Publishing a manuscript on transgender

Hey Sup Forums,

I'm a PhD candidate in neurobiology. My PhD is on the brain chemistry of self-awareness and how it changes under certain conditions and psychological/psychiatric disorders. Suffice it to say, my lab jumped on the transgender issue because it's a hot topic with guaranteed grant support.

I submitted a manuscript to the American Journal of Psychiatry about a month ago and was notified today that it will be accepted and published in a few months.

The long and short is transgender people have hormone deficiencies unrelated to their gender/sex, but have a downstream effect on other sex-specific processes. When they start going through HRT this "corrects" it in party by masking the body's natural "this shouldn't be here" signals. Usually after transition they strongly reduce HRT, if not stop at all. It's at this point their body starts freaking the fuck out because everything they've done isn't natural and their germplasm is basically fried.

It's also why trannies are more likely to commit suicide post-transition.

Any questions?

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Huh, and here I thought Sup Forums would be beyond tickled to have hard evidence that trannies are fucked in the head.

Yes I have a question. How does it feel to know science has been so invaded by political correctness that you could get fired or frozen out of career advancement if you publish unfavorable test results?

Do you feel you have made a stable career choice?

>hormone deficiencies unrelated to their gender/sex
So what are they related to and what causes it?
What % of MTF trans people are autogynephiles vs female essence subtypes, and can this be tested for falsifiably though brain scans or measurements of hormones? My theory is they are ALL autogynephiles, just the ones who are also homosexual use that as leverage.

Is there any way I can read your article?

If i were to stay in academia I would surely be fucked for even considering such a study, outside of a handful of universities (South Carolina, Texas A&M, Johns Hopkins, and Auburn immediately come to mind). The good news, though, is neuroscience straddles psychology and the med school, so it isn't so easily swayed by SJWs and academia, since doctors tend to be more conservative and don't about being politically correct, opting instead to do whatever's necessary for better patient care. The only research group in the med side that isn't conservative is dermatology (pediatrics is redpilled as fuck because of all the mommy bloggers).

Interesting you mention Dermatology being liberal because I believe that is one of the few medical fields in which females outnumber males.

If you are not staying in academia than what are you choosing to transition to? Pharmaceutical work?

Dominantly general somatotropin and other non-gender specific steroids. The pathway usually goes growth hormone -> organ development -> signaling for gender specific hormone, organ depending -> binding by gender hormone.

In situations where somatotropin or the other steroids are not abundant, the brain signals for other chemicals to try and attract other hormones. This will fulfill organ development, but the receptor doesn't produce as strong a signal for the gender-specific hormone, so its expression and production is reduced.
Very few were autogynephiles, because they mentally see themselves as the other/real gender, so it would be no different than someone looking in the mirror. However, they feel repulsed by looking at themselves in their "natural" body; rather, they had a similar response as patients under sleep studies during nightmares.
We did our testing through a combination of brain scans and hormone levels while showing various images, including photoshopped edits of the patients in various body modifications.

Not right now; if the journal even suspects a copy is floating around somewhere outside of its circle they would treat it as double dipping (submitting to more than one journal at a time) and would refuse publication. It'll be online between 2 and 6 months.

Pharmaceutical, or managerial consulting. Government is also a huge pipeline. Or I could choose to stay for a few more years and get my MD in psychiatry and practice, but I don't know if I want to make that jump.

ok so what percentage of your patients were MTF vs FTM and what percentage were heterosexual vs homosexual, my understanding is a large portion of the community is heterosexual and autogynephile (aka crossdressers) who basically get off masturbating to themselves dressed or acting as women.

50% MTF/FTM. Classifying as who was "homosexual" was rather difficult, since a lot referred to themselves as lesbian or gay in relation to their "true gender." Going off their natural sex, it was overwhelmingly homosexual (85%).

Send it to Joe Rogan because this is basically his hypothesis about trannies.

Good work btw

Ok then you had a super-skewed sample there are lots of differences beyond self-identified gender in the clinical presentation of non-homosexual vs heterosexual transgenders and I suspect in society at large most are heterosexual and those people are not studied well because they fear being stigmatized. Blanchard covered this in his research. I think sexual orientation should be classified by biological gender.

non-homosexual vs homosexual*

How do you control for the possibility that the suicide comes from deep unhappiness within oneself and a sense of powerlessness? Your point seems to simply be keep them on the drugs. How were these chemicals inside a living person measured?

