch of their friends and sycophants who they got to work for free.
It was so gritty. I was able to take it seriously.
the chase scene was VERY cool
Except they do. Even their YouTube channel is filled with local douchebags.
lol you sound bitter as fuck. RLM not want to be your friend, faggot?
The movie personifies how shit they are. Not because it was bad, but because it wasn't bad enough and actually quite boring.
Utterly underwhelming, even in its lack of quality.
Why do they call it "the proverbial bullet"
We know "bite the bullet" is a common saying, why use proverbial as an adjective here?
Holy shit, go back to 2009 you fucking edgelord.
Nope. No interest in working with them. Just relaying the information. They poke fun at movies. They aren't interested in making a real one.
And yet you keep posting about them.
Well, it is a RLM thread, retard. Try to stay on topic if it isn't too hard for you.
Don't lump all small budget indies like that, a lot of small budget indies do end up being great movies. But the reasons you list for why are pretty stupid imo.
1) The Space Cop feature film is based on an idea that they had been toying around with for years. But the script has nothing to do with being a "satire of the industry". I think the biggest problem here is that they rehashed all of the jokes they had been showing people previously so the jokes didn't have the same punch.
2) They did hire professional actors, like they also did with Feeding Frenzy and The Recovered. It wouldn't have been an RLM movie without Jay, Mike and Rich, though.
3) Production value was kind of shit, but I don't think they could have done any better with the budget they had available. Compared to other indie films of this this nature, some of the effects and sets they did are actually good. Besides it's pretty obvious they were going for a certain look.
4) I don't even know what you mean by this. Makes no sense.
5)The poster in OP was made by a fan. The original poster for the film is actually pretty bare.
>"There's a lot of excitement, there's a lot of buzz and it doesn't make a lot of sense to me because I have no interest in intentionally shitty movies. The best bad movies are the ones where the people making it didn't realize they were making a bad movie."
- Jay Bauman, director / star / producer of Space Cop on a movie that's not Space Cop
Don't be the asshole that argues the exception and not the rule. For every good indie there are about 10 million terrible ones.
Eh. I enjoyed it. Probably more than I regularly would have if I wasnt a fan of RLM but it genuinely made me laugh at some parts and it didnt feel long by far. Couldve used more Jay if anything, but it was a solid movie.
Oh i am laffin
"Space Cop" is too unoriginal of a spoof. It sounds like a comedy movie that has been done several times before.
space cop really isn't as offensive as you guys are making it out to be. it's right in line with shit like the aqua teen hunger force movie or the tim and eric movie, ie its a redlettermedia skit in longform that you will get a couple chuckles out of. it's not great but genuinely great comedy films are hard to make. I love kung pow and dumb and dumber but I've seen those movies get shit on too.
Exactly. They claim they weren't trying to spoof '80s movies, but they did exactly that. For people that really love '70s and '80s movies, it's a slap to the face and reeks of insincerity. You can tell when someone is passionate about something. It's obvious RLM is not passionate about retro movies. They are simply poking fun at them because it's the trend right now. It makes me sick.
Please tell me about them.
What kills me about this is, they comment time and again in their Best of the Worst series that a "good" bad movie is one made with commitment to it as a serious movie, and that the worst possible type of movie is the "intentionally bad comedy" because it's not only unfunny, it's actually miserable.
And then, they go and make an "intentionally bad comedy", and who woulda thought it, it's not only unfunny, it's actually miserable. They show an incredible lack of ability to learn from THEMSELVES.
This 1000%.
A movie like Gremlins or Critters is awesome because the creative team set out to make an awesome movie and failed in the right way. But the passion and the heart of the movie are there. They did NOT say, "Hey, let's poke fun at wacky creature movies and make something that will give a few people a chuckle. They are the worst kind of hypocrites.
you're too autistic to understand the concepts they were trying to explain
Don't you know what editing is? Why are you even defending a movie if you know nothing about filmmaking?
Do you know what "proverbial" means? I mean, you cite the proverb they're referring to, so it seems like you must, but if you did, why would you ask such a stupid question?
>Height: 5' 4" (1.63 m)
oh you're a baby sorry for being rude, wittle baby goo goo ga ga do you want milky milk?
>They are the worst kind of hypocrites.
I would think the worst kind of hypocrites would be like politicians or scientists that do the opposite of what they say. You know, people that actually have an effect on the world.
But you're probably right: a group of friends in Milwaukee that make no budget movies for fun are much worse, and the effects of their heinous acts is severe.
I'm glad you agree.
I have no problem with a group of friends making a movie. But when they proclaim that a certain thing sucks, but then do it anyway, then people call them out, and then they try to backtrack and defend themselves ... that I have a problem with.
