Is this the best action movie with a female as the lead, besides Terminator?
She's a Mary Sue, but somehow it doesn't feel forced down our throats like all the other pro-feminist bullshit being put out today.
Is this the best action movie with a female as the lead, besides Terminator?
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>She's a Mary Sue
To this day I am still angry I was memed into watching this shitty movie. Fuck all y'all.
it's great but I would have really liked to see the movie spawn another entry or two felt like it ended just when things were getting exciting
do you think she killed the family
The family is probably dead.
>still angry I was memed into watching this shitty movie
>it's great
This is why I hate you faggots. Remind me never to ask Sup Forums's opinion on anything.
Someone get this roastie hothead outta here!
The fuck did you call me?
she's actually not at all, she was bread from birth to be a killer
No. Mad Max: Fury Road is.
Sequel when they are over 20 and fuck like rabbit on meth when?
Sophie is dead user.
Wasn't she the girl from the horrible third season of Penny Dreadful?
Also the nosebleed girl from Lobster.
>implying the other two seasons were any better
made this for u Sup Forums
I have yet to see it. I am gonna watch it. I'm excited for Atomic Blonde in terms of female action lead.
Fury Road was a solid duo lead. I really enjoyed Resident Evil 1, because she wasn't retardedly OP, she just seemed to have notably good reflexes. Chocolate also was a good martial arts movie with a female lead. She did a great job.
Thank you.
what reason would she have to kill off the hicks that didn't even figure out something was off about Hanna?
First 15 minutes are great, then it gets progressively worse the longer it goes. Kind of a bad movie, really.
the escape was done well it's the roadtrip that bogged down the narrative
The Long Kiss Goodnight and Either version of Le Femme Nikita (both tv series were pretty good as well). I'd put those as ahead of or at very least on par with this.
I don't think she was a Mary Sue at all, the beginning of the movie establishes that she's spent her entire life training and working at being as proficient as she is. There's also a movie called Chocolate about a girl that's good at martial arts because she's autistic that is much more inline with title of Mary Sue lead female than Hanna. Salt might also be an honorable mention.
What I'd like someone to explain to me is why women don't seem to like any of these movies.
Bana's parking deck fight was fucking amazing.
One continuous shot. No cuts. No edits. No over-the-top razzledazzle. Just a trained killer quickly and efficiently eliminating his opponents. Pay attention, capeshitters. This is how it's done.
never noticed all that eye graffiti and glasses advertisements before.
Push any paranoia buttons?
It really did.
>"One Nation under CCTV"
That was a pretty shit fight to be honest. If you start thinking about it, it makes no sense. It's one of those fights where henchmen wait for their turn to get hit.
That's why he's fighting two and three at a time, right?
But why didn't they just shoot him?
I think they were trying to not draw attention to themselves. That's why only the last man standing takes a shot. He was outclassed and knew it.
That's why he unloads into the other guy still standing, and then as soon as the other guy goes down and the shot clears up and shooting Bana is as easy as continuing to shoot as he just did 3 times into his buddy, he stops and waits for Bana to wind up and throw a knife into his neck.
He was looking at who he'd just shot. He got distracted and Bana took advantage of it.
I unironically liked this movie. It's loli kino
Dat chemical bros soundtrack tho
This is a cool little scene but you're overselling it. I don't get why these movies are always determined to put big actors in martial arts scenes when they can't make it look good.
Haywire is better
lol, na.
Based Bros. beats were the only good thing about the flick.
They used a little girl instead of a woman, that's why you like it.
Tomb Raider
Resident Evil
>albino Shersha
my niggra!!
The longer Thai version with the original footage is way better than the international version. You can see some of the fight scenes of that version in the trailer. They reshot some fights for the international market because... autism? lol
anyway, the first fight is the ice factory one in that version, not the "catching a knife" one