Welp, never watching Mythbusters again
Welp, never watching Mythbusters again
Oh are the poor little snowflake alt-rightists mad someone has a different opinion to them? You have a whole board to cry on fuck off Sup Forums
opinion =/= facts
but you wouldnt know that
>can't prove it
>tells people to unfollow
so there's more genders than male and female?
>inb4 intersex
3 genders max
>famous for making a show about proving things
>won't prove this for some odd reason
>one board on a Cambodian hooker-trading forum website
>against the might of every single major television station on Earth, worth a combined total of billions upon billions of dollars
>the board won
Eight years of winning. At least. Feels good. We're making humanity great again.
Yay we're winning!
As interesting as Adam can be on Tested, he's a huge cuck. To be expected, he's from San Francisco and was raised by hippies.
Mm, delicious projection.
Damn straight.
>Approx. 30 executive orders so far, more than any president in the first 100 days.
>Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipeline were both approved (great for energy independence and American jobs)
>Promised to cut funding to sanctuary cities
>Hired thousands more border and immigration agents, toughening immigration enforcement
>Got rid of the “catch and release” illegal immigrant rule that Obama had
>Fulfilled promise of a 5 year-ban on officials becoming lobbyists after they leave government, and a lifetime ban on White House officials lobbying on behalf of a foreign government.
>Decreasing regulation: signed executive order instructing agencies that whenever they introduce a regulation, they must first abolish two others
>Exposed the migrant issue in Sweden and Europe.
>A 298,000 net job increase in February (in contrast to the 135k estimate)
>The official unemployment rate decreased to a new low of 4.7 percent
>Ford, Intel, Walmart, Sprint, Charter Communications, Carrier, and DOZENS of other companies invested more than $150B into America and a combined 400,000 American jobs over next few years
>Signed a resolution encouraging women in entrepreneurship
>Since November 8th, the Stock Market has posted $3.2 trillion in GAINS and hit 24 CONSECUTIVE record highs – it has never been this high in history, ever!
>Consumer confidence is at a 15 year high.
>Delivered Joint Session to congress – “Best presidential moment in history” – Van Jones
>CEO's most optimistic since 2009.
>Tax cuts coming soon
>Healthcare is coming along, republicans and democrats are compromising on solutions.
>Signed an executive order on energy independence.
>American Manufacturing Survey Showing Highest Level of Optimism in 20 Years with a 35% increase from the past highest level
I'm getting so tired of all this winning drumpf is making america great again!
>conservatives don't actually care about what happens, they just call it a win as long as they think liberals are triggered
How sad is this shit?
Mythbusters was always garbage, but not because of gender politics
>Was right about surveillance by Obama administration- Susan Rice unmasking story, FISA warrant granted to Obama based off of the fake and debunked “Russian dossier” from Buzzfeed
>Airstrike at Syrian base which shot the chemical weapons, to teach the world our values and punish those who violate international law.
>Supreme court judge Neil Gorsuch approved, despite the UNJUSTIFIED filibuster (100% of democrats accepted Gorsuch in 2006, he has an incredible background with immense experience and knowledge). Approving a SCOTUS has never happened within the first 100 days of any President!
>In response to Trump, China returns North Korean coal shipments, AND buys coal from the US instead!
>263K jobs added in month of March - up from 180k expectation.
>Signed the Buy American Hire American executive order.
>Signed the Veterans Choice Program Extension and Improvement Act – more VA help coming soon
>Welcomed US citizen back to US after being in jail in Egypt for 3 years- shortly following President Trumps meeting with Egypt President, where he told him to bring her back to the US – Obama failed to bring her home
>Exports are a 2 year high.
>Home builder confidence at a record high
>Sanctioned Iran for their missile use
>National association of manufacturers highest confidence in 15 years.
>Regulation cuts are saving taxpayers $17-19 billion annually (Wall Street Journal).
>Already deported thousands of illegal immigrants with serious criminal records.
>Illegal border crossings are down 64% - A 17 year low!!!!!!!
>Afghanistan bomb took out tunnels and killed 36 ISIS members - 0 civilians.
>Is donating 100% of his presidential salary
>70% of Americans say that the Democratic party is out of touch with America
>97% of voters say that they still support their vote for Trump
>This is just the first 95 days - there are 2,920 days in an 8-year term.
The winning will CONTINUE.
I never really seen a full episode. I think I watched the first one and turned it off when it was obvious they don't even try to make an accurate experiment to begin with.
god i wish they wouldve shut down the government it effects barely anything to 90% of americans
K, but this recent budget is total bullshit.
who's the president? i forget ;)
>In response to Trump, China returns North Korean coal shipments, AND buys coal from the US instead!
Wow what a win. All the incredible North Korean business is now yours to dominate. Soon you'll be as rich as North Korea
the point
you're head
Now that Adam Savage has been "busted" as a hack fraud and simpering crybaby, just how MUCH were he and that fat walrus faggot paid to pretend the Moon landing was real?
>Is on a show that scientifically tests myths to see if they have some truth to them or not
>Don't ask for proof or your a dick
really puts the old brain to work there
Normally, I'd agree with this or be saying this.
However, that tweet is just garbage. Adam Savage is a man who made a career out of proving whether statements are true or false using science and experimentation. But now, when asked to prove if a claim he put forth is true or false, he calls people a "dick" for daring to question him and not take his word and take him on faith. That goes against Mythbusters and it goes against science.
I say this as some who somewhat agrees with what he's believes, but I'm also not a man of science and I'm also not a mythbuster and I also don't try to pretend my beliefs and my perspective is absolute fact and if you don't agree with me 100% without any discussion at all you're a bad person. It's just how I see things and people can see things differently. It's fine. It's okay to disagree.
Daily reminder that if you still think US government isn't run by the deep state overlords, you're literally too stupid to participate in politics. Go on and bang your drum for your Jewish puppet of choice, I bet everything will change if you change the puppet bros
If you watch bill nyes sex abacus you would understand
you see op
It all stated with the clown fish, It changes its own biological sex, then a guy comes on screen and moves beads on the abacus, this means gender is a social construct and thanks to the clown fish and 1 in 400 birth defects there is not longer just male and female and scientists are working around the clock discovering new genders everyday
amazing isn't it?
you're head my penis
you're my penis head
you're head my penis
The only reason you guys are "alt-right" is because it's a fad. You're basically the hippies of the 21st century, lamers who are doing something because everyone else is doing it. It's pathetic.
because its the current climate in hollywood to be successful and they guys would all be broke without a job if they spoke out
Calm down Bernie
im just glad Trump won against all odds. 8 more years of rubbing it in liberal faces
Same user, and I'll add this: it's also a shame that he has a platform where he could provide proof and evidence and get it heard and instead he refused and just made himself look like a fool and gave people more reason to doubt that he's right. He had people listening and instead of saying something intelligent and educating people, he just acted like a real jerk. It's a shame. He should feel ashamed.
>alt-right for no reason\
Wew lad. Sure is pathetic lack of conviction up in these here parts. You must be from California.
>i'm just glad my puppet won
>that'll show people who were rooting for the other puppet
It'll show what exactly? Just go root for some sports team if you like to celebrate meaningless achievements.
Holy shit what a little faggot
>He unironically refers so someone as alt-right
I could rewrite this post replacing "alt-right" with "anarcho-communist", and presto! It suddenly becomes accurate.
i too admired Bill Hicks in my youth
*tips fedora *
>alt right