Apparently you don't know how this Micronesian anime forum works.
you're not calling them out though. you're just intentionally misunderstanding what they mean by a low budget b movie having unintentional comedic value and their actual style of comedy which is stuff like in their skits. its a completely different tangent.
Say what you will about the "review" copypasta, it accurately predicted that Space Cop would be both a spiritual and economic disaster - exposing Mike as the failed filmmaker that he has always pretended not to be.
I assumed you posted that image to convey that your underage and don't have a fully formed brain
>it accurately predicted that Space Cop would be both a spiritual and economic disaster
But it was neither. They sold out of blurays multiple times.
Damn, that's a nice poster. How can channel autism even compete?
Go to the Space Cop IMDb page and tell me how many of those actors are professional. Only Rich, Mike and Patton Oswalt have a profile picture. Real professional bunch there. KEK. Written by RLM. Filmed by Jay. KEK.
nah, your just bullies that want to pick on people for enjoying some light hearted web content because this is Sup Forums and you can.
What's with the picture of Ronald Reagan they always have on their shows?
lurk more, faggit
>durr you're not a professional unless you have a profile pic on IMDB
If they're local Milwaukee actors, they're not going to give a shit about IMDB profile pics. If RLM paid them for their services, then yes they're professional actors, you retard.
baby can't spell either aw
Yeah, that's all wrong. You are too stupid to even debate with.
>I don't have a rebuttal so I'll just call you stupid
>If RLM paid them for their services, then yes they're professional actors, you retard.
If you say so, turbofag. Also, thinking they paid people. KEK
If you get paid to act then you are a professional actor. That's it, that's all that that term means.
You need to lurk more. You will understand things a little better after you have been on here a little longer. Maybe refrain for posting for about 6 months. Then maybe you will be ready. Mmmmmkay, faaaaahhhhhhhgit?
>responding to obvious pasta
When somebody posts something this quickly this long, it doesn't hurt to at least check the archive.
But this was blatant pasta. kys you're selfs
What's with the redditor here?
Well... it was much better than Feeding Frenzy, which was fascinatingly awful.
digits confirm, a new pasta is born.
Site your sources. A Taco Bell employee make tacos. Does that make them professional chefs? Being professional has nothing to do with pay, idiot.
You like to backtrack just like RLM.
>Does that make them professional chefs?
Not him, but yes? Extras as professional actors.
>Site your sources
Try a dictionary you DUMB cunt.
>A Taco Bell employee make tacos. Does that make them professional chefs?
No it makes them professional cooks. They didn't design the dish so they aren't the chef.
>Being professional has nothing to do with pay, idiot.
It is LITERALLY the only thing that matters. You can be the best painter in the world, but if you never sell a single thing, you're not a professional artist.
Jesus Christ it's embarrassing how dumb you are.
>No it makes them professional cooks. They didn't design the dish so they aren't the chef.
Huh? That's a strangely specific definition. Are you saying a sous-chef, if he hasn't actually designed a dish, isn't a chef?
I'm saying that you're a moron. If you get paid for being a moron, then you're a professional moron.
kek, I'm not he, but could you answer the question?
>order 100 dvds because you expect low interest
>sell out
Most replicators have minimum orders that are well over 100. They probably ordered AT LEAST 500 copies, but I would imagine it was more like 1000 or 2000. That's pretty common.
Love this post, just look at all the devastated RLM anal slaves that replied to it. For whatever it's worth I fucking believe you, user. What a shitshow.
Thanks. It kind of proves my point, doesn't it? The Milwaukee filmmaking scene is the absolute worst. You would think with about 1.2 mil in the Milwaukee area that the filmmaking scene would be better, but holy fuck it's absolute garbage. Every city I have worked in is 10 times better. I need outta here.
>user got some attention on Sup Forums so his life now has value!!!!!
You'll still wake up alone tomorrow, user.
Dubs of TRUTH
You seem obsessed with your anus. Any experiences you'd like to share with the group?
Ass-devasted RLMlet. I just laugh that you get so defensive over these obvious buffoons.
>I just laugh that you get so defensive over these obvious buffoons
Is this hollow sense of joy the only thing keeping you from killing yourself?
That's some projection. I can't believe the RLM (retarded) friend simulator means that much to you. Are these greasy faggots really all that's keeping you from killing yourself?
is saving epic mad men memes and telling people to kill themselves a better use of time then watching a web show?
I never told anyone to kill themselves you insane r/rlm faggot, that's just what you read into it because you're a fucking nut. Seek help.
Holy shit lmao
no I just misread you
Prove you're in Milwaukee. I actually live in Milwaukee faggot.