This study investigated why more males than females complain of dissatisfaction with their anatomical sex (gender dysphoria). New referrals to a university gender identity clinic were dichotomously classified as heterosexual or homosexual. There were 73 heterosexual and 52 homosexual males; 1 heterosexual and 71 homosexual females. The average heterosexual male was 8 years older at inception than the homosexual groups. The heterosexual males reported that their first cross-gender wishes occurred around the time they first cross-dressed, whereas the homosexual groups reported that cross-gender wishes preceded cross-dressing by 3-4 years. Some history of fetishistic arousal was acknowledged by over 80% of the heterosexual males, compared to fewer than 10% of homosexual males and no homosexual females. The results suggest that males are not differentially susceptible to gender dysphoria per se, but rather that they are differentially susceptible to one of the predisposing conditions, namely, fetishistic transvestism.

I wish people would be honest that statistically speaking most of these people are engaged in fetishistic transvestitism but the media pushes this female essence narrative hard.

see Blanchard was a psychologist so the heterosexual/homosexual dichotomy didn't play as much a role in what we were studying. When we ran the hormone measures between het vs hom we didn't see significant differences so we discarded it. One reviewer brought this up and was fine with our conclusion and allowed it to pass.

As a gay cis male I've always assumed that MTF trans is an "extreme homosexual" type where they are so fem and so rejected by their heterosexual male peers as a result that their body dysmorphia is amplified to the point where delusion is more comfortable than reality since nobody accepts them anyways they feel they have nothing to lose by surgery/hormones and that few except intersex genuinely feel they were born in the wrong body, they just say that thinking it provides them better clinical outcomes.

Well did you run the hormone measures off the subjects reported sexualities or sexualities based off biological gender?

These are all very good questions.

Can trannies be cured?

1. Why you so based?

2. How did you possibly get this published?

Do post something when it gets published. I'd be interested to see what you've found.

And would you say that transition is still the best option for patient care?

Blood was drawn at the beginning and end of each session to see how hormone levels changed.

While what you say about unhappiness and sense of powerlessness is true, there is a correlation between those feelings and hormone levels, especially post-op when your body goes into panic mode.

My point is to never give them HRT therapy in the first place but rather give them something to introduce the hormones they're deficient for, which is what we conclude.

>How were these chemicals inside a living person measured?
you wat?

We already knew trannies are ducked in the head sciencebro.

Evidence or not. We follow our hearts.

We are, after all, a board of peace.

That said, can you tell me how to make mdma in large quantities please?

My issue is I think a lot of the dysphoria comes from their maltreatment for either fetishistic transvestitism (which nobody wants to talk about) or being a non-masculine presenting homosexual and that if they were treated better as homosexuals they would not be so dysphoric. AFAIK from reading message boards many are married otherwise straight men who simply get off to dressing as women and a small minority are extremely effeminate homosexuals who feel they are so oppressed as males who present as feminine that they would be better off LOOKING feminine which is an issue of bulling from the heterosexual community + clinicians mollycoddling their body dysmorphia and claiming its the magically different "gender" dysmorphia when almost all homosexual males I have ever met have some amount of body dysmorphia and feel that cosmetic surgery would make them more accepted by their peers (irrationally).

Yeah, but that's horse shit OP.

It's a transmissible mental illness. Look up social contagion.

You aren't picking up any kind of root cause. It's simply unhappy people: specifically self hating gays and autogynephiles. And lately all kinds of unhappy noncomforming kids.

There's no such thing as a 'this shouldn't be here' signal. It's all just social pressure to conform making life bad for nonconforming people.

Fucking biochemists. No network awareness, that's your problem.

Any readers respond to your article or has it not been published as of yet?

give us the paper with data and citations

They say that but even with instances of Kleinfelter's and other germline disorders that led to the imbalance, HRT until post-op was detrimental.

Both. We wanted there to be a difference.

No. I would say supplementing the missing hormones is.

1. Put in for a grant request
2. Receive money
3. Perform study
4. Run stats and hope you get very small p values
5. Send to the highest impact factor you can
6. Hear back:
7a. If they accept based on edits, do the edits and resubmit
7b. If they reject, send to the next-smallest impact factor. Repeat until you get green lit.

