This is Tarantino's favorite movies from 1992 to 2009. Battle Royale is his #1 favorite, the rest are in no particular order.
Is he patrician?
This is Tarantino's favorite movies from 1992 to 2009. Battle Royale is his #1 favorite, the rest are in no particular order.
Is he patrician?
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He goes on to say Matrix would be the #2 on the list, but the sequels in the trilogy kind of ruined the first Matrix movie for him.
He's a turbopleb with a bad sense of humor
What's going on here?
came to post this
Is this real? That's a god awful list
hateful 8 sucked balls btw. the whole going in the trailer down the trail was good, but as soon as they hit the cabin shit got lame.
I actually started watching this movie and quit like, 15 minutes in. It is SO fucking boring. And I love Kurt Russel.
Dazed and Confused at #6?
That's such an odd fucking pick.
But it was in 70mm!!
Would it be pretentious for a director to name his own movies when asking about his favorite movies?
Not pretentious just questionable since anyone with talent is usually their own worst critic.
Literally the list of 16yo "movie buff
I only miss Donnie Darko
>all this Tarantino hate
Sure is a lot of estrogen in here.
I know right, I can't believe he doesn't have at least 5 films from IMDb top 250! What a fucking turbopleb redditor!
how do you go from Pulp Fiction and Resevoir Dogs to Django and Inglorious Bastards?
> hate
That's not what this is. Tarantino's a legitimate footfag speg and he's ways been a Sup Forums meme. Also have you seen death proof? Tarantula is a gurl power faggot
daily reminder
It's alphabetical. The only one which is actually #1 is Battle Royale.
That's every edgy teenager's favorite movie, so it's no surprise a manchild like Tarantino loves it.
Develop a cuckold fetish
I love Linklater but shit does just not hold up after repeat viewings.
Yeah, it's good maybe once every 10 years or so. It's definitely a young person movie.
Tarantino strikes me as a guy who hates growing up so he clings to childish things.
>not Ichi
>she didn't like death proof
>somehow he's a bad director because he likes feet
>being this unable to read the OP
I know sorry I posted too quick.
dat Jungle Julia actress tho
Having the blade and speed is based as fuck
I feel towards Bastards the same way I feel about Red State.
They were good, especially for their respective director's pedigree but it really should've been like their second or third film out not like number 10.
Inglourious Basterds is better than Pulp Fiction and Reservoir Dogs though
Speed is a flick
It's cucks who think like this who make liking speed based, ironically
resevoir dogs maybe. but bruh, PULP FUCKING FICTION?
That sentence is so fucking hard to parse. Let me fix it.
>It's cucks like you, who think like this, that make liking Speed based. Ironically.
Are you fucking autistic, it's five on a tuesday morning and you're out here workshopping shitposts. There is no reason that sentence needs two commas and a period you dolt.
Sorry you failed Eng 101
Inglorious Bastards is a terrible film. Its shit as a drama, shit as a historical piece, shit as a comedy, and shit for whatever the fuck it was trying to be.
This nigga even went and corrected my casing top fucking kek
Pulp fiction maybe, but bruh, RESERVOIR DOGS?
Basically two separate films that clash together right at the end for a spectacle. It worked to an extent.
So it's pretty official hateful 8 is plebfilter? Really makes you think.
Lol kill yourself my man
>Its shit as a drama, shit as a historical piece, shit as a comedy, and shit for whatever the fuck it was trying to be.
Spotted the pleb
Hateful 8 is his best though.
wtf those are all really good movies, except for like 300 and Inception
Which part was better? Punctuating a scene with a shibboleth, or watching as the awe-inspiring power of film kill Hitler?
I've seen all these movies and man that's true. Falling Down is a bit obscure though; I doubt anyone born after 1990 has watched that.
This bait always pisses off the newfags.
lol we watched Falling Down in community college.
Iel was literally about to type the same thing
why is Cloverfield on there? that shit is not like the others at all.
I feel like his favorite movies should be his movies
The only things wrong with Scott Pilgrim was the pacing for the first half and Michael Cera.
Tarantino has notoriously shit taste, after all he went to the movies instead of film school
I don't want to say it but that list is reddit as fuck.
Yeah but did you pick it? Or did your boomer teacher put it on?
I bet 9 out of 10 millennials have never seen that movie.
Take Oldboy, Drive and BR off there and its correct
I'll tell you what the best part of Scott Pilgrim was
Damn right.
Also Mae West at the hottest she's ever been.
you're in denial about yourself, just accept it brother
I was born in 97 and went out of my way to watch Falling Down. Probably not very well known among people my age, but I'm sure if they're aware they could be interested.
Directors don't watch their own films after the premiere, You've seen it about 500 times during the editing and are sick of it by the time it's done
Reminder these are posted by Mossad agents to cause dissent in the west
i knew something was up when i saw The Dude being used against me. Those commie bastards. Is nothing sacred to them?!
Hateful eight was great until Kurt Russell died. Up until then, it was comfy, tense, and carried by geniunely good performances, but after that it just became a generic Tarantino gore-fest
Correct, memeintino is hack who got lucky with pulp fiction and reservoir dogs, everything else he's made has been awful
it just all seemed so meaningless to me, like there was no plot
Has he ever made an original film?
>when your favourite movie is on there but you reconcile being a fedora neckbeard by proclaiming it's just bait
Hola plebbit
It's still a bit unfair with David Fincher movies. Clockwerk Orange and Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas neither deserves hate.
Sup Forums literally bullies people into being ashamed for liking ok movies.
literally no ass
>implying it's bait
That chart is pretty accurate
If you take the music out of Tarantino's films they would be objectively shit.
It's not a popular opinion but I just can't watch the first Matrix anymore it's just all origin story. I have the same problem with the first Thor.
Fight scenes in Reloaded were godly I just wish they skipped all the Zion bullshit. The film screeches to a halt every time.
The first Thor is literally the only MCU movie worth watching though.