>inb4 critics start saying it's so relevant now
>tfw no underwood president
Trump isn't fascist enough
He can't keep getting away with it
If he was we would have that fucking wall already
>doug at a bar
was he still doing the syringe and bourbon thing at the end of season 4? i haven't rewatched in a while.
>one nation under wood
Pretty lame joke for a dramatic show tbqh famm
So, did they repeal term limits, or something?
Well, he did say he wasn't fascist enough.
Didn't one of the creators literally leave the show to join some anti-trump organization?
First him, then the wife: 16 years total.
Oh. That seems interesting, but rather contrived.
Didn't he already serve 1 term though?
>Rick and Morty easter egg confirmed
One of the things I loved about House of Cards was it's ability to set politics aside. I'm guessing that won't happen this season. We'll somehow get FUCK DRUMPF AND FUCK NON NYC AND LA PEOPLE
It was only a partial term, and the limit is 10 years, not 2 terms.
>ability to set politics aside
That was already gone in season 3 when they had real Pussy Riot protesting fictional Russian president.
was that conway bloodied up in a cell?
>and the limit is 10 years, not 2 terms.
>No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of the President more than once.
That was still distant at least. I forgot about that story line and you're right. But they still had enough respect for their American viewers to either not or gently bring up American politics. They did do a bit on gun control too, now that I think about it, but it wasn't an all out attack iirc. That's what I'm expecting will change.
Can you read though?
>no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of the President more than once
This means you can be elected twice more if your first term was under 2 years
>season 3 writers are showrunners now
see you after yet another shitty season
>one nation, underwood
Very out of place tbqh
Are you sure that wasn't worth clarifying? After I posted, I considered the situation of a president serving a partial term, but I thought you meant somehow, a president could somehow serve two years after serving two terms.
Not just that
>no person shall be elected to the office of the president more than twice
A ~2 year term isn't something someone's elected to, it's something they fall into. They aren't elected to the office of President the first time. But if, through similar circumstances, they serve 3 or 4 years, they're only allowed to be elected for one additional term.
Petrov made Season 3 bearable (or was that season 2? fuck I don't even know anymore)
But Frank's first term is slightly over two years, not under.
trump has literally broken every single promise he made to get elected.
way to meme him into office retards.
>dat name
>look him up
>brother of Mads Mikkelsen
That's some quality ugly handsome DNA
Still surprises me that Underwood, the anti-hero (villain?) is a Democrat.
I wonder if the showrunner is a lib or not. It seems unthinkable that a liberal would let this happen.
>tonight's the night
Lumberjack confirmed.
That just means he's not effective. He was voted in just as much to do what he said, which he hasn't yet, as he was to keep Hillary out. There are a lot of people who don't necessarily want government to be a "well oiled machine" and who appreciate gridlock.
Plus, Gorsuch. That was a major success. That plus Kennedy and maybe RBG's successors? That's a legacy.
It's The Clintons Show
Got a cite for that? Because honestly I don't remember this ever being mentioned anywhere.
I'm guessing one of their parents are part inuit or something, Danes fucking around on Greenland
Not really. He tried to keep almost every promise. Not his fault unconstitutional judges blocked him. Also he appointed a conservative justice just like he promised. The only thing he truly disappointed people with was his attack on Syria. But that's ironically the one thing Hillary promised she would do, so it's not like there was another option.
he couldn't even pass his own healthcare bill with the republicucks controlling congress.
he's going to go down as the worst president of all time, and more than likely won't even last a single term.
It's been made irrelevant because of Trump
You can just tune in to any News Station to get real life House of Cards now
>Still surprises me that Underwood, the anti-hero (villain?) is a Democrat.
It's probably easier to write because Democrats are considered more pragmatic and less ideological, which sure as fuck applies to the last three Democratic presidents.
Also, for the UK series, the PM was a extremely right-wing Tory who policies bordered on fascism, and the book was written by a Tory.
Reddit confirmed!
Can't wait for hamfisted, obvious references to the 2016 US election!
The show is about clintons but with Hillary as Frank with more balls.
He didn't have a healthcare bill. He never elaborated what Trumpcare would look like.