Phd's have better shit to do than shitposting on Sup Forums.

Where/When will this be published?

Sample size?

A lot of trannies have developed the idea that HRT is their salvation. I've seen some so convinced it will cure them that they have gone into degrading prostitution to pay for the medication.

Are you telling me that you can without a doubt say they don't feel a tremendous increase in powerlessness to change their situation after they start HRT and don't see their gender disphoria cured?

Perhaps transexuals who would normally have committed suicide were simply waiting to try HRT before they did, and now that they see it hasn't worked as they originally thought suicide is viable again. I think it is difficult to prove that HRT is the cause of their increased suicide rate.

Would you mind posting any papers/articles/etc. that back up your assertions?

so why not give males the hormones they should have so they can keep their normal healthy male body rather than mutilate themselves and become sideshow freaks?

Why would you get a grant for this??
I think all the information required is here:


You're blinded by confirmation bias.

>There's no such thing as a 'this shouldn't be here' signal.
Look up histocompatibility

Just accepted today

Everyone vents different ways. Since my manuscript was just accepted I get some time off.

this. Thank you. I said this clumsily Not just self hating gays but some who feel that they can date/fuck the straight man of their dreams if they only present as a woman.

ok but thats genuine intersex people, these aren't.

I think being trans really is a mental illness and this just strengthens my thoughts on this.

Congratulations then!

American Journal of Psychiatry between 2 to 6 months

>Are you telling me that you can without a doubt say they don't feel a tremendous increase in powerlessness to change their situation after they start HRT and don't see their gender disphoria cured?
They do once they stop it.

>Perhaps transexuals who would normally have committed suicide were simply waiting to try HRT before they did,
The majority of suicides were post-op when they reduced or stopped HRT

HRT costs a lot more than proper hormone injections. Doctors want to help patients, but they also want to make a profit.

how am i blinded by confirmation bias? I would say you are because you chose predominantly homosexuals and 50 50 ratios of MTF and FTM when the population at large is mostly MTF and heterosexual.

Now I know you're full of shit. This isn't anything to do with immunology.

Kill yourself OP.

Fact is

(1) tranny-ism is a cultural disease in the west. Nothing like it anywhere else. Other cultures do not have autogynephiles who make up the majority of male trannies. The fact your sample didn't suggests it's skewed badly.

(1a) "FTM" tranny-ism is EXTREMELY recent, and very obviously about women hating their sex roles.

(2) there's no evidence to support a biological hormone or receptor deficiency.

I mean that's your entire thesis fucked right there.

1/5, do not recommend for publication.

>Perhaps transexuals who would normally have committed suicide were simply waiting to try HRT before they did
I can identify with these feels...

Very interesting. There is a non-scientific parallel to smash your sensible and informed advising: almost all the dumbest stuff all police departments do, especially everything with rigid procedures and not thought allowed, was imposed by liberals, in order to preclude police misconduct with rules. The same people will look at your case against reassignment and say that the answer is more censorship, earlier sex ed, and more hormones.

Why would transexuals continue to take and pay for HRT medication after they have determined it hasn't given them the results they wanted. Of course suicide comes after they stop.

Oh, and did you use fMRI? Do you know that entire field has been invalidated by shitty false-positive statistics in the last month?

I love you.

'germplasm is fried'?

Committing suicide after lowering HRT makes perfect sense if it is just a fetish. They are missing the testosterone that was making them horny as hell for their fetish, and then you reduce HRT, so they are no longer as horny and so no longer get so much enjoyment from their fetish. Then they see what they've become and rather than reaching for a dildo, they reach for a shotgun.

If you are going to make a tranny you need to keep them as crazy for sex as they were when they stupidly decided to get their cock and balls chopped off.

Why are you talking about police and censorship? Maybe try discussing the topic at hand.

Can Sup Forums into science?

link to false positives please?

This most simply. OP's sample was non-representative of the American trans population so his results are not generalizable.

Wow my friend used to have access to an FMRI in college because he was a child prodigy and now he has an ivy league PhD so its nice to know he actually was full of shit.

There's another habbening habbening. You picked a bad time.

It's definitely interesting though. Try again tomorrow... assuming kek gives us a break for 24 fucking hours.

It is simply not plausible to claim ANY biological explanation for tranny-ism when there's such a clear social contagion going on.

