Ridley Scott just cancelled the Aliens sequel for instead more prequel Prometheus/Alien Covenant movie shit.
Ridley Scott just cancelled the Aliens sequel for instead more prequel Prometheus/Alien Covenant movie shit.
How is this good? Alien Covenant looks like utter shit. This Aliens sequel would have been legendary. btw I really like Alien 3 and didn't have a problem with this being made.
Blomkampf is a fucking hack and a meme director. District 9 wasn't even that good and each movie since has been progressively worse.
>Ridley Scott cancels an Aliens sequel to make a Prometheus sequel that looks like an Aliens sequel
What did he mean by this?
I hope hes not another fucking shyamalan and at least shyamalan had unbreakable, signs and split which werent bad. Everyone is riding Blomkamp's dick after 1 (all be it fantastic) movie.
would it have been called ALIENZ?
>all be it
>Alien Covenant looks like utter shit.
That's an opinion, and a wrong one.
>This Aliens sequel would have been legendary.
Everything after Aliens was embarrassing, I don't see why this would have automatically been better, especially with the concepts Bloomkampf had published.
Sounds to me like you just have shit tastes lad.
Good, let franchises rest in peace instead of being milked to death to appease the nostalgia crowd
>Everything after Aliens was embarrassing
That's an opinion, and a wrong one.
it retard fanboys like you that make mediocre sequels possible
Ridley is a fucking hack
Unlike you, my opinion is backed by most people who enjoy this franchise. All the films after Aliens were so bad they're not even canon anymore.
>muh Xenodog
Top kek.
Ridley Scott is shitting all over his legacy. Maybe it's better that he isn't making Alien 5.
pretty good
blomkamp is a hack
weaver is too old
alien films dont need ripley
you cant base a movie off some concept art
fuck off
But that's wrong. The story is going in a really neat direction, and although Prometheus was crippled by the fucking hack who wrote the script, Covenant seems to fix that mess. It looks real good.
>Unlike you, my opinion is backed by most people
Argumentum ad populum
>not even canon anymore
That's not how it works, buddy.
as a fan of the franchise i wish Aliens and it's queen/hive/drone characteristics were also not canon anymore
they already made a sequel to aliens though
>What did he mean by this?
Just putting a young upstart back in his place.
It looks more like an Aliens vs Predator: Requiem sequel
The Prometheus flicks are so far bizarre in comparison to Alien and Aliens that it's a wonder why this isn't a new franchise. Just replace the word "Weyland" and Prometheus has fuck all to do with the other movies.
>Argumentum ad populum
Doesn't make it wrong.
>That's not how it works, buddy.
It's precisely how this works. You're retarded.
>as a fan of the franchise i wish Aliens and it's queen/hive/drone characteristics were also not canon anymore
So do I. I guess they left that in the official canon because Cameron came up with it so they couldn't just shit on it. I don't like the Queen and I don't like the Xenos' design in Aliens but if this is the absolute worst shit we have to accept I can live with it.
it was going ignore both 3 and 4
Wow, really? Hope so. Never understood why people liked that generic 80s action flick so much. What's the difference between Aliens and Terminator or "Anaconda"?
>it's a wonder why this isn't a new franchise
There was a lot of ridiculous back and forth on this point while Prometheus was in development. Ridley wanted a completely detached story set in the same universe, Fox just wanted another installment in the franchise. At this point Ridley's lost that argument and moved on.
Anything after alien was shit
its really not. it links into the weirdness of alien perfectly. just because aliens was normy shit doesnt mean the first one wasnt straight up bizarre
Don't see any reason to watch Ridley Scott's dogshit CGI fest. Just release a good Colonial Marines game then close the book on the franchise.
kys what Prometheus has added is bad enough the past 20 years of alien comics has more rational canon that what ridley can even put together
>Doesn't make it wrong
It makes it a shitty argument. The Twilight Saga made billions at the box-office; guess that makes them good movies.
>It's precisely how this works.
No, it isn't. Just because you don't like something, it doesn't suddenly invalidate it as being part of the established canon. When Alien3 and Resurrection stop being included in the boxset, they're canon, so get used to it, faglord.
>then close the book on the franchise.