>he's going to go down as the worst president of all time
I have no doubt of that. But that's just perception. In the end, he'll be a guy who really doesn't do anything but stack the court with people who actually respect the constitution. Exactly what I want.
>he couldn't even pass his own healthcare bill with the republicucks controlling congress.
And that is his fault how? Also your logic is fucking retarded. Hillary wanted to keep Obamacare and yet you say people should have voted for Hillary instead of Trump because Trump failed to repeal Obamacare? How does that make any sense?
shut the fuck up 90's born queer
>dat Gorsuch nomination
I have never felt so fucking relieved.
We were this close to a 6-3 liberal SC, it would have been a colossal disaster.
I just want you to know that people like you will be the reason why he gets reelected in 2020. Do not blame anyone but yourself.
afaik spacey has some kind of nazi phobia and i bet the media rhetoric from last year got to him good.
his dad, thomas fowler (pictured), was an actual member of the far-right and associated with george rockwell's nazi movement. too bad for kevin he was also abusive, preventing him from every becoming redpilled.
>Hillary wanted to keep Obamacare and yet you say people should have voted for Hillary instead of Trump because Trump failed to repeal Obamacare? How does that make any sense?
Yup. That's what I tried to get through when I said he wasn't effective.
There are certain attacks people level at politicians that in truth they don't care about if it's true about their own politicians. If Trump was fainting, you would have seen nothing from Sup Forums, or they'd spin it into a meme somehow, but Colbert would have lost his shit.
I know three white women who either married or date almost exclusively black men. Every one of them had very racist and otherwise shitty father figures in their life. Just a heads up Sup Forums.
liberalism stems from daddy issues and shitty families p much
which is why we need to heal the crumbling institute of marriage
you mean 3 soon to be single mothers
>That plus Kennedy and maybe RBG's successors?
>RBG dies
>Trump nominates Garland, a moderate, to place the second or third most liberal justice, in order to appease the liberals who thought Garland was robbed
>Liberals chimp out, claiming a more "progressive" nominee is necessary in order to maintain balance of the court
>The irony is completely lost
This has some chance of happening.
Two of them are sisters, but their uncle and dad were both in their lives and they were both racists.
Out of the three men that raised these women, I'd say all of them would agree with you. I'd say all of them thought they fought to ensure a strong family.
Already done. For the two sisters, a couple times over with different men.
I'm telling you guys, if Sup Forums somehow manages to spread its genes, you're going to see divorce and alimony from your wives and tyrone from your daughters. And it'll somehow be everyones fault but your own.
It'd be funny, but at the same time Obama appointed Kagen and Sotomoyor. Christ, what horrible picks. There's no reason to give them anything. Who'd they nominate next? Sanders?
I hope it's straight strict constitutionalists.
Children tend to rebel against their parents. That's why Gen Z is projected to be the most conservative generation in a very long time. Especially white children will not see the same world you describe to them, where they apparently have all this undeserved privilege and opportunity.
Just a heads up, liberals.
>Kagen and Sotomoyor.
In his defense, I think he was replacing other liberal justices.
There was a rumor that Obama could be eligible for SC pick. He's a constitutional scholar and there's nothing that says a former pres can't be a Justice.
True. But it wasn't just run-of-the-mill rebellion. All three of them were shitty people in general. Very controlling. Lots of anger. All alcoholics. One of them long come around and made amends. Terrific guy now, but you don't get redos on raising your kids.
Some kids rebel small and some rebel big. Not always, but it's usually on the parent which of those happens.
I'm not going to get married I just know niggers don't stick around to support their kids
>all these triggered trumpcucks itt
You do realize Underwoods are supposed to be Clintons right? If anything you should be cheering for this show.
How horrifying.
>he's a constitutional scholar
>we're not going to be able to have 100% security and 100% liberty and we're going to have to make some choices
>It's a frank wins and his enemies lose episode
So boring
Can you read? The posts have been worrying about next season, not complaining about the show in general
And besides, I don't know if it's straight Clintons. Claire's family belittling Frank reminded me of the rumors of John Edwards and his wife.
It's only boring if it never comes back to bite him. Hopefully they didn't pick up Dexter's writers.