Name a hotter actress of the 90's-00's
Name a hotter actress of the 90's-00's
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I want to cream pie her
kate beckinsale
That chick from clueless that was also batgirl
She doesn't count when she was only hot in that movie and never before or since.
>trannie is the hottest actress of the 1990s
Heather Graham, still going strong
Hurley has always been a favorite though
one of the most "I don't get it" women ever
what is going on with her forearms btw
too bad she's doesn't have much of an acting career
denise richards
It's like you weren't even trying OP. I could probably name 10.
1. Sharon Stone
1. Sharon Stone
Thread's over. You can all stop posting now.
i want to give her my cream3.14
oh man that is the only acceptable choice
she also aged damn fine
2. Cameron Diaz
I remember how radiant she was in the first Mummy film, but then I watched the second one and she was hideous in it much like the transition of Carrie Anne Moss from the Matrix to the Matrix Reloaded. Did these women just let go or give childbirth in-between their respective films or something?
3. Charlize Theron
She had an awful boob job. Wild Things isnt even sexy because of her malformed chest
Hi Kate
Jennifer Love Hewitt
4. Rachel Weisz
we're talking about the 90's right?
so wrong.
No that title belongs to Sarah Jessica Parker. But i mean really both of them being pretty/hot is just a meme trying to be pushed.
yes but that choice is very overrated.
5. Michelle Pfeifer
Lauren Holly
what that mean with being hot or not?
really good
6. Halle Berry
Done. All better tha liz tranny hurley
shes hot but theres hotter actresses.
I think SJP is supposed to be "normal looking hot" even though she isn't
someone that actually challenges Jolie for the crown of "everyone says she's hot but eh" is Uma Thurman
my nigga
good choices
I felt the same way. Even when I was young, that $999.99 boob job made me pause and wonder what the hell was wrong with her tits.
Nevernude-Neve's back was a lot sexier than Denise's horror.
>Halle Berry better than liz hurley
fucking kill yourself my man
>Cameron Diaz
She always looked like melted plastic
never said she is
she was
my other pick by the way
fuck u fucks i know pasta is coming but fuck u ill do her anyday
> tfw mommy hewitt circa 2008+
I wish i still had the webms or some other picture to adequately portray my rock hard cock at just the thought.
Which one is the better mommy?
were you the user, who started that celebs you fap to thread earlier? Because that was OP image for it.
Bruce it's me
Courtney Cox was the dark horse all along.
her all-natural perfect tits were amazing in wild things
Ms. Connelly put all these bitches to shame
>that mole
Yeah, I'm good thanks.
Kate would lovingly suck you off and let you cream pie her in front of her daughter and make her watch
have you ever seen a fucking naked girl user?
Only in porn
yes, but some of us have standards to be honest
So no
there isn't a person without a single mole
I never said there was, but I don't want to have to be laying pipe under the shadow of Mt.Kilimanjaro
Sharon Stone is more of a late 80s and early 90s actress.
You might just be gay.
all you niggers done goofed
my nigger
shes better in the 2000s
brunettes peaked in the 80s-90s
so definitely no lol
she peaked for like 8 months during OPs period
Those pre-pregnancy child bearing hips.
>Pffftttthaha so no right??
why bother even posting?
It seems like there can only be a certain number of hot redheads in Hollywood, and at one point another one came along around 2004 and knocked Lohan off the list, causing her to become JUST.
now you could do that every night and she wouldn't get pregnant
She's got bimbo tier tits now. I think she whipped them out in the final storm or some shit.
She was pure anime in can't hardly wait.
Look at that fish
fuck off child
She'll always be my first interest into red heads to me user.
faggots all of you
dumb faggot doesnt know matrix came out in 99
dumb faggot cant even read the OP
>its an user replies to every post episode
The stacy to end all stacys. People act like she's the greatest thing on Earth but she looks like the kind of girl you wouldn't want to be around unless you're fucking.
that pre-surgeries latina alba in Dark Angel was perfection incarnate
She was hot until that movie came out
What's so great about her?
Please tell me
dat forehead tho
Just look at her. If you don't understand, you never will. That's how attraction works. Not everyone is attracted to the same thing. If you don't get it, you don't get it. That's literally all there is to it.
>Gillian Anderson
Guess I never will
Nor will I ever know why your losing your bowel movements over her either
Alyssa Milano, CZJ, SMG, Goop, Julia Roberts, Denise Richards, Shannen Doherty, JLH, MJH, JCon, Winslet, Anderson, Danielle Fishel, Gina Gershon, Kelly MacDonald
>these picks
Are women getting uglier?
How do you think I feel? I just explained how attraction works to a grown adult.
that mole *bwaaarfs*
She's just really cute, the bunny teeth?
She was almost nerdy when she was young.
>Looks like Jon Voight with tits