It is not a biological condition. It is a fad mental illness, like multiple personality disorder used to be, or satanic ritual abuse.

> Huge rise in number of Britons trying to change gender

> Gender identity clinic for young people sees referrals double

> Fourfold increase in transgender kids in Oakland

> Surge in demand sees one year waits for children's transgender clinic

especially if by chance my post happens to feature repeating digits it's highly unlikely we will go a single day without something fucking horrible happening

Are you the guy with the neuro scientist with the tranny friend?

>not getting published in neuron
>wasting your degree explaining biology to degenerates

why live

LMAO you're full of shit and shitposting. My mother and father are Physicians, my dad an Internist and mother a Psychiatrist. Transgenderism is a fuck up in the womb when babies don't get enough of their proper sex hormones.

No, this is also false. It's a fad/contagious meme disease. Self-loathing gays and cross-dressers get it.

When you have a medical degree, come back to my parents, otherwise, fuck off.

> medicine
> psychiatry

I always figured male gay (cis) is exposure to mom's estrogen or progesterone in the womb because she is stressed over something or even sick/poisoned but trans...yeah I'd go with crossdressing, super fem-gay guys who wish they were straight females + a healthy heaping of social promotion of female essence theory when autogynephilia has been supported by decades of research.

YOU aren't an endocrinologist though, and psychiatrists who support HRT/SRS have much to gain financially from doing so.

>image name
Nicely played.

Note that the "trans women of color" the trannies and SJWs are always going on about, are black gay men. Blacks are so homophobic their effeminate gays often get forced into being trannies.

Now that means they also have to save up for sex changes, and the only way to do that is become prostitutes, which accounts for their fuckhuge murder rate In other words promoting tranny-ism is absolutely fucking these poor black gay guys over. SJWs are literally stepping over the bodies of gay black men to get their genderfeels validated.

You're saving lives OP.
Keep it up.

Have you heard of the drug pimozide for the treatment of this behavior, and if you have what are your thoughts on it??

Well not just forced but also people fail to consider that male prostitutes with straight/closeted/married clientele get paid more if they present female and thats like 1/3 of trans people right there (prostitutes). A lot of this is people not wanting to openly discuss fetishistic crossdressing or real issues of body dysmorphia and prostitution in the gay community and those scientists who would take advantage of such vulnerable issues for personal financial gain.

Yeah I see it as like female SJW's are tickled pink that men would want to BE them, but nobody is trying to look like a fat tumblrista when they transition.

Only noticed that now.

Fucking hell, that's neat.

OP has abandoned thread. This is now a That Poppy, new queen, true queen of /polgb/ thread.

Yes, why did you post this before being published and not after, when you could have given us a source to back up your claim and further enlighten us in your research?

Can't blame him. Sup Forums really can't into science.

The bitchy spergs here fucking embarrass me.

He came to the board where flat Earth theory gets unironically discussed, what did he expect?, take it to /sci/.


>Just accepted today
if you wrote the thing, then you should have a copy, no?

>flat Earth theory gets unironically discussed
The vast majority of these people are doing this to teach people to:
1) Be mindful of attempts to mislead, specifically those from government agencies.
2) Try not to take yourself so seriously, since a lot of the things you and the people around you believe to be objectively true are nonsense but it's probably best if you believe it anyway.

Also, point 2 is important when it comes to this topic, because not even the top specialists in their field are immune to it.

For example, why is it so important that we pin it down to autogynephilia as opposed to transexualism?

Is it because that will help you justify shitting on them to yourself?

So here we have two conflicting interests in the mix:
Lets say it is autogynephilia. Now what? We have an excuse to refuse them HRT so we can just call them out for the fetishists they are?

The claims that calling out autogynephilia produces a "narcissistic injury" in transgendered individuals is equally met with a "narcissistic injury" in researchers who are bent on proving it so they can push their own agenda.

And in neither case are we doing anything very objectively.

It's bias against bias.

So you're saying trannies can be properly treated before they ruin themselves?

Cool shit, op. Post link when it's published

Basically all he's doing is trying to find a way to justify the argument that HRT is unethical because of increased suicide risk following HRT.

It's potentially useful data toward figuring the shit out but...

Anti-depressants also do that.

So he's really just reaching for straws, like most of you.