Invent a new twist for Star Wars 8 that nobody has thought of before

Invent a new twist for Star Wars 8 that nobody has thought of before.

chewbacca is really just a guy in a suit

it's a star wars movie that isn't shit

t. Disney

something that doesn't push a liberal agenda


Old character is actually new younger character's biological parent, and this young character uses their inherited force to destroy the dark side or whatever.

>stop fighting back

Kylo Ren is Rey's real father

>they were force ghosts all along

The center of star wars galaxy expands and kills everyone

White male sith lord conquers the universe and jedi girl and black trooper get killed by him.

>lightsabers explode when struck against one another
>68 minute fight scene

Snoke is actually Kylo's wife's son.

Star Wars was always liberal propaganda
The empire was fashioned after the nazis, the Jedi's are the "chosen people", many different aliens living in multi-species planets, it even pushes incest. Ewoks are obviously commies.

It was all just R2-D2 telling stories of his adventures to a young George Lucas

Kylo carries around an egg thing which causes him to be consumed by demons and become a god. Rey gets a big ass lightsaber and finn gets raped which turns him retarded

jar jar binks survived the events of the SWIII. because gungans are long-lived he goes on to become the last jedi.

Rey and Finn are actually identical twins separated at birth, but the empire forced Finn to grow up male and race is just a social construct.

Kylo Ren is actually Luke's son but told Han and Leia to raise him out of fear he will make the mistake of having a Jedi be his father figure (he thinks that might've brought anakin down the dark path), Han and Leia told Ben he was there's

Rey is actually one of the daughters of snoke, who is actually a demon awakened by the resurgence of the light side of the force, had like not rescued her she would've become his new apprentiace and sith lord

C3P0 actually identifies as female

>Rey gets a big ass