>tfw i recently went to Rome and found out that most of the stories from this series are lies
still 10/10 for me
>i feel for vorenus
Was it autism? Seriously, what was his problem?
Was he /our guy/?
What the fuck does that even mean?
Why is everyone on this site so obsessed with making their posts in the hottest new meme format? Why is spouting off memes so much more fun than having a discussion?
Maybe i'm just getting old...
What did he mean by this?
So what did I think about this?
I'm about to marathon this post, what am I in for?
If you write something sometimes people will respond not using memes. sometimes not though. i agree though its very gay
Now that the dust has settled, was in the wrong
"Our guy" means that they fit the standard stereotype of a Sup Forums user: an awkward loser, virgin (Octavian had to be forced to have sex), yet also quite intelligent. This is also referred to as being "autistic" (but the "meme" version of autism, not legitimate autism). In other contexts it can also refer to someone who holds "Sup Forums-esque" political beliefs (white supremacy, anti-semitism, right-wing, etc.). People want to know who is "our guy" because we are losers, outcasts, alone; therefore finding someone else like us is like finding a unicorn, particularly as everyone else is a "normie" (basically a well-adjusted, non-spiteful person). Perhaps you are too old to understand: the meme is born from the collective zeitgeist consciousness of young men mainly 16-25 who feel alienated and depressed in modern society.
Anyone who wants to defecate in this place is advised to move along. If you act contrary to this warning, you will have to pay a penalty.
>reddit spaces
Get the fuck out.
A reddit space is a meaningless space between the quoted post and introductory text, not every paragraph break. I should know -- I created that meme.
delet this right fucking now
What was he again?
a lawmaker of greece
Shlomo trained you well, m'lady. Now go deconstruct something else. Dissecting a frog kills it etc
So much better than GoT
Fucking Brits why'd you have to cancel it you fucks. This show is what men really want
Why was he so dumb
Why couldn't he support Ceasar's legal heir?
The truth burns like acid to those unwilling to hear it.
caesarion would have been king of the world if antony won.
postpone your tiresome quarrels if you can, or leave and take them home with you
>le deconstructing makes me intelligent
All that shit is for the most part true, but everyone already knows that you intolerable twat. You're like that slow kid who awkwardly tries to explain every joke he hears.
Didn't you read the post where someone asked "What the fuck does that mean?"
Because he was a kid while Antony was a general who fought with caeser dozens of times.
Makes sense he would want that shit for himself.
That guy really is an idiot. There was nothing wrong with your post.
Thanks for this answer. Quality post.
That guy made a good post
Apart from the Vorenus/Pullo thing and most of the various court scandals (like Quintus Pompey being captured in Rome when he was in Spain), what exactly are you referring to?
Which his past history should have taught him he wanted no part of and that he wasn't suited for. Antony was a great cavalry officer and one of the shittiest politicians to grace Republican Rome as well as one of the worst examples in antiquity of being an unrepentant debtor.
kill yourself numale
you're a fucking idiot reddit
he probably found out vorenus and pullo weren't actually best buds on a Rome tour.
i think they were at least mentioned in julius's letters so they aren't completely made up at least.
Yeah, mentioned exactly one time and not because they were buds.
>doesn't yell autistically at everyone
>must be a nu-male
brilliant. Titus Pullo is superior.
they were the perfect counterbalance to each other you fucking pleb.
He mentioned that they were bitter rivals however something similar to the shield scene in the beginning did happen where pullo went ahead and vorenus and he ended up separated and fighting together and that was what earned them Caesars recognition.
They weren't buds in the show either
Yeah, Pullo's perfect, Vorenus is shit. Counterbalance.
which part of the 90's were you born in?
1898 :^)
No Vorenus was a man of the republic and very uptight but a good man nonetheless pullo had very loose morals and tongue so he was the perfect counterbalance in that regard as far as onscreen chemistry dumbass. Vorenus had also seen some shit he was in Gaul the whole 8 years with Caesar
91 B.C.E
This thread is mostly shit but five of the posts made me laugh quite loudly. Thank you, beautiful anons, whoever you are.
kill yourself
Show me how
I think you guys might use a pause from the internet
Why was he so dumb, I AM A SON OF AIDES, I don't want to list them all but there were several posts that made me giggle ITT. I know, I'm easily entertained
on Sup Forums, reddit is perceived as a bunch of naive tools who believe that being a nerd is cool. as a result, they're childishly enthusiastic about their hobbies (which they've only barely scratched the surface of), find random humour completely hilarious, and are notoriously pedantic. This is due to the fact that they believe that nerds are some kind of "cultural elite" simply because their interests aren't completely mainstream.
but, since they don't see themselves as particularly alienated by society, they haven't developed the pleb/patrician paradigm, unlike Sup Forums. consequentially, they also have the prudish, politically-correct mentality that goes with the delusion that they can still be normal members of society and accepted by potentially anyone, or that they have moral standards to uphold. This makes them very prone to being shocked or amused by the cheapest transgressions and subversions.
tldr: lurk more faggot
look at the fucking state of you Sup Forums
My gf could not stop laughing at this post, she literally almost broke the Switch rolling around on the floor
faggots like you ruined the rome and sopranos threads