Anti-Capitalist kino thread?
Anti-Capitalist kino thread?
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What's his arguments? Or does he just mistake what we have now for actual capitalism?
most movies
Damn I can tell from this post you are intelligent, nihilistic, and have a wicked sense of humor
Pick one.
uh oh he's got a meme I guess you're wrong
Didn't they nationalize a bunch of stuff? How is it capitalism if there is no free market? The entire capital goods industry was state-directed.
it's been a while but he basically attacked a bunch of mixed-economy nonsense and didn't actually go after capitalism, since capitalism is the only moral system by which men can deal with men.
moore has always fucking failed at basic logic though.
>hurr durr nazis were anti-communism so they must have been pro-capitalism
fucking idiot.
Then why was Jewish property expropriated?
Because it wasn't (((their))) property to begin with.
because hitler and the nazis hated jews, not capitalism
When I was younger I thought that Adolf's main goal was to get rid of Jews. Now I understand that he just wanted to replace them with himself.
What are you talking about? Are you retarded? Businesses that were taken over illegally were owned by German citizens.
>hurr durr they were jews so it's okay
it's the basis of all white "supremacy", claim niggers are subhuman and poor because they are dumb
them complain when jews are richer than whites and try gas them.
I'm not white but it isn't too far-fetched to believe that lower group IQ leads to bad decisions and bad economic choices. This goes for many poor people but blacks tend to just make more of those and they have very serious family problems that contribute to that. Also welfare and taxes.
The Nazis actually invented privatization, and were extremely pro-capitalist.
>The Nazis were also pioneers in what was then the uncharted economic waters of “privatization.” In the face of the Great Depression, states across the world — including the Social Democratic led Weimar Republic — nationalized key industries and, in some cases, like Germany, nearly the entirety of the financial sector. The Nazis — despite early propaganda indicating otherwise — were the unique exception. Not only did they avoid further nationalization but they innovated a process so idiosyncratic at the time that it required coining a German neologism: Reprivatisierung.
Yeah I guess all those German private firms just contributed to the war effort out of the goodness of their hearts.
They profited from it as much as the Nazis did.
>Far from “state capitalism,” where the profit motive is eliminated and production is under the complete control of the state, Neumann noted that under Nazism, business — especially large corporate interests — was given extraordinary leeway. They did not have perfect free rein, but large business interests were relieved of many previous social democratic restrictions. Independent labor organizations were crushed, and business was allowed to coagulate into massive, profit-generating monopolies as long as it produced the necessary goods and services the party and the army required.
>In a meeting with German business leaders in 1933, Hitler declared that “democracy” (i.e., actual parliamentary control) was fundamentally incompatible with a free-market capitalist economy, a truth far more widely acknowledged in that era. Following Hitler’s speech, Göring presented the Nazi case in blunt terms: support the Nazi party and parliamentary democracy would end. The threat to free enterprise from communism, socialism, organized labor, and even basic formal democracy would be over. Göring concluded: “the sacrifices asked for […] would be so much easier for industry to bear if it realized that the election of March 5th will surely be the last one for the next 10 years, probably even for the next 100 years.” These “sacrifices” were the millions of Deutsche marks that Schacht proceeded to collect from the room.
State corporatism isn't free market capitalism.
Every time someone points out a problem with Capitalism you capitalists start saying it wasn't True Capitalism because there weren't "free markets" whatever that means. As if property can exist without being propped up by the state. Maybe you guys should accept that true free market Capitalism has never existed because it's a utopian dream.
>no true capitalism
*tips tophat*
Depends on the problem. Free market means voluntary exchange without outside interference. People often attribute as the cause of many problems that are caused by government regulation on capitalism. For instance, people claim the destruction of environments is caused by corporate greed. In reality, it's because the U.S government leases out temporary contracts to foreign and domestic private agents which have zero incentive to replenish the forests and natural resources they've destroyed since they only have a limited amount of time because they can salvage everything they can get and get out before the next person is in.
As for property, private property can exist and in fact does exist without the State. The state is the number one danger to your property because it's the strongest polity in a given area to have illegitimate claims on your turf. You can't protect yourself from the state. There is no higher authority to go to.
Finally, free market capitalism isn't a utopia because a utopian system is one that could not work even if everyone were persuaded to try to put it into practice, i.e. communism.
Honest John Wayne is an American hero for running commie faggots out of the business while he was alive. Pretty obvious that he was right too because as soon as the blacklists ended Hollywood went full anti_America. Rio Bravo > High Noon
Crony capitalism != actual free market capitalism
t. nazis
What's wrong with free shit, wagie?
Nothing. Except what you think is free isn't actually free
It's another leftists desperately insist that art is exclusively tailored towards them episode