Who we got boys? Savitar a future Barry? or a warped Wally? Anyone figure this our yet?
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At this point im starting to seriously think HR might just be HR. I thought he would be something tricky all year but I think he might just be a weird annoying dude.
He is most based part of shoe anyways
I dont know but either way it's probably played by a black guy
I seriously hope not.
It's Eddie
It's either Barry or Cisco.
i'm beyond the point of caring
they dragged it out with no hints, it's going to be an awful reveal just like the one arrow had this season
the "hes faster than the flash and evil" overarching villain plot is too much at this point, they need to figure out another idea because if it happens again it'll send the show even more into the shitter
>"hes faster than the flash and evil"
Since he escaped the speedforce Barry's been pretty even with him since he can't cheat by jumping in and out of it anymore.
If it make sense it's emo Barry in the future.
>lol idk who Savitar is
yeah my ass
Who honestly could be a threat to Barry if not a speedster? Barry has essentially no weaknesses to exploit and he has speed magic. I'm getting sick of a speedster being the overarch villian but who else could be a legitimate threat
I'm not watching Flash or Arrow (LoT was for some reason put out on netflix like the day after the season ended so all caught up) because I hate the Walking Dead levels of filler they both have.
Who are the big bads at least
Found that on Youtube...Would kinda be cool if this was the case.
Flash doesnt have any good villains if you take that a way, his power is just too OP
A god of speed and a guy in a black mask and a bow and arrow with daddy issues who's so smart he can outsmart literally everyone
>A god of speed
More of the same then
>and a guy in a black mask and a bow and arrow with daddy issues who's so smart he can outsmart literally everyone
Better than magic quip man I guess
I keep trying to think of a villain - any villain - which would be a match for the Flash and there really is none but speedsters. Anybody else Flash can just speedforce his way out of it. Superman (girl lol) at least has kryptonite, magic, and SOME limitations to his powers which means he can't save everybody. Flash has none of those because he's so fast he can do everything in the time it would take for any villain to fire his synapses.
I dropped all the DCW shows a couple months back, did I make the right call? Do you all hate yourselves for still watching these shows?
Have they featured Pied Piper yet.
I dropped it for like a year before I decided to watch it again.
It has some yummy waifus, but that's the only reason to watch it.
Yes, in season 1.
who is it in the comics?
I wait until the seasons are done since the first ones because 24 episodes is ridiculous for the very slow plot progression they all have.
Season to of the Legends of Tomorrow was surprisingly good and though and completely changed its formula from villain-of-the-week and every episode progressed the overall plot
Shit ton of typos in my second paragraph but to add on, there was maybe one filler episode in all of season 2 and it was a Jax episode explaining the ebil white men in the civil war and zombies
It's original timeline Barry. They're taking story bits from flashpoint and out of time story lines. In this case when reverse brought Barry back to kill his mom he beat original Barry from 2024 to that destination in time trapping him in the speed force. This is pretty much how reverse was trapped in the speed force in flashpoint.
Hence why savitar hates Barry so much cause he had his whole life taken from him while he was stuck in the speed force.
Actually, I kinda do hate how much time I waste on these "meh" DC shows
Why did old barry get trapped while reverse flash basically got to live and go and do whatever he wanted?
While that reverse is a paradox he beat 2024 Barry to the scene thus sealing him off in the speed force as he technically has no time to return to. It's completely fucked at that point. Hence why the time remnant of Barry disappears when reverse kills his mom again. Even tho that reverse doesnt have a time to return to he exists as a paradox hence why black flash is chasing him.
Just like they did with Harry last season. Wow.
>A guy with telekinesis
>A guy who telepathy
>A shadow guy
>A guy with gravity powers
>A guy who has super endurance and strength (Flash's fast little bitch punches have no effect)
>A guy who can create shockwaves
>A guy who can phase through things
>A guy who has super intellect and invents shit that can immobilize Flash
>A guy who can teleport
>Another fucking Gorilla, I guess. Maybe this one has super speed?
It's capeshit. You can do anything.
>All those villains
>Cisco sciences his way out of them all for Barry
>(Flash's fast little bitch punches have no effect)
We already had a guy with super endurance and super strength.
Guess what?
He got BTFO by a punch from Flash.
>>Another fucking Gorilla, I guess. Maybe this one has super speed?