We don't end franchises any more. At best you'll get another 1-2 decade break after this iteration starts bombing again.
How's this
Release a Colonial Marines game and just make it about the universe.
The corporate, interstellar, interplanetary society that makes up the human race of that day. Life inside the United Americas, the Blade Runner-esque scenarios in the big cities on earth, Colonial Marines essentially acting as a PMC to keep their offworld colonies safe. Maybe one corporation can use its army against another in a conflict of interest.
But no aliens. None of any kind.
the comics are trash and everyone with half a brain is thankful Ripley said "fuck no" to that
How the fuck does giant albino aliens making black goo to create humanity and then wanting to destroy humanity for no discernible reason have anything to do with Alien?
i didn't say i liked what Prometheus is doing, just that i don't like what Aliens did
everything after the the 79 film is bad with the exception of some comics and Isolation
yeah the dude who has made 1 good movie and 2 awful ones is going to make a "legendary" alien movie when there hasn't been a good one in 30 years. keep telling yourself that.
>Lets kill of Hicks and Newt because AIDS is killing off my faggot friends and the public doesn't seem to care
As butthurt as I am with that, retconning it with sequels isnt' the answer. I'd like to think they will instead give us new characters to care about but that isn't likely. David and Shaw travelling the galaxy trying to uncover what is going on can't happen since it's set before Aliens/Alien Resurrection.
Unless they freeze themselves for hundreds of years or something.
no, Biehn wanted too much money and Newt was too old
>I'm gonna state the plot of Prometheus with the most retarded phrasing possible to make it look dumb.
Not an argument.
there's no reason it should have nothing to do with it. i applaud ridley's attempt at inserting mystery and nihilism into the Alien films.
believe me i hated prometheus but i want to love it, as much as i love aliens but i want to hate it. i hate what aliens stands for and i love what prometheus stands for, the abstract, the mystery, the hopelessness. and aliens means nothing but the sentimental hollywoodification of a unique essentially british film. prometheus' script just sucked and aliens happens to be a very competently made film. even though cameron brought the franchise down to a level where it stood equal to Predator to a point where the studios decided to cross them over.
>doesn't answer what any of that has to do with Alien
Not an argument
Prometheusfags are literally worse than DCucks when defending shitty movies.
>doesn't answer what any of that has to do with Alien
The engineers created xenomorphs. Or at least the substance from which xenomorphs originated. That's what it has to do with Alien. Now fuck off contrarian.
I don't think anyone's defended Prometheus yet in this thread. 2 vs 3 vs 4 is normal for any Alien thread even when Prometheus doesn't come up.
The wrong Scott brother killed himself
Are you autistic?
>muh aliens!!! i want muh movie monsterssss!! just like last time!
are you?
>it's contrarian to not like Prometheus
Too bad the opposite is true. Get some taste, pleb.
The problem is contrarian faggots can't distinguish between disliking the movie for its legitimate flaws (namely the garbage script) and disliking the overall direction it takes the franchise in, which is pretty good desu, at least better than the MUH ACTION SCIFI Cameron did in Aliens.
>No it isn't
They literally created an x-men film to retcon the last stand... So yeah films can be retconned. You're talking out of your ass cause the other guy won the argument
Nice photoshop.
whoa you're pretty edgy.............
Old demented fuck
I wish the senile old fuck would stop doing movies altogether
To think he wanted to bring Carrie Henn back to "pass the torch" and make her a new action star lmao
>Not Ripley will team up with Not Space Marines and investigate a colony that's sent distress signals.
I seriously want to know why plebs would think this Blomkamp monstrosity would make for any decent film.
Why do you think you're missing out on something great and why the fuck do you blame Ridley Scott for it?
You can literally still see the pixels.
i can literally see your shitty taste in film
you should have that looked at
Good. He never knew what to do with it post-Alien and the franchise has been fucked six ways to Sunday considering how much it's been passed around.
Let it die already.
that's stupid
>Let it die already.
Instead of 1 good Blomkamp movie (which could have been an Alien version of Logan) we are instead getting several more Alien sequels directed by Ridley.
I hope you are happy
Aliens 3 was tolerable, imo aliens 4 was the worst.
