Someone give me a primer on this show. I'm starting episode 4 and still don't know what its about

Someone give me a primer on this show. I'm starting episode 4 and still don't know what its about.

>inb4 pleb
>inb4 spoilers

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it's about a young pope

How young? Is this show about a baby pope? That would be fun.

It's what happens when a Sup Forumstard becomes pope.

Him, Young, with an extremely conservative mindset - purges the church of its weakness of homosexuals.

Pretty based


Good idea.

Good actors

Cool music

Themes are poorly explored.

kill yourself pleb

Early 40s

I hope you get cancer

personal journey of a childish right-winger pope growing out of his temper tantrums and becoming a more caring and loving pope

You don't mean that.

wtf this gives me motivation to watch

>I'm starting episode 4 and still don't know what its about.
just watch and enjoy the kinography in action

I do. I also hope your mother gets cancer too.

Boring tripe that pretentious contrarians try and claim is a pleb filter.

>He doesn't know that our Pope knows Curaga

Best tv show of the 2010s right there

that was good bait
8/10 made me ponder

Most parts of it are rather nice

I just don't find the Catholic Church so entertaining but Sorrentino is a great director

>Someone give me a primer on this show

He's the Pope and he's not old.

It's not really bait tho
He starts as a childish brat, wanting to make breakfast with a soda instead of an actual meal, delusions about his own importance and being an asshole to a lot of people and abusing his powers while having a mother complex with Sister Mary and then grows up through the show. It's even a line in the show by the end about how he become an adult and Sister Mary not having to be there anymore.

youre reading waaaaay too much into it
most of your interpretation seems to stem from your own biases imo
im guessing youre more left leaning am i right?

shut up child

I am center-right
but why

It's kino.

There's death of the author, then there's pretending the script doesn't exist, guess which you're leaning towards.

>that speech about returning to catholic orthodoxy

i.e. youre a liberal

you dont even know what my opinions of the show are faggot


its about how no matter how detestable someone may seem, at the end were all human and have experiences that made our flaws. dude is super handsome, powerful yet hes mad insecure and lonely. dude is a super pious asshole, yet he actually does want to help people when he can and when theyre sincere. dude is one with God to the point of doing miracles yet sad cos he has no parents yadyadya. get the themes yet?

>The look on the Bishop's face when the Pope said he doesn't believe in God.

Best scene ever.

>what are you saying your holiness? what are you saying?

kill yourselves

>this triggered netflix shill
Just make better shows, it can't be that hard

Was it kino?

I thought it was a great show I just despise 90's born queers who can't talk about anything without memeing like faggot teenagers

I didn't watch this but it sounds shitty and dishonest along the lines of that flick with masturbating fassbender tbqh

>I didn't watch this
kill yourself reddit

*kills himself reddit*

sup reddit

The whole show was kino.


I just marathoned this clip. What did I think of it?

You're getting the urge to masturbate.