>the solution to not having yet another speedster is having yet another speedster, but this time it's a gorilla
Yeah, but maybe Cisco gets diarrhea and can't help because he's stuck shitting for an entire season.
The possibilities are literally endless.
All of those guys would get BTFO after the first fight because Barry would just superspeed his way behind them before they even realize he's there. It's not like they would be able to have their powers up 24/7
A dude named Savitar. It's nothing like the show.
I don't think the problem is having another speedster as a villain. It's just natural for Barry to progress by getting faster than each of his foes. The problem is that Savitar is being treated exactly the same as Zoom was.
>super big mystery as to who is under the mask
>fucks off for 2/3rds of the season
>threatens to kill/kills barry's loved ones.
>even the same color scheme.
>lame reveal to come
Zoom looked kinda spooky. Savitar looks like a rejected power ranger villain
Telekinesis, telepathy and gravity guy could.
Savitar on the left
This actually makes a lot of sense
Savitar doesn't just look like a power-rangers reject, he acts like one too.
Zoom wasn't perfect but he actually had shit going for him. His costume is certainly the best in the series, and I liked the whole meta-human gangster thing they were doing near the end. I hope he makes another appearance as black flash.
telekinesis/gravity (basically the same thing in regards to disposing of flash) wouldn't be able to have their powers up 24/7. Barry would teleport behind them and nothing personal them.
Telepathy would just make Barry into emo barry and have him do dance numbers but would still get nothing personal'd the moment he has his guard down
You're forgetting that Flash can travel faster than the speed of light and can hop through time and different dimensions like it's nothing
Would be a lame reveal, but it kind of makes sense since Ronny was sucked into singularity, and Caitlyn seemed very willing to cooperate with Savitar over her friends.
Too bad show barry is fucking awful at nothing personaling anybody.
>Tell me, is Dr alright? Has his cells degraded? Is he okay
>Um... how can I put this.... He got... BLACKED
Jax has kind of grown on me, when it's not a Jax episode that is, because all of his episodes are literally "man I'm BLACK. Slavery is bad. Why you be treating me like that bro?". Still more tolerable than Atom is on his best days though
would be surprised if it's NOT him
Maybe I'm a brainlet but I had absolutely no idea who the man in the mask was last season until it was revealed because it made no sense to me at all.
Because it didn't. Harry should have known who Hunter Zoloman was, so when "Jay" shows up for the first time and he doesn't recognize him as the publicly known serial killer it makes no sense.
Wait but I thought Hunter WAS the Flash of Earth 2, and the Jay he got was from another dimension who he was keeping as a pet (for whatever reason). How would Harry know
Did you see what his serial killer picture looked liked? If Harry only ever saw him on the news there's no way he'd recognize Hunter by appearance.
This is definitely my guess after last weeks episode.
>Got flung into the speedforce, presumed dead
>Bond with Caitlin
>Could blame Barry for what happened
I find Killer Frost sexy as fuck.
>Dem contact lenses and lipstick tho
It's what gave it away for me, she literally bends over quickly to serve and he's pissed as fuck and has reason to be. Something something genetics bonded with the speed force instead of Dr Stein's butthole.
This show is so dumb.
What if Savitar can change his appearance like RF did and appears to be Ronnie to convince KF to side with him?
What if we're being rused and le tricky tricked here?
Ronny is Sav
They manage to turn Killer Frost good and she uses that face changing tech HR had to hide his identity to look like Iris and get 'killed' by Sav. She survives because having ice powers lets you survive getting stabbed in the chest for some reason.
>season 1 the mentor is the final boss
>season 2 the new mentor is the final boss
>season 3 you guess...
no seriously, it's ronnie no one could achieve killer frost trust fo fast
they ruined the flash, it was too painful to continue after season 2
>legends of tomorrow - dropped mid season, watched the season finale. Feels like i didn't miss anything.
>arrow - dropped after the xmas crossover, waiting for season finale
>supergirl - same as arrow
>the flash - still watching it
>gotham - still watching it
Blue Beetle?
She looks like she's working with him tbqh.
They left Jay Garrick (The flash from the different earth that looks like Barry's dad) in the speed force to save Wally......Jay goes crazy after an eternity in the speed force and takes revenge ...i thought it was easy what else are they gonna do just forget about him
>"i know who you are"
>"it's about time"
>scene fades to black
>episode ends
My sides would break trough into speedforce if this happens