>oh fuck riply is dead so lets clone her somehow even though her body is disintegrated and mixed together with molten metal, we will totally get a dna sample. That dna sample will totally have the alien dna inside it because it's totally not a foreign parasite that didn't fuse with her dna.
>big strong woman cliche
>grim-dark atmosphere again where everything is falling apart but it just looks like someone filmed the entire thing in a giant rusted out f-150 with shit sprayed all over the walls.
>lets make a new alien, but we will make it a giant retarded kid with alien features, but it's basically a giant retarded baby with down syndrome
>ripping off aliens proboscus and making it look like a floppy dong cliche
>android cliche
>self destruct ship cliche
roll credits!
>which could have been an Alien version of Logan
So, a desperate attempt to come off as "mature" by having people swear every 5 seconds while looking miserable and having an uninspired father-daughter plot, all while keeping the same retarded childish premises and characters?
>Ridley Scott just cancelled the Aliens sequel
It's to Fox, not Scott. There wasn't even a script.
le patrician meme
Yeah there was a script, confirmed by blomkamp and weaver. Ridley Scott saying there was none, is pure envy of some young talent taking over a genre he helped make popular
Anybody here can try and defend Scott, but the aliens anniversary panel proves ridley to be a jealous lying little bitch about sharing an IP he doesnt even care about.
but blomkamp is shit and weaver is ancient and furthermore was never an amazing actress
i still fail to see why anyone should weep over this terrible loss
Unless you went and saw Alien and Aliens in theatres when it originally came out, i could see how it would be hard to understand oldfags butthurt but for us it died with 3 and 4, blomkamps vision was like a pipe dream, it seems very good but too many years late to fix fox's fuckups. Ridley is now making alien a franchise like pirates and i personally think cameron or blomkamp could do 100x better. Younger ridley scott was a genius, today he's a pompous prick with shit direction.
For the best even if people hate 3 and 4 we just cant pretend they didn't happen.
you're talking out of your ass. alien has been a franchise since cameron made it a franchise, and it was painfully obvious that blomkamp's "vision" was just another shameless cash-in drawing from useful aliens nostalgiafags like yourself. he wants to be like abrams and tie himself to a big name because God knows without a big sexy title to sell his movies he's not gonna get any more work after his previous failures. its a career move, nothing more.
>was never an amazing actress
Objectively wrong.
He's also right
He didn't cancel shit, Weaver said no, which made the movie dead in the water.
Guys, Blokamp later explained that he would simply go back to the first two movies for inspiration. That's what he meant by "ignoring" 3 and 4, he wasn't going to make them non-canon.
Spotted the milleni-cuck
How can you call blomkamps vision a shitty cash grab? when that's what prometheus was. Cameron was hired by fox to make Ridley's scott's alien into a "war movie". He did just that superbly, but calling blomkamps vision shit, stfu your the one talking out your ass rating a movie that doesnt even exist dipshit.
As I said, 3 was decent, 4 was just cringey and retarded. I don't know why plebs prefer 4 over 3, atleast 3 was attempting to be a serious film, 4 is like power rangers with aliens tossed in.
>this shitty fucking fanart
Prometheus is by far my favorite movie in that universe so I'm happy about it. Alien is boring shit for retards.
Alien 4 is so stupid and ridiculous, I actually kinda like it. Shit's like a Roger Corman movie with a HUGE budget.
>grim-dark atmosphere
Nigger, the movie is bright and colorful as fuck. In fact one of the usual complains is that the movie has the wrong tone.
alien a fantastic first half hour of world building
last half hour spooky-monster man movie
which was like any other
aliens world building and competent spooky
horror action
Aliens: Colonial Marines already brought Hicks back.
can this old fart die already
Don't pretend Neil "At least everyone still likes District 9, amiright guys?" Blomkamp's officially sanctioned fan fiction starring a pushing 70 Weaver would've been anything other than a garbage fire.
>thinking video games matter
blomkampfaggots everyone
Watch the directors cut of alien 3, it's much better. It it wasn't for the horrible cgi the movie would have been great.
Thats the Assembly Cut. And it wasn't CGI, just a terrible greenscreen with a real puppet.
samefagging confirms autism.