I genuinely want to know. is leftism a sign of mental illness these days in America?

I genuinely want to know. is leftism a sign of mental illness these days in America?

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Reading or caring about opinion articles is a sign of mental illness.

and yet someone aproved of this opinion piece on a main stream news website.
You people really are mentally retarded

NYtimes is a really good newspaper. But their OPed is fucking stupid.

This has nothing to do with leftism

sure it does
it's tied with feminist spastics which is entirely leftism

leftism is the belief that humans need strict authoritarianism to protect everyone from themselves

Americans have psychopathic anti-human tendencies.

>leftism a sign of mental illness
>in America
It is like that everywhere.

>Sup Forums has been bombarded with numerous examples of retarded right wingers spouting bullshit about NN
>one right winger finds this articles on posts it on Sup Forums hoping to turn the tides

this, whether it be leftist or conservative.

I wonder how well-tempered reasonable conservatism would look like in Europe?
Then again, Germany would just ruin it anyway.

BASED Oedipus poster

Bingo. Their international coverage and book review is great. NYT oped has never not been retarded

The New York times can't get a break, they're now being attacked by the left as well


Because it's clickbait which milks idiots like you who click on it to be outraged.

Leftist websites make money off of writing outrageously retarded opinion articles to bait idiots. Both sides do this to a certain extent, but it's clearly most profitable to target the demographic which has the most politically active and highest internet user population -> White males

That's not meant to be taken literally Ivan, it's in reference to oedipus.


I'd watch Oedipus Boii

>uhh it's just pretending to be retarded
Free damage controlling for billionaire media conglomerate, we've reached peak communism.

leftism is a mental disease that has spreaded throughout the whole world.

It is just literally pretending to be retarded. If pretending to be retarded makes money, it isn't that retarded now is it?

I hate their cultural leftism. Cтaлиниcт

Yes it is retarded, retarded lack of professionalism and retarded liberal readers.

>Leftism is whatever bullshit I define it to be (that just so happens to outrage me)

>This person is acting retarded because I didn't recognize a well known reference.

Seriously guys. The best way to ruin your cause is to defend it by faulty bullshit like this.

Freudian psychology is not knew.
He's been dead for 80 years.

liberalism is not leftism

You people don't even know what a reference is. It doesn't make sense in this context.

A lot of our broadsheet newspapers post essays and sometimes obscure political views in their OP-ed section. NYT is on the left of political spectrum, there's some articles written by Conservatives that dissident to their commentary, there's also a bunch of progressive ideologues that they keep allowing to write on stupid abstract identity politic subjects.